Effects of facilitated family case conferencing for advanced dementia: a cluster randomised clinical trial
- Creator: Agar, Meera , Luckett, Tim , Houltram, Jennifer , Goodall, Stephen , Chenoweth, Lynnette , Luscombe, Georgina , Phillips, Jane , Beattie, Elizabeth , Pond, Dimity , Mitchell, Geoffrey , Davidson, Patricia M. , Cook, Janet , Brooks, Deborah
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Patterns of oxycodone controlled release use in older people with cancer following public subsidy of oxycodone/naloxone formulations: An Australian population-based study
- Creator: Daniels, Benjamin , Luckett, Tim , Holliday, Simon , Liauw, Winston , Lovell, Melanie , Phillips, Jane , Rowett, Debra , John, Toby Newton , Tervonen, Hanna , Pearson, Sallie-Anne
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Australian Nursing Home Residents with Advanced Dementia: A Substudy of the IDEAL Study
- Creator: Disalvo, Domenica , Luckett, Tim , Goodall, Stephen , Agar, Meera , Luscombe, Georgina , Bennett, Alexandra , Davidson, Patricia , Chenoweth, Lynnette , Mitchell, Geoffrey , Pond, Dimity , Phillips, Jane , Beattie, Elizabeth
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Facilitated case conferences on end-of-life care for persons with advanced dementia - A qualitative study of interactions between long-term care clinicians and family members
- Creator: Francisco, Mari Claire , Lane, Heather , Goodall, Stephen , Agar, Meera , Luckett, Tim , Disalvo, Domenica , Pond, Dimity , Mitchell, Geoffrey , Chenoweth, Lynette , Phillips, Jane , Beattie, Elizabeth , Luscombe, Georgina
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Risk of opioid misuse in people with cancer and pain and related clinical considerations: a qualitative study of the perspectives of Australian general practitioners
- Creator: Luckett, Tim , Newton-John, Toby , Phillips, Jane , Holliday, Simon , Giannitrapani, Karleen , Powell-Davies, Gawaine , Lovell, Melanie , Liauw, Winston , Rowett, Debra , Pearson, Sallie-Anne , Raymond, Bronwyn , Heneka, Nicole , Lorenz, Karl
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Australian long-term care personnel's knowledge and attitudes regarding palliative care for people with advanced dementia
- Creator: Luckett, Tim , Luscombe, Georgina , Phillips, Jane , Beattie, Elizabeth , Chenoweth, Lynnette , Davidson, Patricia M. , Goodall, Stephen , Pond, Dimity , Mitchell, Geoffrey , Agar, Meera
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Eating and drinking-related care for persons with advanced dementia in long-term care
- Creator: Luckett, Tim , Pond, Dimity , Goodall, Stephen , Agar, Meera , Mitchell, Geoffrey , Chenoweth, Lynnette , Amgarth-Duff, Ingrid , Disalvo, Domenica , Phillips, Jane Louise , Beattie, Elizabeth , Davidson, Patricia Mary , Luscombe, Georgina
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
General practitioner attitudes towards systems-level opioid prescribing interventions: a pooled secondary qualitative analysis
- Creator: Prathivadi, Pallavi , Luckett, Tim , Barton, Chris , Holliday, Simon , Mazza, Danielle
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
The elusive search for success: defining and measuring implementation outcomes in a real-world hospital trial
- Creator: Shepherd, Heather L. , Geerligs, Liesbeth , Lovell, Melanie , Kelly, Brian , Beale, Philip , Grimison, Peter , Shaw, Tim , Viney, Rosalie , Rankin, Nicole M. , Butow, Phyllis , Masya, Lindy , Shaw, Joanne , Price, Melanie , Dhillon, Haryana M. , Hack, Thomas F. , Girgis, Afaf , Luckett, Tim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Health-related quality of life in people with advanced dementia: a comparison of EQ-5D-5L and QUALID instruments
- Creator: Sopina, Elizaveta , Chenoweth, Lynn , Luckett, Tim , Agar, Meera , Luscombe, Georgina M. , Davidson, Patricia M. , Pond, Constance D. , Phillips, Jane , Goodall, Stephen
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019