Comparative efficacy of simultaneous versus sequential multiple health behavior change interventions among adults: a systematic review of randomised trials
- Creator: James, Erica , Freund, Megan , Booth, Angela , Duncan, Mitch J. , Johnson, Natalie , Short, Camille E. , Wolfenden, Luke , Stacey, Fiona G. , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Vandelanotte, Corneel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Doing sensitive research: what challenges do qualitative researchers face?
- Creator: Dickson-Swift, Virginia , James, Erica , Kippen, Sandra , Liamputtong, Pranee
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2007
Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors—An individual patient data meta-analysis from the POLARIS study
- Creator: Western, Benedikte , Ivarsson, Andreas , Vistad, Ingvild , Demmelmaier, Ingrid , Aaronson, Neil K. , Radcliffe, Gillian , van Beurden, Marc , Bohus, Martin , Courneya, Kerry S. , Daley, Amanda J. , Griffith, Kathleen A. , van Harten, Wim H. , Hayes, Sandi C. , Herrero-Roman, Fernando , Hiensch, Anouk E. , Irwin, Melinda L. , James, Erica , Plotnikoff, Ron , Galvão, Daniel A. , Garrod, Rachel , Goedendorp, Martine M. , Kenkhuis, Marlou-Floor , Kersten, MJ , Knoop, H , Lucia, A , May, AM , McConnachie, A , van Mechelen, W , Mutrie, N , Newton, RU , Nollet, F , Oldenburg, HS , Schmidt, ME , Schmitz, KH , Schulz, K-H , Short, CE , Sonke, GS , Steindorf, K , Stuiver, MM , Taaffe, DR , Thorsen, L , Velthuis, MJ , Wenzel, J , Winters-Stone, KM , Wiskemann, J , Berntsen, S , Buffart, LM
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Engaging parents in child obesity prevention: support preferences of parents
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Bell, Colin , Wiggers, John , Butler, Michelle , James, Erica , Chipperfield, Kelly
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Factors associated with higher sitting time in general, chronic disease, and psychologically-distressed, adult populations: findings from the 45 & up study
- Creator: Plotnikoff, Ronald C. , Costigan, Sarah A. , Short, Camille , Grunseit, Anne , James, Erica , Johnson, Natalie , Bauman, Adrian , D'Este, Catherine , van der Ploeg, Hidde P. , Rhodes, Ryan E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Fruit and vegetables should be targeted separately in health promotion programmes: differences in consumption levels, barriers, knowledge and stages of readiness for change
- Creator: Glasson, Colleen , Chapman, Kathy , James, Erica
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2010
Identification of cancer risk and associated behaviour: implications for social marketing campaigns for cancer prevention
- Creator: Kippen, Rebecca , James, Erica , Ward, Bernadette , Buykx, Penny , Shamsullah, Ardel , Watson, Wendy , Chapman, Kathy
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Increased exposure to community-based education and 'below the line' social marketing results in increased fruit and vegetable consumption
- Creator: Glasson, Colleen , Chapman, Kathy , Wilson, Tamara , Gander, Kristi , Hughes, Clare , Hudson, Nayerra , James, Erica
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Media reporting of the suicide phenomenon in Taiwan: a content analysis
- Creator: Chen, Fang Chin , Jackson, Paul , Kippen, Sandra , James, Erica
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Predischarge occupational therapy home assessment visits: towards an evidence base
- Creator: Harris, Sally , James, Erica , Snow, Pamela
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008
The efficacy of a brief, peer-led nutrition education intervention in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption: a wait-list, community-based randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Glasson, Colleen , Chapman, Kathy , Gander, Kristi , Wilson, Tamara , James, Erica
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
The quality of the evidence base for clinical pathway effectiveness: room for improvement in the design of evaluation trials
- Creator: Rotter, Thomas , Kinsman, Leigh , James, Erica , Machotta, Andreas , Steyerberg, Ewout W.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
What is a clinical pathway?: development of a definition to inform the debate
- Creator: Kinsman, Leigh , Rotter, Thomas , James, Erica , Snow, Pamela , Willis, Jon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2010