Fatherhood Research Bulletin
- Creator: Australian Fatherhood Research Network
- Resource Type: research bulletin
- Date: 2014
The Dublin-Moscow line: Russia and the poetics of home in contemporary Irish poetry
- Creator: Boey, Kim Cheng
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2006
Western and non-western leadership styles and employee wellbeing: a case of a high-power distance context
- Creator: Ehrnrooth, Mats , Koveshnikov, Alexei , Balabanova, Evgeniya , Wechtler, Heidi
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Understanding political public relations techniques: an exploration of their value and function for political communication
- Creator: Gayoso, Albina
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2019
Imitation in international relations: observational learning, analogies, and foreign policy in Russia and Ukraine
- Creator: Goldsmith, Benjamin E.
- Resource Type: book
- Date: 2005
The three graces of leadership: untangling the relative importance and the mediating mechanisms of three leadership styles in Russia
- Creator: Koveshnikov, Alexei , Ehrnrooth, Mats , Wechtler, Heidi
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Authoritarian and benevolent leadership: the role of follower homophily, power distance orientation and employability
- Creator: Koveshnikov, Alexei , Ehrnrooth, Mats , Wechtler, Heidi
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Delivering International Criminal Justice through Domestic Law? The Case of Flight MH17
- Creator: Maguire, Amy , Garnham, Alexandra , Elton, Amy , Heaney, Jessica
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Book review: The baba and the comrade: gender and politics in revolutionary Russia
- Creator: Markwick, Roger
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2003
They fought for the motherland: Russia's women soldiers in World War I and the Revolution (book review)
- Creator: Markwick, Roger D.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
‘Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality’: Putin’s Remaking of Imperial Russia
- Creator: Markwick, Roger D.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022