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Enhancing students' motivation to learn: achievement goals in university classrooms
- Archer, Jennifer, Scevak, Jill J.
Incentives to increase paticipation in an internet alcohol survey: a controlled expreiment
- Kypri, Kypros, Gallagher, Stephen J.
An intervention strategy to support first year Engineering and Built Environment students through remote mentoring strategies
- Williams, Anthony, Sher, Willy
Randomized controlled trial of web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention in primary care
- Kypri, Kypros, Langley, John D., Saunders, John B., Cashell-Smith, Martine L., Herbison, Peter
Too many Japanese university students are still smoking tobacco
- Smith, Derek R., Takahashi, Ken
- Kypri, Kypros, Hallett, Jonathan, Howat, Peter, McManus, Alexandra, Maycock, Bruce, Bowe, Steven, Horton, Nicholas J.
- Cousins, Kimberley, Connor, Jennie L., Kypri, Kypros
University-school connections: giving voice to the student experience.
Undergraduate student drinking and related harms at an Australian university: web-based survey of a large random sample
- Hallett, Jonathan, Howat, Peter M., Maycock, Bruce R., McManus, Alexandra, Kypri, Kypros, Dhaliwal, Satvinder S.
- Cantwell, Robert, Scevak, Jill, Spray, Erika
- Farmanbar, Rabiollah, Niknami, Shamsaddin, Lubans, David R., Hidarnia, Alireza
Risky drinking, risky sex: a national study of New Zealand university students
- Connor, Jennie, Psutka, Rebecca, Cousins, Kimberly, Gray, Andrew, Kypri, Kypros
The effect of course integrated mindfulness and resilience training on students’ level of psychological well-being
Effectiveness of interventions targeting physical activity, nutrition and healthy weight for university and college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Plotnikoff, Ronald C., Costigan, Sarah A., Williams, Rebecca L., Hutchesson, Melinda J., Kennedy, Sarah G., Robards, Sara L., Allen, Jennifer, Collins, Clare E., Callister, Robin, Germov, John
'Just choose the easy option': students talk about alcohol use and social influence
- Hepworth, Julie, McVittie, Chris, Schofield, Toni, Lindsay, Jo, Leontini, Rose, Germov, John
Restructuring the Habitus: the case of Open Foundation students with a (dis)ability
Social desirability bias in the reporting of alcohol consumption: a randomized trial
- Kypri, Kypros, Wilson, Amanda, Attia, John, Sheeran, Pascal, Miller, Peter, McCambridge, Jim
‘Just choose the easy option’: students talk about alcohol use and social influence
- Hepworth, Julie, McVittie, Chris, Schofield, Toni, Lindsay, Jo, Leontini, Rose, Germov, John
Associations between dietary intake and academic achievement in college students: a systematic review
- Burrows, Tracy L., Whatnall, Megan C., Patterson, Amanda J., Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Hepworth, Julie, Schofield, Toni, Leontini, Rose, Germov, John
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