Acne in primary care: a cross-sectional analysis
- Creator: Brown, Hilary , Tapley, Amanda , FitzGerald, Kirsten , Magin, Parker , van Driel, Mieke L. , Davey, Andrew R. , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , Ball, Jean I. , Morgan, Simon , Patsan, Irena , Mulquiney, Katie J. , Spike, Neil A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Antibiotic prescribing for acute otitis media and acute sinusitis: a cross-sectional analysis of the ReCEnT study exploring the habits of early career doctors in family practice
- Creator: Dallas, Anthea , van Driel, Mieke , Spike, Neil , McArthur, Lawrie , Stewart, Rebecca , Magin, Parker , Morgan, Simon , Tapley, Amanda , Henderson, Kim , Oldmeadow, Chris , Ball, Jean , Davey, Andrew , Mulquiney, Katie , Davis, Joshua
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Antibiotic prescribing for respiratory infections: a cross-sectional analysis of the ReCEnT study exploring the habits of early-career doctors in primary care
- Creator: Dallas, Anthea , Magin, Parker , Morgan, Simon , Tapley, Amanda , Henderson, Kim , Ball, Jean , Scott, John , Spike, Neil , McArthur, Lawrie , van Driel, Mieke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Antibiotic prescribing for sore throat: a cross-sectional analysis of the ReCEnT study exploring the habits of early-career doctors in family practice
- Creator: Dallas, Anthea , van Driel, Mieke , Spike, Neil , McArthur, Lawrie , Magin, Parker , Morgan, Simon , Tapley, Amanda , Henderson, Kim , Ball, Jean , Oldmeadow, Chris , Davey, Andrew , Mulquiney, Kate , Davis, Joshua
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Australian general practice registrars and their experience with postpartum consultations: A cross-sectional analysis of prevalence and associations
- Creator: Hill, Sophia , Tapley, Amanda , Magin, Parker , van Driel, Mieke L. , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , Ball, Jean , Davey, Andrew , Patson, Irena , Spike, Neil , Fitzgerald, Kristen , Morgan, Simon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Australian general practice trainees' exposure to ophthalmic problems and implications for training: a cross-sectional analysis
- Creator: Morgan, Simon , Tapley, Amanda , Henderson, Kim M. , Spike, Neil A. , McArthur, Lawrie A. , Stewart, Rebecca , Davey, Andrew R. , Dunlop, Anthony , van Driel, Mieke L. , Magin, Parker J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Changes in Australian Early-Career General Practitioners' Benzodiazepine Prescribing: a Longitudinal Analysis
- Creator: Magin, Parker , Tapley, Amanda , Mulquiney, Katie , Spike, Neil , Kerr, Rohan , Holliday, Simon , Dunlop, Adrian J. , Davey, Andrew , van Driel, Mieke , Holliday, Elizabeth , Morgan, Simon , Henderson, Kim , Ball, Jean , Catzikiris, Nigel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Changes in early-career family physicians' antibiotic prescribing for upper respiratory tract infection and acute bronchitis: a multicentre longitudinal study
- Creator: Magin, Parker J. , Morgan, Simon , McArthur, Lawrie , Stewart, Rebecca , Mulquiney, Katie J. , van Driel, Mieke L. , Tapley, Amanda , Henderson, Kim M. , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , Ball, Jean , Davis, Joshua S. , Dallas, Anthea , Davey, Andrew R. , Spike, Neil A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Changes in pathology test ordering by early career general practitioners: a longitudinal study
- Creator: Magin, Parker J. , Tapley, Amanda , Morgan, Simon , Henderson, Kim , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , Davey, Andrew R. , Ball, Jean , Catzikiris, Nigel F. , Mulquiney, Katie J. , van Driel, Mieke L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Clinical encounters of Australian general practice registrars with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
- Creator: Thomson, Allison , Morgan, Simon , McArthur, Lawrie , Magin, Parker , O'Mara, Peter , Tapley, Amanda , Henderson, Kim , van Driel, Mieke , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Ball, Jean , Scott, John , Spike, Neil
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Clinical encounters of Australian general practice registrars with paediatric patients
- Creator: Hiscock, Harriet , Freed, Gary , Magin, Parker , Morgan, Simon , Tapley, Amanda , Holliday, Elizabeth , Davey, Andrew , Ball, Jean , Van Driel, Mieke , Spike, Neil , McArthur, Lawrie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Continuity of care in general practice vocational training: prevalence, associations and implications for training
- Creator: Pearlman, James , Morgan, Simon , van Driel, Mieke , Henderson, Kim , Tapley, Amanda , McElduff, Patrick , Scott, John , Spike, Neil , Thomson, Allison , Magin, Parker
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Does brief chronic pain management education change opioid prescribing rates? A pragmatic trial in Australian early-career general practitioners
- Creator: Holliday, Simon Mark , Hayes, Chris , Spike, Neil Allan , McArthur, Lawrence Andrew , Magin, Parker John , Dunlop, Adrian J. , Morgan, Simon , Tapley, Amanda , Henderson, Kim M. , van Driel, Mieke L. , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , Ball, Jean I. , Davey, Andrew
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Early career GPs, mental health training and clinical complexity: a cross-sectional analysis
- Creator: Stone, Louise , Tapley, Amanda , Morgan, Simon , Magin, Parker , Presser, Jennifer , Holliday, Elizabeth , Ball, Jean , Van Driel, Mieke , Davey, Andrew , Spike, Neil , Fitzgerald, Kristen , Mulquiney, Katie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Emergency department referral patterns of Australian general practitioner registrars: a cross-sectional analysis of prevalence, nature and associations
- Creator: Catzikiris, Nigel , Tapley, Amanda , Morgan, Simon , van Driel, Mieke , Spike, Neil , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , Ball, Jean , Henderson, Kim , McArthur, Lawrie , Magin, Parker
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Family medicine trainees' clinical experience of chronic disease during training: a cross-sectional analysis from the registrars' clinical encounters in training study
- Creator: Magin, Parker , Morgan, Simon , Thomson, Allison , van Driel, Mieke , Henderson, Kim , Tapley, Amanda , McElduff, Patrick , Pearlman, James , Goode, Susan , Spike, Neil , Laurence, Caroline , Scott, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Fatigue: a rational approach to investigation
- Creator: Wilson, Jessica , Morgan, Simon , Magin, Parker , van Driel, Mieke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Focus on early-career GPs: qualitative evaluation of a multi-faceted educational intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing
- Creator: Deckx, Laura , Anthierens, Sibyl , Magin, Parker J. , Morgan, Simon , McArthur, Lawrie , Yardley, Lucy , Dallas, Anthea , Little, Paul , van Driel, Mieke L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Gender differences in Australian general practice trainees performing procedures related to women's reproductive health: a cross-sectional analysis
- Creator: Aghajafari, Fariba , Tapley, Amanda , Magin, Parker J. , van Driel, Mieke L. , Davey, Andrew R. , Morgan, Simon , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , Ball, Jean , Catzikiris, Nigel F. , Mulquiney, Katie J. , Spike, Neil A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
General practice registrars' clinical exposure to dermatological procedures during general practice training: a cross-sectional analysis
- Creator: Tng, Er Tsing Vivian , Tapley, Amanda , Mulquiney, Katie , Spike, Neil , Kerr, Rohan , Magin, Parker , Davey, Andrew , De Zwaan, Sally , Morgan, Simon , van Driel, Mieke , Holliday, Elizabeth , Ball, Jean , Catzikiris, Nigel , Henderson, Kim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018