/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 How maternal BMI modifies the impact of personalized asthma management in pregnancy /manager/Repository/uon:37007 ENO and symptoms (FENO group). Exacerbations were recorded prospectively. Height and weight were measured at baseline, and in late pregnancy. GWG was categorized according to Institute of Medicine guidelines. A validated parent-completed questionnaire assessed infant wheeze-related outcomes. Results: FENO-based management was associated with a significantly lower incidence rate ratio for maternal exacerbations in nonobese mothers (0.52, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.31-0.88, P = .015, n = 129), and women with GWG within recommendations (0.35, 95% CI, 0.12-0.96, P = .042, n = 43), but not for obese mothers (0.59, 95% CI, 0.32-1.08, P = .089, n = 88), or women with excess GWG (0.58, 95% CI, 0.32-1.04, P = .07, n = 104). Recurrent bronchiolitis occurred in 5.3% (n = 1) of infants born to non-overweight mothers, 16.7% (n = 3) of infants of overweight mothers, and 21.7% (n = 5) of infants of obese mothers in the control group. In the FENO group, 2 infants of obese mothers had recurrent bronchiolitis (7.1%, P = .031). Conclusions: The benefits of FENO-based management are attenuated among obese mothers and those with excess GWG, indicating the importance of weight management in contributing to improved asthma management in pregnancy.]]> Tue 29 Oct 2024 09:34:10 AEDT ]]> Exacerbations of asthma following step-up and step-down inhaled corticosteroid and long acting beta agonist therapy in the managing asthma in pregnancy study /manager/Repository/uon:44479 Fri 14 Oct 2022 08:50:25 AEDT ]]>