Do childcare services provide foods in line with the 2013 Australian Dietary guidelines? A cross-sectional study
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Skelton, Eliza , Jones, Jannah , Wolfenden, Luke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
An audit of the dissemination strategies and plan included in international food-based dietary guidelines
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Turon, Heidi , Wong, Carrie K. , Bayles, Lyndal , Finch, Meghan , Barnes, Courtney , Doherty, Emma , Wolfenden, Luke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
A randomised controlled trial of an online menu planning intervention to improve childcare service adherence to dietary guidelines: a study protocol
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Grady, Alice , Gilham, Karen , Stacey, Kirsty , Fielding, Alison , Pond, Nicole , Wyse, Rebecca , Seward, Kirsty , Wolfenden, Luke , Wiggers, John , Flood, Victoria , Rissel, Chris , Finch, Meghan , Searles, Andrew , Salajan, David , O'Rourke, Ruby , Daly, Jaqueline
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Child-level evaluation of a web-based intervention to improve dietary guideline implementation in childcare centers: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Grady, Alice , O'Rourke, Ruby , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Barnes, Courtney , Pond, Nicole , Gillham, Karen , Green, Sue , Wolfenden, Luke , Wiggers, John H. , Stacey, Fiona G. , Rissel, Chris , Flood, Victoria , Finch, Meghan , Wyse, Rebecca , Sutherland, Rachel , Salajan, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Exploring the diets of mothers and their partners during pregnancy: Findings from the Queensland Family Cohort pilot study
- Creator: Wilkinson, Shelley A. , Schoenaker, Danielle A. J. M. , Kumar, Sailesh , Clifton, Vicki , de Jersey, Susan , Collins, Clare E. , Gallo, Linda , Rollo, Megan , Borg, Danielle , Nitert, Marloes Dekker , Truby, Helen , Barrett, Helen L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Do disparities exist between national food group recommendations and the dietary intakes of contemporary young adults?
- Creator: Taylor, Rachael M. , Haslam, Rebecca L. , Ashton, Lee , Collins, Clare E. , Truby, Helen , Attia, John , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Burrows, Tracy , Callister, Robin , Hides, Leanne , Bonevski, Billie , Kirkpatrick, Sharon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Do the dietary intakes of pregnant women attending public hospital antenatal clinics align with Australian Guide to Healthy Eating recommendations?
- Creator: Slater, Kaylee , Rollo, Megan E. , Szewczyk, Zoe , Ashton, Lee , Schumacher, Tracy , Collins, Clare
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Exploring the social appetite: a sociology of food and nutrition
- Creator: Germov, John , Williams, Lauren
- Resource Type: book chapter
- Date: 2008
Scoping Review of Available Culinary Nutrition Interventions for People with Neurological Conditions
- Creator: Chun, Chian Thong (Nicole) , MacDonald-Wicks, Lesley , English, Coralie , Lannin, Natasha A. , Patterson, Amanda
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Fruit and vegetable intake and body mass index in a large sample of middle-aged australian men and women
- Creator: Charlton, Karen , Kowal, Paul , Soriano, Melinda M. , Williams, Sharon , Banks, Emily , Vo, Kha , Byles, July
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Challenges and lessons from systematic literature reviews for the Australian dietary guidelines
- Creator: Allman-Farinelli, Margaret , Byron, Annette , Collins, Clare , Gifford, Janelle , Williams, Peter
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014