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Women’s waterworks: evaluating an early intervention for incontinence among adult women
- Lee, Christina, Johnson, Claire, Chiarelli, Pauline
- Knox, Grahame M., Snodgrass, Suzanne J., Southgate, Erica, Rivett, Darren A.
The physical therapy management of individuals with long head of the biceps tendinopathy
The effectiveness of treatment of cervicogenic dizziness with manual therapy
The current use of positive expiratory pressure (PEP) therapy by public hospital physiotherapists in New South Wales
- Johnston, Catherine L., James, Rowan, Mackney, Jennifer H.
The content of a training package in diagnostic ultrasound for physiotherapists
- McKiernan, Sharmaine, Chiarelli, Pauline, Warren-Forward, Helen
The changing landscape of physiotherapy student clinical placements: an exploration of geographical distribution and student performance across settings
- Johnston, Catherine, Newstead, Clint, Sanderson, Michael, Wakely, Luke, Osmotherly, Peter
Systematic review: the management of constipation using physical therapies including biofeedback
- Hoffmann, Tammy, Gibson, Elizabeth, Barnett, Christopher, Maher, Christopher
Professional issues in the use of diagnostic ultrasound biofeedback in physiotherapy of the female pelvic floor
- McKiernan, Sharmaine, Chiarelli, Pauline, Warren-Forward, Helen
- Walmsley, Sarah, Chandley-Pascoe, Darrell, Collins, Evelyn, Marquez, Jodie
Physiotherapy students' perceptions and experiences of clinical prediction rules
- Knox, Grahame M., Snodgrass, Suzanne J., Stanton, Tasha R., Kelly, David H., Vicenzino, Bill, Wand, Benedict M., Rivett, Darren A.
- Seaton, Jack, Jones, Anne, Johnston, Catherine, Francis, Karen
Physiotherapy for patients with head and neck cancer
- McGarvey, Aoife C., Chiarelli, Pauline E., Osmotherly, Peter G., Hoffman, Gary R.
Physiotherapy clinical educators' perceptions and experiences of clinical prediction rules
- Knox, Grahame M., Snodgrass, Suzanne J., Rivett, Darren A.
Physiotherapy clinical education in Australia: development and validation of a survey instrument to profile clinical educator characteristics, experience and training requirements
- Newstead, Clint, Johnston, Catherine, Nesbit, Gillian, McCallister, Lindy
- Gleadhill, Connor, Bolsewicz, Katarzyna, Manvell, Nicole, Delbridge, Andrew, Williams, Christopher M., Davidson, Simon R. E., Kamper, Steven J., Tutty, Amanda, Robson, Emma, Da Silva, Priscilla Viana, Donald, Bruce, Dooley, Katherine, Manvell, Joshua
Physiotherapists' perceptions of patient adherence to prescribed self-management strategies: a cross-sectional survey of Australian physiotherapists
- Peek, Kerry, Carey, Mariko, Sanson-Fisher, Robert, Mackenzie, Lisa
- Haskins, Robin, Osmotherly, Peter G., Southgate, Erica, Rivett, Darren A.
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