Your selections:
"A veray patronesse": Margaret Beaufort and the early English printers
"From protection to welfare: orchestrated disadvantage in New South Wales 1937-43"
"It is natural for every woman to be, to some extent, a nurse": nursing in the latter half of the nineteenth century in Australia
'Give to us the people we would love to be amongst us': the Aboriginal campaign against Caroline Bulmer's eviction from Lake Tyers Aboriginal station, 1913-14
'Lovable natives' and `tribal sisters': feminism, maternalism, and the campaign for aboriginal citizenship in New South Wales in the late 1930s
'Pest' and resource: a legal history of Australia's kangaroos
- Boom, Keely, Ben-Ami, Dror, Croft, David B., Cushing, Nancy, Ramp, Daniel, Boronyak, Louise
'Probably a White Fella': Rolf de Heer, The Tracker and the Limits of Auteurism
'The too vigorous use of a new broom’: towards a methodology for analysing the gendered meanings of sound in history
'There's a dead body in my library': crime fiction texts and the history of libraries
- May, Josephine, Bunn, Rosalie
A brief history of English and English teaching in Saudi Arabia
- Elyas, Tariq, Picard, Michelle
A brief history of forensic odontology and disaster victim identification practices in Australia
A history of the Fiji Times, 1869-1875
An Historical Perpsective On the Academic Education Of Deaf Children In New South Wales 1860s-1990s
Ancient philosophy: a new history of western philosophy, volume 1 (book review)
Australian curriculum, classroom approaches: History
- Mockler, Nicole, Talbot, Debra
- Sharp, Heather, Innes, Melanie
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