Adaptation of public health initiatives: expert views on current guidance and opportunities to advance their application and benefit
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Bolsewicz, Katarzyna , Wiggers, John , Moullin, Joanna , Albers, Bianca , Fernandez, Maria E. , Hall, Alix , Sims-Gould, Joanie , Taylor, Natalie , Rissel, Chris , Milat, Andrew , Bailey, Andrew , Grady, Alice , Attia, John , Wolfenden, Luke , Batchelor, Samantha , Wyse, Rebecca , Sutherland, Rachel , Hodder, Rebecca Kate , Kingsland, Melanie , Nathan, Nicole , McCrabb, Sam , Bauman, Adrian
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Changing landscape of nutrition and dietetics research? A bibliographic analysis of top-tier published research in 1998 and 2018
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Jackson, Jacklyn , Barnes, Courtney , Pearson, Nicole , Swindle, Taren , O'Reilly, Sharleen , Tabak, Rachel , Belski, Regina , Brown, Alison , Sutherland, Rachel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Nudge strategies to improve healthcare providers' implementation of evidence-based guidelines, policies and practices: a systematic review of trials included within Cochrane systematic reviews
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Hall, Alix , Stacey, Fiona , Grady, Alice , Sutherland, Rachel , Wyse, Rebecca , Anderson, Amy , Nathan, Nicole , Wolfenden, Luke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
CAFÈ: a multicomponent audit and feedback intervention to improve implementation of healthy food policy in primary school canteens: a randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Nathan, Nicole , Janssen, Lisa , Preece, Sarah , Williams, Christopher M. , Wolfenden, Luke , Wiggers, John , Reilly, Kathryn , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Wyse, Rebecca , Sutherland, Rachel , Delaney, Tessa , Butler, Peter
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
An exploratory analysis to identify behavior change techniques of implementation interventions associated with the implementation of healthy canteen policies
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Hall, Alix , Stacey, Fiona , Nathan, Nicole , Reilly, Kathryn , Delaney, Tessa , Sutherland, Rachel , Hodder, Rebecca , Straus, Sharon , Wolfenden, Luke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Child-level evaluation of a web-based intervention to improve dietary guideline implementation in childcare centers: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Grady, Alice , O'Rourke, Ruby , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Barnes, Courtney , Pond, Nicole , Gillham, Karen , Green, Sue , Wolfenden, Luke , Wiggers, John H. , Stacey, Fiona G. , Rissel, Chris , Flood, Victoria , Finch, Meghan , Wyse, Rebecca , Sutherland, Rachel , Salajan, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
A rapid review of the scalability of interventions targeting obesity prevention in infants
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Turon, Heidi , Wong, Carrie K. , Grady, Alice , Pearson, Nicole , Sutherland, Rachel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Effectiveness of a multistrategy behavioral intervention to increase the nutritional quality of primary school students'web-based canteen lunch orders (click & crunch): cluster randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Wyse, Rebecca , Delaney, Tessa , Stacey, Fiona , Zoetemeyer, Rachel , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Lamont, Hannah , Ball, Kylie , Campbell, Karen , Rissel, Chris , Attia, John , Wiggers, John , Yoong, Sze Lin , Oldmeadow, Chrisopher , Sutherland, Rachel , Nathan, Nicole , Reilly, Kathryn , Wolfenden, Luke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
The effectiveness of canteen manager audit and feedback reports and online menu-labels in encouraging healthier food choices within students’ online lunch orders: A pilot cluster randomised controlled trial in primary school canteens in New South Wales, Australia
- Creator: Wyse, Rebecca , Jackson, Jacklyn , Stacey, Fiona , Delaney, Tessa , Ivers, Alix , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Sutherland, Rachel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Long-term Effectiveness of a Multistrategy Behavioral Intervention to Increase the Nutritional Quality of Primary School Students’ Online Lunch Orders: 18-Month Follow-up of the Click & Crunch Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
- Creator: Wyse, Rebecca , Delaney, Tessa , Wolfenden, Luke , Stacey, Fiona , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Ball, Kylie , Zoetemeyer, Rachel , Lamont, Hannah , Sutherland, Rachel , Nathan, Nicole , Wiggers, John H.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Online canteens: awareness, use, barriers to use, and the acceptability of potential online strategies to improve public health nutrition in primary schools
