A cross sectional study investigating weight management motivations, methods and perceived healthy eating and physical activity influences in women up to five years following childbirth
- Creator: Vincze, Lisa , Rollo, Megan E. , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Burrows, Tracy L. , MacDonald-Wicks, Lesley , Blumfield, Michelle , Collins, Clare E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
A review of maternal overweight and obesity and its impact on cardiometabolic outcomes during pregnancy and postpartum.
- Creator: Grieger, Jessica A. , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Cooray, Shamil D. , Bahri Khomami, Mahnaz , Zaman, Sarah , Segan, Louise , Teede, Helena , Moran, Lisa J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
A scoping review of risk behaviour interventions in young men
- Creator: Ashton, Lee M. , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Rollo, Megan E. , Morgan, Philip J. , Collins, Clare E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
A systematic review of eHealth behavioral interventions targeting smoking, nutrition, alcohol, physical activity and/or obesity for young adults
- Creator: Oosterveen, Emilie , Tzelepis, Flora , Ashton, Lee , Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
A systematic review of SNAPO (Smoking, Nutrition, Alcohol, Physical activity and Obesity) randomized controlled trials in young adult men
- Creator: Ashton, Lee M. , Morgan, Philip J. , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Rollo, Megan E. , Young, Myles D. , Collins, Clare E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
A targeted and tailored eHealth weight loss program for young women: the Be Positive Be Healthe randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Callister, Robin , Collins, Clare E. , Morgan, Philip J. , Pranata, Ilung , Clarke, Erin D. , Skinner, Geoff , Ashton, Lee M. , Whatnall, Megan C. , Jones, Mark , Oldmeadow, Christopher
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
An 8-week web-based weight loss challenge with celebrity endorsement and enhanced social support: observational study
- Creator: Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Collins, Clare E. , Morgan, Philip J. , Callister, Robin
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Are psychological distress and resilience associated with dietary intake among Australian university students?
- Creator: Whatnall, Megan C. , Patterson, Amanda J. , Siew, Yu Yao , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Associations between dietary intake and academic achievement in college students: a systematic review
- Creator: Burrows, Tracy L. , Whatnall, Megan C. , Patterson, Amanda J. , Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Associations between unhealthy diet and lifestyle behaviours and increased cardiovascular disease risk in young overweight and obese women
- Creator: Whatnall, Megan C. , Collins, Clare E. , Callister, Robin , Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Be Healthe for your heart: a pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating a web-based behavioral intervention to improve the cardiovascular health of women with a history of preeclampsia
- Creator: Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Taylor, Rachael , Shrewsbury, Vanessa A. , Vincze, Lisa , Campbell, Linda E. , Callister, Robin , Park, Felicity , Schumacher, Tracy L. , Collins, Clare E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Be positive be healthe: development and implementation of a targeted e-health weight loss program for young women
- Creator: Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Morgan, Philip J. , Callister, Robin , Pranata, Ilung , Skinner, Geoff , Collins, Clare E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Changes in physical activity, diet, sleep, and mental well-being when starting university: A qualitative exploration of Australian student experiences
- Creator: Oftedal, Stina , Fenton, Sasha , Hansen, Vibeke , Whatnall, Megan C. , Ashton, Lee M. , Haslam, Rebecca L. , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Duncan, Mitch J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Consuming high-carotenoid fruit and vegetables influences skin yellowness and plasma carotenoids in young women: a single-blind randomized crossover trial
- Creator: Pezdirc, Kristine , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Williams, Rebecca L. , Rollo, Megan E. , Burrows, Tracy L. , Wood, Lisa G. , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Collins, Clare E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Cost evaluation of providing evidence-based dietetic services for weight management in adults: in-person versus eHealth delivery
- Creator: Rollo, Megan E. , Burrows, Tracy , Vincze, Lisa J. , Harvey, Jean , Collins, Clare E. , Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Determinants of eating behaviours in Australian university students: a cross-sectional analysis
- Creator: Whatnall, Megan C. , Patterson, Amanda J. , Chiu, Simon , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Do disparities exist between national food group recommendations and the dietary intakes of contemporary young adults?
- Creator: Taylor, Rachael M. , Haslam, Rebecca L. , Ashton, Lee , Collins, Clare E. , Truby, Helen , Attia, John , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Burrows, Tracy , Callister, Robin , Hides, Leanne , Bonevski, Billie , Kirkpatrick, Sharon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Eating behaviors and diet quality: a national survey of Australian young adults
- Creator: Baldwin, Jennifer N. , Haslam, Rebecca L. , Clarke, Erin , Attia, John , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Rollo, Megan E. , Callister, Robin , Burrows, Tracy , Truby, Helen , McCaffrey, Tracy A. , Hides, Leanne , Bonevski, Billie , Kerr, Deborah A. , Kirkpatrick, Sharon I. , Collins, Clare E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Effectiveness of brief nutrition interventions on dietary behaviours in adults: a systematic review
- Creator: Whatnall, Megan C. , Patterson, Amanda J. , Ashton, Lee M. , Hutchesson, Melinda J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Effectiveness of gender-targeted versus gender-neutral interventions aimed at improving dietary intake, physical activity and/or overweight/obesity in young adults (aged 17–35 years): a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Creator: Sharkey, Thomas , Whatnall, Megan C. , Hutchesson, Melinda J. , Haslam, Rebecca L. , Bezzina, Aaron , Collins, Clare E. , Ashton, Lee M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020