A comparison of the prognostic value of early PSA test-based variables following external beam radiotherapy, with or without preceding androgen deprivation: analysis of data from the TROG 96.01 randomized trial
- Creator: Lamb, David S. , Denham, James W. , D'Este, Catherine , Joseph, David , Matthews, John , Atkinson, Chris , Spry, Nigel A. , Duchesne, Gillian , Ebert, Martin , Steigler, Allison , Delahunt, Brett
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
A multicentre year-long randomised controlled trial of exercise training targeting physical functioning in men with prostate cancer previously treated with androgen suppression and radiation from TROG 03.04 RADAR
- Creator: Galvão, Daniel A. , Spry, Nigel , Denham, James , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Cormie, Prue , Joseph, David , Lamb, David S. , Chambers, Suzanne K. , Newton, Robert U.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
A randomized controlled trial of an exercise intervention targeting cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors for prostate cancer patients from the RADAR trial
- Creator: Galvão, Daniel A. , Spry, Nigel , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Denham, James , Joseph, David , Lamb, David S. , Levin, Greg , Duchesne, Gillian , Newton, Robert U.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Acute versus chronic exposure to androgen suppression for prostate cancer: impact on the exercise response
- Creator: Galvao, Daniel A. , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Spry, Nigel , Joseph, David , Newton, Robert U.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Androgen deprivation therapy use and duration with definitive radiotherapy for localised prostate cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis
- Creator: Kishan, Amar U. , Sun, Yilun , Armstrong, John G. , Nabid, Abdenour , Carrier, Nahtalie , Souhami, Luis , Dunne, Mary T. , Efstathiou, Jason A. , Sandler, Howard M. , Guerrero, Araceli , Joseph, David , Maingon, Philippe , Hartman, Holly , de Reijke, Theo M. , Maldonado, X , Ma, TM , Romero, T , Wang, X , Rettig, MB , Reiter, RE , Zaorsky, NG , Steinberg, ML , Nickols, NG , Pisansky, Thomas M. , Jia, AY , Garcia, JA , Spratt, DE , Bolla, Michel , Neven, Anouk , Steigler, Allison , Denham, James W. , Feng, Felix Y. , Zapatero, Almudena
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Association between treatment planning and delivery factors and disease progression in prostate cancer radiotherapy: Results from the TROG 03.04 RADAR trial
- Creator: Marcello, Marco , Ebert, Martin , Haworth, Annette , Steigler, Allison , Kennedy, Angel , Joseph, David , Denham, James
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Assuring high quality treatment delivery in clinical trials: results from the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) study 03.04 "RADAR" set-up accuracy study
- Creator: Haworth, Annette , Kearvell, Rachel , Greer, Peter B. , Hooton, Ben , Denham, James W. , Lamb, David , Duchesne, Gillian , Murray, Judy , Joseph, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Body composition, fatigue and exercise in patients with prostate cancer undergoing androgen-deprivation therapy
- Creator: Newton, Robert U. , Jeffery, Emily , Galvão, Daniel A. , Peddle-McIntyre, Carolyn J. , Spry, Nigel , Joseph, David , Denham, James W. , Taaffe, Dennis R.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Can exercise ameliorate treatment toxicity during the initial phase of testosterone deprivation in prostate cancer patients? Is this more effective than delayed rehabilitation?
- Creator: Newton, Robert U. , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Spry, Nigel , Cormie, Prue , Chambers, Suzanne K. , Gardiner, Robert A. , Shum, David H. K. , Joseph, David , Galvao, Daniel A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Can supervised exercise prevent treatment toxicity in patients with prostate cancer initiating androgen-deprivation therapy: a randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Cormie, Prue , Galvão, Daniel A. , Spry, Nigel , Joseph, David , Chee, Raphael , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Chambers, Suzanne K. , Newton, Robert U.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Cost-effectiveness analysis of supervised exercise training in men with prostate cancer previously treated with radiation therapy and androgen-deprivation therapy
- Creator: Edmunds, Kim , Reeves, Penny , Tuffaha, Haitham , Scuffham, Paul , Galvão, Daniel A. , Newton, Robert U. , Jones, Mark , Spry, Nigel , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Joseph, David , Chambers, Suzanne K.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Exercise Preserves Physical Function in Prostate Cancer Patients with Bone Metastases