- Creator: Wyse, Rebecca , Yoong, Sze Lin , Wolfenden, Luke , Dodds, Pennie , Campbell, Libby , Delaney, Tessa , Nathan, Nicole , Janssen, Lisa , Reilly, Kathryn , Sutherland, Rachel , Wiggers, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Cluster randomised controlled trial of an online intervention to improve healthy food purchases from primary school canteens: a study protocol of the ‘click & crunch’ trial
- Creator: Wyse, Rebecca , Delaney, Tessa , Attia, John , Oldmeadow, Chris , Sutherland, Rachel , Nathan, Nicole , Reilly, Kathryn , Reeves, Penny , Wolfenden, Luke , Gibbins, Pennie , Ball, Kylie , Campbell, Karen , Yoong, Sze Lin , Seward, Kirsty , Zoetemeyer, Rachel , Rissel, Chris , Wiggers, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Prevalence and socio-demographic associations of overweight and obesity among children attending child-care services in rural and regional Australia
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Hardy, Louise L. , Wiggers, John , Milat, Andrew J. , Bell, Colin , Sutherland, Rachel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Strategies for enhancing the implementation of school-based policies or practices targeting diet, physical activity, obesity, tobacco or alcohol use
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , McCrabb, Sam , Williams, Christopher M. , Yoong, Sze Lin , Barnes, Courtney , O'Brien, Kate M. , Ng, Kwok W. , Nathan, Nicole K. , Sutherland, Rachel , Hodder, Rebecca K. , Tzelepis, Flora , Nolan, Erin
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Optimisation: Defining and exploring a concept to enhance the impact of public health initiatives
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Bolsewicz, Katarzyna , Hodder, Rebecca Kate , Fernandez, Maria , Lewis, Cara , Taylor, Natalie , McKay, Heather , Grimshaw, Jeremy , Hall, Alix , Moullin, Joanna , Albers, Bianca , Batchelor, Samantha , Grady, Alice , Attia, John , Milat, Andrew , Bailey, Andrew , Rissel, Chris , Reeves, Penny , Sims-Gould, Joanie , Mildon, Robyn , Doran, Chris , Yoong, Sze Lin , McCrabb, Sam , Kingsland, Melanie , Wiggers, John , Bauman, Adrian , Wyse, Rebecca , Nathan, Nicole , Sutherland, Rachel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Two-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial to assess the sustainability of a school intervention to improve the implementation of a school-based nutrition policy
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Nathan, Nicole , Wyse, Rebecca , Wiggers, John , Yoong, Serene , Reilly, Kathryn , Delaney, Tessa , Janssen, Lisa M. , Reynolds, Renee , Sutherland, Rachel , Hollis, Jenna , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Williams, Christopher M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Physical activity policies and practices of childcare centres in Australia
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Neve, Melinda , Farrell, Louise , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Bell, Colin , Milat, Andrew , Wiggers, John , Sutherland, Rachel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Multi-strategic intervention to enhance implementation of healthy canteen policy: a randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Nathan, Nicole , Campbell, Libby , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Oldmeadow, Chris , Freund, Megan , Yoong, Sze Lin , Janssen, Lisa M. , Wiggers, John , Reilly, Kathryn , Delaney, Tessa , Williams, Christopher M. , Bell, Colin , Wyse, Rebecca , Sutherland, Rachel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Efficacy of a free-play intervention to increase physical activity during childcare: a randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Jones, Jannah , Gillham, Karen , Yoong, Sze Lin , Parmenter, Ben , Razak, Lubna Abdul , Wiggers, John , Morgan, Philip J. , Finch, Meghan , Sutherland, Rachel , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Clinton-McHarg, Tara
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Increased use of knowledge translation strategies is associated with greater research impact on public health policy and practice: an analysis of trials of nutrition, physical activity, sexual health, tobacco, alcohol and substance use interventions
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Mooney, Kaitlin , Gonzalez, Sharleen , Hall, Alix , Hodder, Rebecca , Nathan, Nicole , Yoong, Serene , Ditton, Elizabeth , Sutherland, Rachel , Lecathelinais, Christophe , McCrabb, Sam
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022