A combined experimental and theoretical study on laboratory-scale comminution of coal and biomass blends
- Creator: Doroodchi, Elham , Zulfiqar, Hadi , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
A correlation for predicting solids holdup in the dilute pneumatic conveying flow regime of circulating and interconnected fluidised beds
- Creator: Alghamdi, Yusif , Peng, Zhengbiao , shah, Kalpit , Moghtaderi, Behdad , Doroodchi, Elham
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
A feasibility study on a novel stone dust looping process for abatement of ventilation air methane
- Creator: Shah, Kalpit , Moghtaderi, Behdad , Doroodchi, Elham , Sandford, James
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
A method for calculating the surface area of numerically simulated aggregates
- Creator: Peng, Zhengbiao , Doroodchi, Elham , Sathe, Mayur , Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. , Evans, Geoffrey M. , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
A modified direct method for void fraction calculation in CFD-DEM simulations
- Creator: Peng, Zhengbiao , Moghtaderi, Behdad , Doroodchi, Elham
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
A novel hybrid chemical-looping oxy combustor process for the combustion of solid and gaseous fuels: thermodynamic analysis
- Creator: Shah, Kalpit , Zhou, Cheng , Song, Hui , Doroodchi, Elham , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
A novel slag carbon arrestor process for energy recovery in steelmaking industry
- Creator: Zhou, Cheng , Tremain, Priscilla , Doroodchi, Elham , Moghtaderi, Behdad , Shah, Kalpit
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
A phase change calcium looping thermochemical energy storage system based on CaCO3/CaO-CaCl2
- Creator: Wu, Sike , Zhou, Cheng , Tremain, Priscilla , Doroodchi, Elham , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
A review of microreactors based on slurry Taylor (segmented) flow
- Creator: Peng, Zhengbiao , Wang, Guichao , Moghtaderi, Behdad , Doroodchi, Elham
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
A review on high-temperature thermochemical energy storage based on metal oxides redox cycle
- Creator: Wu, Sike , Zhou, Cheng , Doroodchi, Elham , Nellore, Rajesh , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
A simple model for predicting solid concentration distribution in binary-solid liquid fluidized beds
- Creator: Peng, Zhengbiao , Moghtaderi, Behdad , Doroodchi, Elham
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
A solar-assisted metal oxide redox system for peak-load shifting in coal-fired power plants
- Creator: Wu, Sike , Zhou, Cheng , Doroodchi, Elham , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2017
A theoretical model for predicting homogeneous ice nucleation rate based on molecular kinetic energy distribution
- Creator: Gai, Shaolei , Peng, Zhengbiao , Moghtaderi, Behdad , Yu, Jianglong , Doroodchi, Elham
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
A three-dimensional hot flow model for simulating the alumina encapsulated NI-NIO methane-air CLC system based on the computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method
- Creator: Luo, Caimao , Peng, Zhengbiao , Doroodchi, Elham , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
A unique phase change redox cycle using CuO/Cu2 O for utility-scale energy storage
- Creator: Wu, Sike , Zhou, Cheng , Doroodchi, Elham , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Advanced applications of tunable ferrofluids in energy systems and energy harvesters: a critical review
- Creator: Khairul, M. A. , Doroodchi, Elham , Azizian, Reza , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
An experimental investigation of the catalytic activity of natural calcium-rich minerals and a novel dual-supported CaO-Ca12Al14O33/Al2O3 Catalyst for Biotar Steam Reforming
- Creator: Yin, Fengkui , Tremain, Priscilla , Yu, Jianglong , Doroodchi, Elham , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
An in-depth assessment of hybrid solar-geothermal power generation
- Creator: Zhou, Cheng , Doroodchi, Elham , Moghtaderi, Behdad
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
An overview of GRANEX technology for geothermal power generation and waste heat recovery
- Creator: Moghtaderi, Behdad , Doroodchi, Elham
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2009
Analysis of interaction forces for predicting the transition from segregation to mixing of binary solids in a miniaturised gas fluidised bed
- Creator: Peng, Zhengbiao , Alghamdi, Yusif A. , Moghtaderi, Behdad , Doroodchi, Elham
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2015