/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Developing text-messaging support for fathers after perinatal loss /manager/Repository/uon:55150 Tue 16 Apr 2024 15:25:36 AEST ]]> User satisfaction with the structure and content of the NEXit intervention, a text messaging-based smoking cessation programme /manager/Repository/uon:29606 n = 289/827) and 428 free-text comments were collected. The first motivational phase of the intervention was appreciated by 55% (158/289) of the participants. Most participants wanted to quit smoking immediately and only 124/289 (43%) agreed to have to decide a quit-date in the future. Most participants 199/289 (69%) found the content of the messages in the core programme to be very good or good, and the variability between content types was appreciated by 78% (224/289). Only 34% (97/289) of the participants thought that all or nearly all messages were valuable, and some mentioned that it was not really the content that mattered, but that the messages served as a reminder about the decision to quit smoking. Conclusions: The programme was largely perceived satisfactory in most aspects concerning structure and content by young people and most participants stated that they would recommend it to a friend who wants to quit smoking. The motivational phase might be worth shortening and the number of messages around the quit date itself reduced. Shorter messages seemed to be more acceptable.]]> Thu 31 May 2018 11:48:04 AEST ]]> Primary mental health prevention in partners of mothers with a major mental illness: SMS4Dads /manager/Repository/uon:48422 Thu 16 Mar 2023 14:11:06 AEDT ]]> Undergraduates' attitudes to text messaging language use and intrusions of textisms into formal writing /manager/Repository/uon:28293 to, dont for don’t, ☺) will intrude into their formal written work. Eighty-six Australian and 150 Canadian undergraduates were asked to rate the appropriateness of textism use in various situations. Students distinguished between the appropriateness of using textisms in different writing modalities and to different recipients, rating textism use as inappropriate in formal exams and assignments, but appropriate in text messages, online chat and emails with friends and siblings. In a second study, we checked the examination papers of a separate sample of 153 Australian undergraduates for the presence of textisms. Only a negligible number were found. We conclude that, overall, university students recognise the different requirements of different recipients and modalities when considering textism use and that students are able to avoid textism use in exams despite media reports to the contrary.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:41:21 AEDT ]]> From presence to participation: engagement with an SMS program for fathers of children on the autism spectrum /manager/Repository/uon:39196 N = 184) raising children on the autism spectrum. The evaluation is scaffolded by Piotrowska et al.’s CAPE model of engagement—Connection, Attendance, Participation and Enactment. Analysis demonstrated high rates of connection and participation when compared to other father-focused interventions. Evidence from response rates, comments and surveys demonstrate that fathers actively participated in the project while also reporting that they applied information gained from Text2dads in their parenting behavior. Advances in mobile communication have created opportunities to engage with fathers using alternative modes of intervention. The present study demonstrates support for the acceptability of this cost effective and highly scalable program.]]> Fri 27 May 2022 09:10:27 AEST ]]>