/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 How maternal BMI modifies the impact of personalized asthma management in pregnancy /manager/Repository/uon:37007 ENO and symptoms (FENO group). Exacerbations were recorded prospectively. Height and weight were measured at baseline, and in late pregnancy. GWG was categorized according to Institute of Medicine guidelines. A validated parent-completed questionnaire assessed infant wheeze-related outcomes. Results: FENO-based management was associated with a significantly lower incidence rate ratio for maternal exacerbations in nonobese mothers (0.52, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.31-0.88, P = .015, n = 129), and women with GWG within recommendations (0.35, 95% CI, 0.12-0.96, P = .042, n = 43), but not for obese mothers (0.59, 95% CI, 0.32-1.08, P = .089, n = 88), or women with excess GWG (0.58, 95% CI, 0.32-1.04, P = .07, n = 104). Recurrent bronchiolitis occurred in 5.3% (n = 1) of infants born to non-overweight mothers, 16.7% (n = 3) of infants of overweight mothers, and 21.7% (n = 5) of infants of obese mothers in the control group. In the FENO group, 2 infants of obese mothers had recurrent bronchiolitis (7.1%, P = .031). Conclusions: The benefits of FENO-based management are attenuated among obese mothers and those with excess GWG, indicating the importance of weight management in contributing to improved asthma management in pregnancy.]]> Tue 29 Oct 2024 09:34:10 AEDT ]]> Effect of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO)-based asthma management during pregnancy versus usual care on infant development, temperament, sensory function and autism signs /manager/Repository/uon:56413 Tue 17 Sep 2024 15:07:23 AEST ]]> Characterization of severe asthma worldwide: data from the International Severe Asthma Registry /manager/Repository/uon:38580 Tue 09 Nov 2021 15:45:37 AEDT ]]> The Breathing for Life Trial: a randomised controlled trial of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO)-based management of asthma during pregnancy and its impact on perinatal outcomes and infant and childhood respiratory health /manager/Repository/uon:25524 29 parts per billion (ppb), decrease in dose when FENO <19 ppb, and no change when FENO is between 19 and 29 ppb). A long acting beta agonist (LABA) will be added when symptoms remain uncontrolled. Both the control and intervention groups will report on exacerbations at a postpartum phone interview. The primary outcome is adverse perinatal outcome (a composite measure including preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction, neonatal hospitalisation at birth or perinatal mortality), assessed from hospital records. Secondary outcomes will be each component of the primary outcome, maternal exacerbations requiring medical intervention during pregnancy (both smokers and non-smokers), and hospitalisation and emergency department presentation for wheeze, bronchiolitis or croup in the first 12 months of infancy. Outcome assessment and statistical analysis of the primary outcome will be blinded. To detect a reduction in adverse perinatal outcomes from 35 % to 26 %, 600 pregnant women with asthma per group are required. Discussion: This trial will provide evidence for the effectiveness of a FENO-based management strategy in improving perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with asthma. If successful, this would improve the management of pregnant women with asthma worldwide.]]> Mon 30 Sep 2024 10:57:45 AEST ]]>