Hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer in 95 families: differences and similarities between mutation-positive and mutation-negative kindreds
- Creator: Scott, Rodney J. , McPhillips, Mary , Meldrum, Cliff J. , Fitzgerald, Patrick E. , Adams, Kirsten , Spigelman, Allan D. , du Sart, Desiree , Tucker, Kathy , Kirk, Judy , Hunter Family Cancer Service,
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2001
Mutation analysis of the MYH gene in an Australian series of colorectal polyposis patients with or without germline APC mutations
- Creator: Kairupan, Carla F. , Meldrum, Cliff J. , Williams, Rachel , Scott, Rodney J. , Crooks, Renee , Milward, Elizabeth A. , Spigelman, Allan D. , Burgess, Bronwyn , Groombridge, Claire , Kirk, Judy , Tucker, Kathy , Ward, Robyn
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
“Out of the blue”: A qualitative study exploring the experiences of women and next of kin receiving unexpected results from BRA-STRAP research gene panel testing
- Creator: Morrow, April , Speechly, Catherine , Willis, Amanda , Young, Alison Luk , Tucker, Kathy , Harris, Rebecca , Poplawski, Nicola , Andrews, Lesley , Nguyen Dumont, Tu , Kirk, Judy , Southey, Melissa C.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024