Increasing the provision of preventive care by community healthcare services: a stepped wedge implementation trial
- Creator: Wiggers, John , McElwaine, Kathleen , Gillham, Karen , Bartlem, Kate , Freund, Megan , Campbell, Libby , Bowman, Jenny , Wye, Paula , Wolfenden, Luke , Tremain, Danika , Barker, Daniel , Slattery, Carolyn
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
The effectiveness of an intervention in increasing community health clinician provision of preventive care: a study protocol of a nonrandomised, multiple-baseline trial
- Creator: McElwaine, Kathleen M. , Freund, Megan , Gillham, Karen E. , Wiggers, John H. , Campbell, Elizabeth M. , Knight, Jenny , Slattery, Carolyn , Doherty, Emma L. , McElduff, Patrick , Wolfenden, Luke , Bowman, Jennifer A. , Wye, Paula M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Repositioning practice: a discourse analysis of clinical supervision as part of implementing a psychosocial intervention in cancer care
- Creator: Dilworth, Sophie Elizabeth
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2015
Inter-hospital and inter-disciplinary variation in planned birth practices and readiness for change: a survey study
- Creator: Coates, Dominiek , Donnolley, Natasha , Foureur, Maralyn , Henry, Amanda
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Changing practice: preventive care for chronic disease health risk behaviours in community mental health services
- Creator: Bartlem, Kate
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2015
Evaluating the effectiveness of a clinical practice change intervention in increasing clinician provision of preventive care in a network of community-based mental health services: a study protocol of a non-randomized, multiple baseline trial
- Creator: Bartlem, Kate , Bowman, Jennifer , Freund, Megan , Wye, Paula , McElwaine, Kathleen , Knight, Jenny , McElduff, Patrick , Gillham, Karen , Wiggers, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013