Alignment of systematic reviews published in the Cochrane database of systematic reviews and the database of abstracts and reviews of effectiveness with global burden-of-disease data: a bibliographic analysis
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Hall, Alix , Wolfenden, Luke , Williams, Christopher M. , Skelton, Eliza , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Wiggers, John , Karimkhani, Chante , Boyers, Lindsay N. , Dellavalle, Robert P. , Hilton, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
A monetary incentive increases postal survey response rates for pharmacists
- Creator: Paul, Christine L. , Walsh, Raoul A. , Tzelepsis, Flora
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
Estimating the impact of mandatory fortification of bread with iodine on pregnant and post-partum women
- Creator: Mackerras, Dorothy , Powers, Jennifer , Boorman, Julie , Loxton, Deborah , Giles, Graham G.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Projections of smoking-related cancer mortality in Australia to 2044
- Creator: Luo, Qingwei , Steinberg, Julia , Yu, Xue Qin , Weber, Marianne , Caruana, Michael , Yap, Sarsha , Grogan, Paul B. , Banks, Emily , O'Connell, Dianne L. , Canfell, Karen
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Tackling risky alcohol consumption in sport: a cluster randomised controlled trial of an alcohol management intervention with community football clubs
- Creator: Kingsland, Melanie , Wolfenden, Luke , Crundall, Ian , Wiggers, John H. , Tindall, Jennifer , Rowland, Bosco C. , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Gillham, Karen E. , Dodds, Pennie , Sidey, Maree N. , Rogerson, John C. , McElduff, Patrick
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Effects on alcohol consumption of announcing and implementing revised UK low-risk drinking guidelines: findings from an interrupted time series analysis
- Creator: Holmes, John , Beard, Emma , Brown, Jamie , Brennan, Alan , Meier, Petra S. , Michie, Susan , Stevely, Abigail K. , Webster, Laura , Buykx, Penny F.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Prospective association between physical activity and falls in community-dwelling older women
- Creator: Heesch, K. C. , Byles, J. E. , Brown, W. J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008
Association between TV viewing and heart disease mortality: observational study using negative control outcome
- Creator: Hamer, Mark , Ding, Ding , Chau, Josephine , Duncan, Mitch J. , Stamatakis, Emmanuel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Alcohol outlet density, levels of drinking and alcohol-related harm in New Zealand: a national study
- Creator: Connor, Jennie L. , Kypri, Kypros , Bell, Melanie L. , Cousins, Kimberly
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Health service use, out-of-pocket payments and catastrophic health expenditure among older people in India: the WHO study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)
- Creator: Brinda, Ethel Mary , Kowal, Paul , Attermann, Jørn , Enemark, Ulrika
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015