Purely relative models cannot provide a general account of absolute identification
- Creator: Brown, Scott D. , Marley, A. A. J. , Dodds, Pennie , Heathcote, Andrew
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Revising the limits of learning in absolute identification
- Creator: Dodds, Pennie , Donkin, Chris , Brown, Scott , Heathcote, Andrew
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2009
Multidimensional scaling methods for absolute identification data
- Creator: Dodds, Pennie , Donkin, Chris , Brown, Scott , Heathcote, Andrew
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2010
Increasing capacity: practice effects in absolute identification
- Creator: Dodds, Pennie , Donkin, Christopher , Brown, Scott D. , Heathcote, Andrew
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Stimulus-specific learning: disrupting the bow effect in absolute identification
- Creator: Dodds, Pennie , Donkin, Christopher , Brown, Scott D. , Heathcote, Andrew , Marley, A. A. J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Perhaps unidimensional is not unidimensional
- Creator: Dodds, Pennie , Rae, Babette , Brown, Scott
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Revisiting Miller’s limit: studies in absolute identification
- Creator: Dodds, Pennie
- Resource Type: thesis
- Date: 2012
A randomised controlled trial of an active telephone-based recruitment strategy to increase childcare-service staff attendance at a physical activity and nutrition training workshop
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Wolfenden, Luke , Finch, Meghan , Williams, Amanda , Dodds, Pennie , Gilham, Karen , Wyse, Rebecca
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
A randomised controlled trial of an intervention to facilitate the implementation of healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in childcare services.
- Creator: Jones, Jannah , Wolfenden, Luke , Wye, Paula , Wiggers, John , Wyse, Rebecca , Finch, Meghan , Yoong, Sze Lin , Dodds, Pennie , Pond, Nicole , Gillham, Karen , Freund, Megan , McElduff, Patrick
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
The effect of energy and traffic light labelling on parent and child fast food selection: a randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Dodds, Pennie , Wolfenden, Luke , Chapman, Kathy , Wellard, Lyndal , Hughes, Clare , Wiggers, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
The impact of a hypothetical designated driver program on intended alcohol-related behavior: an RCT
- Creator: Rowland, Bosco C. , Wolfenden, Luke , Dodds, Pennie , Kingsland, Melanie , Gillham, Karen E. , Wiggers, John H.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Validity of a measure to assess healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in Australian childcare services
- Creator: Dodds, Pennie , Wyse, Rebecca , Wiggers, John , Jones, Jannah , Wolfenden, Luke , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Williams, Amanda , Yoong, Sze Lin , Finch, Meghan , Nathan, Nicole , Gillham, Karen
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Who is responsible for selecting children's fast food meals, and what impact does this have on energy content of the selected meals?
- Creator: Wellard, Lyndal , Chapman, Kathy , Wolfenden, Luke , Dodds, Pennie , Hughes, Clare , Wiggers, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Childcare service centers' preferences and intentions to use a web-based program to implement healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices: a cross-sectional study
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Williams, Christopher Michael , Finch, Meghan , Wyse, Rebecca , Jones, Jannah , Freund, Megan , Wiggers, John Henry , Nathan, Nicole , Dodds, Pennie , Wolfenden, Luke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Effectiveness of an intervention to facilitate the implementation of healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in childcare services: a randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Jones, Jannah , Wyse, Rebecca , Fielding, Alison , Dodds, Pennie , Clinton-McHarg, Tara , Freund, Megan , McElduff, Patrick , Gillham, Karen , Wolfenden, Luke , Finch, Meghan , Lecathelinais, Christopher , Wiggers, John , Marshall, Josephine , Falkiner, Maryann , Pond, Nicole , Yoong, Sze Lin , Hollis, Jenna
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Factors associated with early childhood education and care service implementation of healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in Australia: a cross-sectional study
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Finch, Meghan , Gillham, Karen , Nathan, Nicole , Weaver, Natasha , Wiggers, John , Yoong, Sze Lin , Jones, Jannah , Dodds, Pennie , Wyse, Rebecca , Sutherland, Rachel
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Improving availability, promotion and purchase of fruit and vegetable and non sugar-sweetened drink products at community sporting clubs: a randomised trial
- Creator: Wolfenden, Luke , Kingsland, Melanie , Rowland, Bosco C. , Dodds, Pennie , Gillham, Karen , Yoong, Sze Lin , Sidey, Maree , Wiggers, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Tackling risky alcohol consumption in sport: a cluster randomised controlled trial of an alcohol management intervention with community football clubs
- Creator: Kingsland, Melanie , Wolfenden, Luke , Crundall, Ian , Wiggers, John H. , Tindall, Jennifer , Rowland, Bosco C. , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Gillham, Karen E. , Dodds, Pennie , Sidey, Maree N. , Rogerson, John C. , McElduff, Patrick
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
A longitudinal study assessing childcare services' adoption of obesity prevention policies and practices
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Finch, Meghan , Nathan, Nicole , Wiggers, John , Lecathelinais, Christophe , Jones, Jannah , Dodds, Pennie , Wolfenden, Luke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Healthier options do not reduce total energy of parent intended fast food purchases for their young children: a randomised controlled trial
- Creator: Yoong, Sze Lin , Dodds, Pennie , Hure, Alexis , Clinton-McHarg, Tara , Skelton, Eliza , Wiggers, John , Wolfenden, Luke
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016