RYR2 channel inhibition is the principal mechanism of flecainide action in CPVT
- Creator: Kryshtal, Dmytro O. , Blackwell, Daniel J. , Egly, Christian L. , Smith, Abigail N. , Batiste, Suzanne M. , Johnston, Jeffrey N. , Laver, Derek R. , Knollmann, Bjorn C.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
PATJ low frequency variants are associated with worse ischemic stroke functional outcome: a genome-wide meta-analysis
- Creator: Mola-Caminal, Marina , Carrera, Caty , Muiño, Elena , Rodríguez-Campello, Ana , Ois, Angel , Cuadrado-Godia, Elisa , Vivanco-Hidalgo, Rosa M. , Hernandez-Guillamon, Mar , Solé, Montse , Delgado, Pilar , Bustamante, Alejandro , García-Berrocoso, Teresa , Soriano-Tárraga, Carolina , Mendióroz, Maite , Castellanos, M , Serena, J , Martí-Fàbregas, J , Segura, T , Serrano-Heras, G , Obach, V , Ribó, M , Molina, CA , Alvarez-Sabín, J , Giralt-Steinhauer, Eva , Palomeras, E , Freijo, M , Font, MA , Rosand, J , Rost, NS , Gallego-Fabrega, C , Lee, JM , Heitsch, L , Ibanez, L , Cruchaga, C , Díaz-Navarro, Rosa M. , Phuah, CL , Lemmens, R , Thijs, V , Lindgren, A , Maguire, Jane , Rannikmae, K , Sudlow, CL , Jern, Christina , Stanne, TM , Lorentzen, E , Tur, Silvia , Muñoz-Narbona, L , Dávalos, A , López-Cancio, E , Worrall, BB , Woo, D , Kittner, SJ , Mitchell, BD , Montaner, J , Roquer, J , Krupinski, J , Jiménez, Carmen , Estivill, X , Rabionet, R , Vives-Bauzá, C , Fernández-Cadenas, I , Jimenez-Conde, J , Medina-Dols, Aina , Cullell, Natalia , Torres-Aguila, Nuria P.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Divergent regulation of ryanodine receptor 2 calcium release channels by arrhythmogenic human calmodulin missense mutants
- Creator: Hwang, Hyun Seok , Nitu, Florentin R. , Cornea, Razvan L. , Bers, Donald M. , Knollmann, Björn C. , Yang, Yi , Walweel, Kafa , Pereira, Laetitia , Johnson, Christopher N. , Faggioni, Michela , Chazin, Walter J. , Laver, Derek , George Jr, Alfred L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Central nervous integration of the circulatory and respiratory responses to arterial hypoxemia in the rabbit
- Creator: White, Saxon William
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 1969
Circulatory effects mediated through cardiac vagal afferents
- Creator: White, Saxon William
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 1968
Role of the autonomic nervous system in the renal vasoconstriction response to hemorrhage in the rabbit
- Creator: Korner, Paul I. , Stokes, Gordon S. , White, Saxon William , Chalmers, John P.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 1967
Some mechanisms of reflex control of the circulation by the sympatho-adrenal system
- Creator: Korner, Paul I. , Chalmers, John P. , White, Saxon William
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 1967