- Creator: Galvão, Daniel A. , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Spry, Nigel , Cormie, Prue , Joseph, David , Chambers, Suzanne K. , Chee, Raphael , Peddle-Mcintyre, Carolyn J. , Hart, Nicolas H. , Baumann, Freerk T. , Denham, James , Baker, Michael , Newton, Robert U.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Functional benefits are sustained after a program of supervised resistance exercise in cancer patients with bone metastases: longitudinal results of a pilot study
- Creator: Cormie, Prue , Galvão, Daniel A. , Spry, Nigel , Joseph, David , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Newton, Robert U.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Gleason scoring: a comparison of classical and modified (International Society of Urological Pathology) criteria using nadir PSA as a clinical end point
- Creator: Delahunt, Brett , Lamb, David S, , Srigley, John R. , Murray, Judy D, , Wilcox, Chantelle , Samaratunga, Hemamali , Atkinson, Christopher , Spry, Nigel A. , Joseph, David , Denham, James W.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2010
High-dose Radiotherapy or Androgen Deprivation Therapy (HEAT) as Treatment Intensification for Localized Prostate Cancer: An Individual Patient–data Network Meta-analysis from the MARCAP Consortium
- Creator: Kishan, Amar U. , Wang, Xiaoyan , De Reijke, Theo , Neven, Anouk , Steigler, Allison , Denham, James W. , Joseph, David , Nabid, Abdenour , Carrier, Nathalie , Souhami, Luis , Sydes, Matt R. , Dearnaley, David P. , Sun, Yilun , Syndikus, Isabel , Tree, AC , Incrocci, L , Heemsbergen, WD , Pos, FJ , Zapatero, A , Efstathiou, JA , Guerrero, A , Alvarez, A , San-Segundo, CG , Romero, Tahmineh , Maldonado, X , Xiang, M , Rettig, MB , Reiter, RE , Zaorsky, NG , Ong, WL , Dess, RT , Steinberg, ML , Nickols, NG , Roy, S , Michalski, Jeff M. , Garcia, JA , Spratt, DE , MARCAP Consortium, , Ma, Ting Martin , Feng, Felix Y. , Sandler, Howard M. , Bolla, Michel , Maingon, Philippe
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Impact of selection of post-implant technique on dosimetry parameters for permanent prostate implants
- Creator: Haworth, Annette , Ebert, Martin A. , St. Clair, Shaun , Carey, Brendan M. , Flynn, Anthony , Bottomley, David M. , Duchesne, Gillian M. , Joseph, David , Ash, Daniel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
Improving sexual health in men with prostate cancer: randomised controlled trial of exercise and psychosexual therapies
- Creator: Cormie, Prue , Chambers, Suzanne K. , Hamilton, Kyra , Galvão, Daniel A. , Newton, Robert U. , Gardiner, Robert A. , Spry, Nigel , Taaffe, Dennis R. , Joseph, David , Hamid, M. Akhlil , Chong, Peter , Hughes, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Interplay Between Duration of Androgen Deprivation Therapy and External Beam Radiotherapy With or Without a Brachytherapy Boost for Optimal Treatment of High-risk Prostate Cancer A Patient-Level Data Analysis of 3 Cohorts
- Creator: Kishan, Amar U. , Steigler, Alison , Pilar, Avinash , Reddy, Chandana , Wedde, Trude B. , Lilleby, Wolfgang A. , Fiano, Ryan , Merrick, Gregory S. , Stock, Richard G. , Demanes, D. Jeffrey , Moran, Brian J. , Tran, Phuoc T. , Denham, James W. , Martin, S , Martinez-Monge, R , Krauss, DJ , Abu-Isa, EI , Pisansky, TM , Choo, CR , Song, DY , Greco, S , Deville, C , McNutt, T , Zapatero, Almudena , DeWeese, TL , Ross, AE , Ciezki, JP , Tilki, D , Karnes, RJ , Tosoian, JJ , Nickols, NG , Bhat, P , Shabsovich, D , Juarez, JE , Guerrero, Araceli , Jiang, T , Ma, TM , Xiang, M , Philipson, R , Chang, A , Kupelian, PA , Rettig, MB , Feng, FY , Berlin, A , Tward, JD , Joseph, David , Davis, BJ , Reiter, RE , Steinberg, ML , Elashoff, D , Boutros, PC , Horwitz, EM , Tendulkar, RD , Spratt, DE , Romero, T , Maldonado, Xavier , Wong, Jessica K. , Stish, Bradley J. , Dess, Robert T.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Is there more than one proctitis syndrome? A revisitation using data from the TROG 96.01 trial
- Creator: Capp, Anne , Inostroza-Ponta, Mario , Atkinson, Chris , North, John , Poulsen, Michael , Spry, Nigel A. , Tai, Keen-Hun , Wynne, Chris , Duchesne, Gillian , Steigler, Allison , Denham, James W. , Bill, Dana , Moscato, Pablo , Lai, Chi , Christie, David , Lamb, David , Turner, Sandra , Joseph, David , Matthews, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Long-term quality-of-life outcomes following prostate radiotherapy with or without high-dose-rate brachytherapy boost: post-hoc analysis of TROG 03.04 RADAR
- Creator: Ong, Wee Loon , Nikitas, John , Nickols, Nicholas G. , Chang, Albert , Zaorsky, Nicholas G. , Spratt, Daniel E. , Romero, Tahmineh , Kishan, Amar U. , Joseph, David , Steigler, Allison , Millar, Jeremy , Valle, Luca , Steinberg, Michael L. , Martin, Ting , Reiter, Robert E. , Rettig, Matthew B.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024