Increasing the provision of preventive care by community healthcare services: a stepped wedge implementation trial
- Creator: Wiggers, John , McElwaine, Kathleen , Gillham, Karen , Bartlem, Kate , Freund, Megan , Campbell, Libby , Bowman, Jenny , Wye, Paula , Wolfenden, Luke , Tremain, Danika , Barker, Daniel , Slattery, Carolyn
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Substance use treatment clinician attitudes to care for chronic disease health risk behaviours and associations of attitudes with care provision
- Creator: Tremain, Danika , Freund, Megan , Bowman, Jenny , Wolfenden, Luke , Wye, Paula , Dunlop, Adrian , Bartlem, Kate , McElwaine, Kathleen , Gillham, Karen , Wiggers, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Aboriginal health: agreement between general practitioners and patients on their health risk status and screening history
- Creator: Stewart, Jessica M. , Sanson-Fisher, Rob , Eades, Sandra , D'Este, Catherine
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Evaluation of an implementation support package to increase community mental health clinicians' routine delivery of preventive care for multiple health behaviours: a non-randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Regan, Casey , Bartlem, Kate , Bowman, Jenny , Fehily, Caitlin , Campbell, Elizabeth , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Doherty, Emma , Wolfenden, Luke , Clancy, Richard , Fogarty, Marcia , Conrad, Agatha
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Co-development of implementation strategies to assist staff of a mental health community managed organisation provide preventive care for health behaviours
- Creator: Regan, Casey , Dray, Julia , Fehily, Caitlin , Campbell, Elizabeth , Bartlem, Kate , Orr, Mark , Govindasamy, Sumathi , Bowman, Jenny
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Patient self-report versus medical records for smoking status and alcohol consumption at Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services
- Creator: Noble, Natasha , Bryant, Jamie , Maher, Louise , Jackman, Daniel , Bonevski, Billie , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Paul, Christine
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
The effectiveness of an intervention in increasing community health clinician provision of preventive care: a study protocol of a nonrandomised, multiple-baseline trial
- Creator: McElwaine, Kathleen M. , Freund, Megan , Gillham, Karen E. , Wiggers, John H. , Campbell, Elizabeth M. , Knight, Jenny , Slattery, Carolyn , Doherty, Emma L. , McElduff, Patrick , Wolfenden, Luke , Bowman, Jennifer A. , Wye, Paula M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Comparative efficacy of simultaneous versus sequential multiple health behavior change interventions among adults: a systematic review of randomised trials
- Creator: James, Erica , Freund, Megan , Booth, Angela , Duncan, Mitch J. , Johnson, Natalie , Short, Camille E. , Wolfenden, Luke , Stacey, Fiona G. , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Vandelanotte, Corneel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Investigating the role of community managed organisations in addressing the health risk behaviours of people living with mental health conditions
- Creator: Gibson, Lauren Kate
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2023
The Provision of Preventive Care for Chronic Disease Risk Behaviours to People with a Mental Health Condition: A Survey of Staff from One Australian Community Managed Organisation
- Creator: Gibson, Lauren , Bartlem, Kate , Clinton-McHarg, Tara , Wilczynska, Magdalena , Rasmussen, Alison , Bailey, Jacqueline , Ryall, Jade , Orr, Mark , Ford, Janet , Bowman, Jenny
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Preventive care practices to address health behaviours among people living with mental health conditions: A survey of Community Managed Organisations
- Creator: Gibson, Lauren , Clinton-McHarg, Tara , Wilczynska, Magdalena , Latter, Joanna , Bartlem, Kate , Henderson, Corinne , Wiggers, John , Wilson, Andrew , Searles, Andrew , Bowman, Jenny
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Translation of chronic disease preventive care guidelines into mental health service delivery
- Creator: Fehily, Caitlin Mary Claire
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2020
Effectiveness of embedding a specialist preventive care clinician in a community mental health service in increasing preventive care provision: a randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Fehily, Caitlin M. C. , Bartlem, Kate M. , Wiggers, John H. , Wye, Paula M. , Clancy, Richard V. , Castle, David J. , Wilson, Andrew , Rissel, Chris E. , Wutzke, Sonia , Hodder, Rebecca K. , Colyvas, Kim , Murphy, Fionna , Bowman, Jenny A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Uptake of a preventive care consultation offered to clients of a community mental health service
- Creator: Fehily, Caitlin M. C. , Bartlem, Kate M. , Wiggers, John H. , Hodder, Rebecca K. , Gibson, Lauren K. , Hancox, Natalie , Bowman, Jenny A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
An economic evaluation of a specialist preventive care clinician in a community mental health service: a randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Fehily, Caitlin , Ling, Rod , Searles, Andrew , Bartlem, Kate , Wiggers, John , Hodder, Rebecca , Wilson, Andrew , Colyvas, Kim , Bowman, Jenny
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
The effectiveness of interventions to increase preventive care provision for chronic disease risk behaviours in mental health settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Creator: Fehily, Caitlin , Hodder, Rebecca , Bartlem, Kate , Wiggers, John , Wolfenden, Luke , Dray, Julia , Bailey, Jacqueline , Wilczynska, Magda , Stockings, Emily , Clinton-McHarg, Tara , Regan, Timothy , Bowman, Jenny
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Strategies to improve adherence to colorectal cancer screening
- Creator: Dodd, Natalie
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2019
Increasing preventive care in general practice: an examination
- Creator: Bonevski, Billie
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 1996
Chronic disease health risk behaviours amongst people with a mental illness
- Creator: Bartlem, Kate M. , Bowman, Jennifer A. , Bailey, Jacqueline M. , Freund, Megan , Wye, Paula M. , Lecathelinais, Christophe , McElwaine, Kathleen M. , Campbell, Elizabeth M. , Gillham, Karen E. , Wiggers, John H.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Effectiveness of an intervention in increasing the provision of preventive care by community mental health services: a non-randomized, multiple baseline implementation trial
- Creator: Bartlem, Kate M. , Bowman, Jenny , Wiggers, John , Freund, Megan , Wye, Paul M. , Barker, Daniel , McElwaine, Kathleen M. , Wolfenden, Luke , Campbell, Elizabeth M. , McElduff, Patrick , Gillham, Karen
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016