The change in cultural mix of Hong Kong working population - a 21st Century perspective
- Creator: Tse, Chung Chi
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2007
Pregnant pause: would it hurt you to go without drinking?
- Creator: Australian Fatherhood Research Network
- Resource Type: research bulletin
- Date: 2016
Music education for a world of stylistic plurality and blending
- Creator: Chapman, Jim
- Resource Type: book chapter
- Date: 2012
Kolkata Raga: Sleepwalking to Sudder Street
- Creator: Boey, Kim Cheng
- Resource Type: poem
- Date: 2013
Indigenous social work: a comparative study of New Brunswick (Canada) and Alice Springs (Australia)
- Creator: Hetherington, Tiani Jayne
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2009
Experience of overseas-trained health professionals in rural and remote areas of destination countries: a literature review
- Creator: Dywili, Sophia , Bonner, Ann , Anderson, Judith , O'Brien, Louise
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Cultural Safety or Cultural Competence: How Can We Address Inequities in Culturally Diverse Groups?
- Creator: Kaphle, Sabitra , Hungerford, Catherine , Blanchard, Denise , Doyle, Kerrie , Ryan, Colleen , Cleary, Michelle
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Border memorials: when the local rejects the global
- Creator: Ware, SueAnne
- Resource Type: book chapter
- Date: 2013
Beyond barriers: the challenge of cultural diversity for nurse academics in the Australian context
- Creator: Parker, Vicki , McMillan, Margaret
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008
Analysing the “Festival les cultures du monde” of Gannat as a site for celebrating cultural diversity
- Creator: Kishore, Vikrant
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2014
Analogies and links between cultural and biological diversity
- Creator: Grant, Catherine
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
An examination of how overseas qualified nurses and Australian nurses work together in the Australian context
- Creator: Ohr, Se Ok
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2016