Your selections:
Tacit Knowledge acquisition and processing within the computing domain: an exploratory study
- Busch, Peter Anthony, Dampney, C. N. G. 'Kit'
- Cheung, Fiona, Rowlinson, Steve, Jefferies, Marcus
- London, Kerry, Chen, Jessica
Why public sector job creation should be fashionable
A multi-sector governance model for environmental sustainability - Australia case
Strategic management accounting and strategy practices within a public sector agency
- Cuganesan, Suresh, Dunford, Richard, Palmer, Ian
Strategizing public sector human resource management: the implications of working in networks
- Waterhouse, Jennifer, Keast, Robyn
First strike capability: exploring the 2011 Botswana public sector strike through newspaper coverage
- Shah, Mahsood, Nair, Chenicheri Sid
Procurement of public sector facilities: views of early contractor involvement
- Love, Peter E. D., O'Donoghue, Damien, Davis, Peter R., Smith, Jim
The impact of socialisation on graduates' public service motivation - a mixed method study
- Waterhouse, Jennifer, French, Erica, Puchala, Naomi
Public participation and environmental governance in Singapore
Copyright law in Indonesia: from a hybrid to an endogenous system
Determinants and success factors for transient multidisciplinary teams in supply chains
A randomised clinical trial of dialectical behaviour therapy and conversational model for the treatment of borderline personality disorder: a hybrid efficacy-effectiveness study in a public sector mental health service in Australia
Exploring and integrating perspectives on organisational change: examining the design and implementation process of a human resource information system in a public sector organisation
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