Seeing movement: dancing bodies and the sensuality of place
- Creator: Atkinson, Paul , Duffy, Michelle
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Ballet in a Box: Iso-Ballet, Lockdown, and the Reconstruction of the Domestic Space
- Creator: Atkinson, Paul , Duffy, Michelle , Ailwood, Joanne
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Novel use of pop-up satellite archival telemetry in sawsharks: insights into the movement of the common sawshark Pristiophorus cirratus (Pristiophoridae)
- Creator: Burke, Patricia J. , Mourier, Johann , Gaston, Troy F. , Williamson, Jane E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Radiotracking invasive spread: are common mynas more active and exploratory on the invasion front?
- Creator: Burstal, Josephine , Clulow, Simon , Colyvas, Kim , Kark, Salit , Griffin, Andrea S.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Migration, power and the line: ceremonies of collective transgression in the spatial archetypes of Elias Canetti
- Creator: Chapman, Michael , Ostwald, Michael J.
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2006
Locomotion with a twist: Aquatic beetle walks upside down on the underside of the water's surface
- Creator: Gould, John , Valdez, Jose W.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Moved frogs don't settle: Evaluating the impact of translocation on the movement behaviour of a threatened frog
- Creator: Gould, John , Callen, Alex , Knibb, Gregory , Schmahl, Kate , Donelly, Rachael , Davies, Bryce , McHenry, Colin
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Factors influencing sedentary behaviours after stroke: findings from qualitative observations and interviews with stroke survivors and their caregivers
- Creator: Hall, Jennifer , Morton, Sarah , Clarke, David J. , Fitzsimons, Claire F. , Hall, Jessica Faye , Corepal, Rekesh , English, Coralie , Forster, Anne , Lawton, Rebecca , Patel, Anita , Mead, Gillian
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Differential conditioning of alpha amplitude: A fresh look at an old phenomenon
- Creator: Harris, Jillene B.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
Cook like a Boss Online: an adapted intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic that effectively improved children’s perceived cooking competence, movement competence and wellbeing
- Creator: Hollywood, Lynsey , Issartel, Johann , Gaul, David , McCloat, Amanda , Mooney, Elaine , Collins, Clare E. , Lavelle, Fiona
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
The effect of external loads and biological sex on coupling variability during load carriage
- Creator: Hoolihan, Brooke , Wheat, Jonathan , Dascombe, Ben , Vickery-Howe, Danielle , Middleton, Kane
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Development, content validity and test-retest reliability of the Lifelong Physical Activity Skills Battery in adolescents
- Creator: Hulteen, Ryan M. , Barnett, Lisa M. , Morgan, Philip J. , Robinson, Leah E. , Barton, Christian J. , Wrotniak, Brian H. , Lubans, David R.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Fundamental movement skills in children and adolescents: review of associated health benefits
- Creator: Lubans, David R. , Morgan, Philip J. , Cliff, Dylan P. , Barnett, Lisa M. , Okely, Anthony D.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2010
Leveraging human movement in the ultimate display
- Creator: McAdam, Rohan , Nesbitt, Keith
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2012
Australian primary school principals', teachers', and parents' attitudes and barriers to changing school uniform policies from traditional uniforms to sports uniforms
- Creator: McCarthy, Nicole , Hope, Kirsty , Sutherland, Rachel , Campbell, Elizabeth , Hodder, Rebecca , Wolfenden, Luke , Nathan, Nicole
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Large area used by squirrel gliders in an urban area, uncovered using GPS telemetry
- Creator: Meyer, Ninon F. V. , King, John-Paul , Mahony, Michael , Clulow, John , Beranek, Chad , Reedman, Callum , Balkenhol, Niko , Hayward, Matt W.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and diet-related eHealth and mHealth research: bibliometric analysis
- Creator: Müller, Andre Matthias , Maher, Carol A. , Poppe, Louise , Woods, Catherine B. , Williams, Susan L. , Wark, Petra A. , Vandelanotte, Corneel , Hingle, Melanie , Middelweerd, Anouk , Lopez, Michael L. , DeSmet, Ann , Short, Camille E. , Nathan, Nicole , Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Spatial patterns of large African cats: a large-scale study on density, home range size, and home range overlap of lions Panthera leo and leopards Panthera pardus
- Creator: Nams, Vilis O. , Parker, Dan M. , Funston, Paul J. , Bauer, Hans , Power, R. John , O'Brien, John , O'Brien, Timothy G. , Tambling, Craig J. , de Iongh, Hans H. , Ferreira, Sam M. , Owen-Smith, Norman , Cain lll, James W. , Weise, Florian J. , Fattebert, Julien , ., , Patterson, Bruce D. , Buij, Ralph , Radloff, Frans G. T. , Vanak, Abi Tamim , Tumenta, Pricelia N. , Hayward, Matt W. , Swanepoel, Lourens H.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Predicting geographic ranges of marine animal populations using stable isotopes: a case study of great hammerhead sharks in Eastern Australia
- Creator: Raoult, Vincent , Trueman, Clive N. , Kingsbury, Kelsey M. , Gillanders, Bronwyn M. , Broadhurst, Matt K. , Williamson, Jane E. , Nagelkerken, Ivan , Booth, David J. , Peddemors, Victor , Couturier, Lydie I. E. , Gaston, Troy F.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Associations between children's active travel and levels of physical activity and sedentary behavior
- Creator: Schoeppe, Stephanie , Duncan, Mitch J. , Badland, Hannah M. , Oliver, Melody , Browne, Matthew
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015