Refrigerated storage and cryopreservation of hormonally induced sperm in the threatened frog, Litoria aurea
- Creator: Upton, Rose , Calatayud, Natalie E. , Clulow, Simon , Brett, Darcie , Burton, Alana L. , Colyvas, Kim , Mahony, Michael , Clulow, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Assessing the effectiveness of long-term monitoring of the Broad-toothed Rat in the Barrington Tops National Park, Australia
- Creator: Alley, Charlotte , Beard, Peter , Clulow, John , Griffin, Andrea , Fawcett, Adam , James, Geoffrey , Hayward, Matt W.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Life stage dependent predator-prey reversal between a frog (Litoria aurea) and a dragonfly (Anax papuensis)
- Creator: Beranek, Chad T. , Clulow, John , Mahony, Michael
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Modeling genetic benefits and financial costs of integrating biobanking into the conservation breeding of managed marsupials
- Creator: Howell, Lachlan G. , Mawson, Peter R. , Comizzoli, Pierre , Witt, Ryan R. , Frankham, Richard , Clulow, Simon , O'Brien, Justine K. , Clulow, John , Marinari, Paul , Rodger, John C.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Paradigm shift in frog sperm cryopreservation: reduced role for non-penetrating cryoprotectants
- Creator: Upton, Rose , Clulow, Simon , Colyvas, Kim , Mahony, Michael , Clulow, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
The effect of salt dosing for chytrid mitigation on tadpoles of a threatened frog, Litoria aurea
- Creator: Callen, Alex , Pizzatto, Ligia , Stockwell, Michelle P. , Clulow, Simon , Clulow, John , Mahony, Michael J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
An ephemerality paradox: Evidence of virtual semelparity in ephemeral pool-breeding anurans
- Creator: Gould, John , Clulow, John , Herb, Frithjof , Clulow, Simon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Cheek-to-cheek: Communal nesting in an ephemeral pool-breeding frog
- Creator: Gould, John , Clulow, John , Clulow, Simon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Factors influencing persistence of a threatened amphibian in restored wetlands despite severe population decline during climate change driven weather extremes
- Creator: Beranek, Chad T. , Sanders, Samantha , Clulow, John , Mahony, Michael
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Genome-wide SNPs detect fine-scale genetic structure in threatened populations of squirrel glider Petaurus norfolcensis
- Creator: Knipler, Monica L. , Dowton, Mark , Clulow, John , Meyer, Ninon , Mikac, Katarina M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
High clutch failure rate due to unpredictable rainfall for an ephemeral pool-breeding frog
- Creator: Gould, John , Clulow, John , Clulow, Simon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Modelling Genetic Benefits and Financial Costs of Integrating Biobanking into the Captive Management of Koalas
- Creator: Howell, Lachlan G. , Johnston, Stephen D. , O'Brien, Justine K. , Frankham, Richard , Rodger, John C. , Ryan, Shelby A. , Beranek, Chad T. , Clulow, John , Hudson, Donald. S. , Witt, Ryan R.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Predator-free short-hydroperiod wetlands enhance metamorph output in a threatened amphibian: Insights into frog breeding behaviour evolution and conservation management
- Creator: Beranek, Chad T. , Sanders, Samantha , Clulow, John , Mahony, Michael
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Seasonal variation in the prevalence of a fungal pathogen and unexpected clearance from infection in a susceptible frog species
- Creator: Garnham, James I. , Bower, Deborah S. , Stockwell, Michelle P. , Pickett, Evan J. , Pollard, Carla J. , Clulow, John , Mahony, Michael J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Complex trade-offs in oviposition site selection in a cannibalistic frog
- Creator: Gould, John , Clulow, John , Rippon, Paul , Doody, J. Sean , Clulow, Simon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Drone thermal imaging technology provides a cost-effective tool for landscape-scale monitoring of a cryptic forest-dwelling species across all population densities
- Creator: Howell, Lachlan G. , Clulow, John , Jordan, Neil R. , Beranek, Chad T. , Ryan, Shelby A. , Roff, Adam , Witt, Ryan R.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Efficacy of short-term cold storage prior to cryopreservation of spermatozoa in a threatened lizard
- Creator: Campbell, Lachlan , Clulow, John , Howe, Belinda , Upton, Rose , Doody, Sean , Clulow, Simon
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Generation of reproductively mature offspring from the endangered green and golden bell frog Litoria aurea using cryopreserved spermatozoa
- Creator: Upton, Rose , Clulow, Simon , Calatayud, Natalie E. , Colyvas, Kim , Seeto, Rebecca G. Y. , Wong, Lesley A. M. , Mahony, Michael J. , Clulow, John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Genetic evidence for polyandry in the threatened green and golden bell frog
- Creator: Beranek, Chad T. , Clulow, John , Mahony, Michael
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Identifying a limiting factor in the population dynamics of a threatened amphibian: The influence of extended female maturation on operational sex ratio
- Creator: Beranek, Chad T. , Maynard, Cassandra , McHenry, Colin , Clulow, John , Mahony, Michael
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021