Depression prevalence using the HADS-D compared to SCID major depression classification: an individual participant data meta-analysis
- Creator: Brehaut, Eliana , Neupane, Dipika , Levis, Brooke , Wu, Yin , Sun, Ying , Krishnan, Ankur , He, Chen , Bhandari, Parash Mani , Negeri, Zelalem , Riehm, Kira E. , Rice, Danielle B. , Azar, Marleine , Yan, Xin Wei , Imran, Mahrukh , Chiovitti, Matthew J. , Saadat, Nazanin , Cuijpers, Pim , Ioannidis, John P. A. , Markham, Sarah , Patten, Scott B. , Carter, Gregory , Clover, Kerrie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Baseline depression predicts malnutrition in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy
- Creator: Britton, Ben , Clover, Kerrie , Bateman, Lorna , Odelli, Cathy , Wenham, Karen , Zeman, Annette , Carter, Gregory Leigh
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Effectiveness of QUICATOUCH: a computerised touch screen evaluation for pain and distress in ambulatory oncology patients in Newcastle, Australia
- Creator: Carter, Gregory , Britton, Ben , Clover, Kerrie , Rogers, Kerry , Adams, Catherine , McElduff, Patrick
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Wellbeing during Active Surveillance for localised prostate cancer: a systematic review of psychological morbidity and quality of life
- Creator: Carter, Gregory , Clover, Kerrie , Britton, Ben , Mitchell, Alex J. , White, Martin , McLeod, Nicholas , Denham, Jim , Lambert, Sylvie D.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Computerised assessment of quality of life in oncology patients and carers
- Creator: Carter, Gregory , Lewin, Terry , Rashid, Ghizala , Adams, Catherine , Clover, Kerrie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008
Postcards from the EDge: 5-year outcomes of a randomised controlled trial for hospital-treated self-poisoning
- Creator: Carter, Gregory L. , Clover, Kerrie , Whyte, Ian M. , Dawson, Andrew H. , D'Este, Catherine
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Postcards from the EDge: 24-Month outcomes of a randomised controlled trial for hospital-treated self-poisoning
- Creator: Carter, Gregory L. , Clover, Kerrie , Whyte, Ian M. , Dawson, Andrew H. , D'Este, Catherine
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2007
Postcards from the EDge project: randomised controlled trial of an intervention using postcards to reduce repetition of hospital treated deliberate self poisoning
- Creator: Carter, Gregory L. , Clover, Kerrie , Whyte, Ian M. , Dawson, Andrew H. , D'Este, Catherine Anne
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
Caregiver satisfaction with out-patient oncology services: utility of the FAMCARE instrument and development of the FAMCARE-6
- Creator: Carter, Gregory Leigh , Lewin, Terry J. , Gianacas, Louisa , Clover, Kerrie , Adams, Catherine
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Postcards from the EDge project: randomised controlled trial of an intervention using postcards to reduce repetition of hospital treated deliberate self poisoning
- Creator: Carter, Gregory Leigh , Clover, Kerrie , Whyte, Ian Macgregor , Dawson, Andrew H. , D'Este, Catherine Anne
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
PROMIS depression measures perform similarly to legacy measures relative to a structured diagnostic interview for depression in cancer patients
- Creator: Clover, Kerrie , Lambert, Sylvie D. , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Britton, Benjamin , King, Madeleine T. , Mitchell, Alex J. , Carter, Gregory
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Predictors of desire for help in oncology outpatients reporting pain or distress
- Creator: Clover, Kerrie , Kelly, Pete , Rogers, Kerry , Britton, Ben , Carter, Gregory Leigh
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Disruption to radiation therapy sessions due to anxiety among patients receiving radiation therapy to the head and neck area can be predicted using patient self-report measures
- Creator: Clover, Kerrie , Oultram, Sharon , Adams, Catherine , Cross, Laraine , Findlay, Naomi , Ponman, Leah
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Apples to apples? Comparison of the measurement properties of hospital anxiety and depression-anxiety subscale (HADS-A)...
- Creator: Clover, Kerrie , Lambert, Sylvie D. , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Britton, Benjamin , King, Madeleine T. , Mitchell, Alex J. , Carter, Gregory L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Is my patient suffering clinically significant emotional distress?: demonstration of a probabilities approach to evaluating algorithms for screening for distress
- Creator: Clover, Kerrie , Carter, Gregory Leigh , Mackinnon, Andrew , Adams, Catherine
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Concurrent validity of the PSYCH-6, a very short scale for detecting anxiety and depression, among oncology outpatients
- Creator: Clover, Kerrie , Carter, Gregory Leigh , Adams, Catherine , Hickie, Ian , Davenport, Tracey
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Convergent and criterion validity of PROMIS anxiety measures relative to six legacy measures and a structured diagnostic interview for anxiety in cancer patients
- Creator: Clover, Kerrie , Lambert, Sylvie D. , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Britton, Benjamin , Mitchell, Alex J. , Carter, Gregory , King, Madeleine T.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Posttraumatic stress disorder among deliberate self-poisoning patients
- Creator: Clover, Kerrie , Carter, Gregory L. , Whyte, Ian M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2004
A case study of an individual participant data meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy showed that prediction regions represented heterogeneity well
- Creator: de Lara, Aurelio López Malo Vázquez , Bhandari, Parash Mani , Negeri, Zelalem , Imran, Mahrukh , Rice, Danille B. , Riehm, Kira E. , Saadat, Nazanin , Azar, Marleine , Boruff, Jill , Cuijpers, Pim , Gilbody, Simon , Ioannidis, John P. A. , Wu, Yin , Kloda, Lorie A. , McMillan, D , Patten, SB , Shrier, I , Ziegelstein, RC , Akena, DH , Arroll, B , Ayalon, L , Baradaran, HR , Beraldi, A , Levis, Brooke , Bombardier, CH , Butterworth, P , Carter, Gregory , Chagas, MH , Chan, JCN , Cholera, R , Chowdhary, N , Clover, Kerrie , Conwell, Y , de Man-van Ginkel, JM , Thombs, Brett , Delgadillo, J , Fann, JR , Fischer, FH , Fung, D , Gelaye, B , Goodyear-Smith, F , Greeno, CG , Hall, BJ , Härter, M , Hegerl, U , Benedetti, Andrea , Hides, L , Hobfoll, SE , Hudson, M , Hyphantis, T , Inagaki, M , Ismail, K , Jetté, N , Khamseh, ME , Kiely, KM , Kwan, Y , Sun, Ying , Lamers, F , Liu, SI , Lotrakul, M , Loureiro, SR , Löwe, B , Marsh, L , McGuire, A , Mohd Sidik, S , Munhoz, TN , Muramatsu, K , He, Chen , Osório, FL , Patel, V , Pence, BW , Persoons, P , Picardi, A , Reuter, K , Rooney, AG , Santos, IS , Shaaban, J , Sidebottom, A , Krishnan, Ankur , Simning, A , Stafford, L , Sung, SC , Tan, PLL , Turner, Alyna , van der Feltz-Cornelis, CM , van Weert, HC , Vöhringer, PA , White, J , Whooley, MA , Neupane, Dipika , Winkley, K , Yamada, M , Zhang, Y
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
A systematic review of nonpharmacological interventions to reduce procedural anxiety among patients undergoing radiation therapy for cancer
- Creator: Forbes, Erin , Baker, Amanda L. , Mccarter, Kristen , Britton, Ben , Clover, Kerrie , Skelton, Eliza , Moore, Lyndell , Handley, Tonelle , Oultram, Sharon , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Gibberd, Alison
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023