Your selections:
'Let the people decide': self-determination, liberation from the colonial experience and the human rights approach
- Sharp, Heather, Innes, Melanie
Catholic youth and nationalist identity in Java, Indonesia
- Nilan, Pam, Wibawanto, Gregorious Ragil
Explorations in 'event ecology': the case of the International Gay Games
- Stevenson, Deborah, Rowe, David, Markwell, Kevin
Introduction: childhood and nation
- Millei, Zsuzsa, Imre, Robert
Islamism and the politics of crisis nationalism: the case of Indonesia
John J. Moloney: the voice of the north
Nationalism and neo-populism in Australia: Hansonism and the politics of the New Right in Australia
- Kapferer, Bruce, Morris, Barry
Polak, Magyar: on the special relationship shared by Poland and Hungary, 1956-2004
- Kapferer, Bruce, Morris, Barry
The risky future of youth politics in Indonesia
The social genesis of Anzac nationalism
Why Nanjing 1937? the forgetting and remembering of a cultural trauma
Wine and Modernity in the Transylvanian Saxon Imagination (1860-1930)
‘Jingo Dingo insanity’ and Mafeking Day: articulating madness in Federation-era Australia
“You base football player” (King Lear 1.5.91): the rise and significance of the soccer play as index of identity
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