A comprehensive model for the selection of medical students
- Creator: Bore, Miles , Munro, Donald , Powis, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Assessment of personal qualities in relation to admission to medical school
- Creator: Lumsden, Mary Ann , Bore, Miles , Millar, Keith , Jack, Rachael , Powis, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
Assessment of personal qualities in relation to admission to medical school
- Creator: Lumsden, M. A. , Bore, Miles , Millar, K. , Jack, R. , Powis, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
Can personal qualities of medical students predict in-course examination success and professional behaviour? An exploratory prospective cohort study
- Creator: Adam, Jane , Bore, Miles , McKendree, Jean , Munro, Don , Powis, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Changes in personality in pre- and post-dialectical behaviour therapy borderline personality disorder groups: a question of self-control
- Creator: Davenport, Jane , Bore, Miles , Campbell, Judy
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2010
Cohort Profile: The New South Wales Child Development Study (NSW-CDS)-Wave 2 (child age 13 years)
- Creator: Green, Melissa J. , Harris, Felicity , Laurens, Kristin R. , Kariuki, Maina , Tzoumakis, Stacy , Dean, Kimberlie , Islam, Fakhrul , Rossen, Larissa , Whitten, Tyson , Smith, Maxwell , Holbrook, Allyson , Bore, Miles , Brinkman, Sally , Chilvers, Marilyn , Sprague, Titia , Stevens, Robert , Carr, Vaughan J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Comparing the cognitive, personality and moral characteristics of high school and graduate medical entrants to the Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran
- Creator: Nedjat, Saharnaz , Bore, Miles , Majdzadeh, Reza , Rashidian, Arash , Munro, Don , Powis, David , Karbakhsh, Mojgan , Keshavarz, Hossein
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Construct validity of a two-factor model of psychopathy
- Creator: Douglas, Heather , Bore, Miles , Munro, Don
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Coping with university education: the relationships of time management behaviour and work engagement with the five factor model aspects
- Creator: Douglas, Heather E. , Bore, Miles , Munro, Don
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Development of the Personal Qualities Assessment as a tool for selecting medical students
- Creator: Powis, David , Bore, Miles , Munro, Donald , Lumsden, Mary Ann
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2005
Distinguishing the dark triad: evidence from the five-factor model and the Hogan Development Survey
- Creator: Douglas, Heather , Bore, Miles , Munro, Don
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Eating disorder symptomatology, body image, and mindfulness: findings in a non-clinical sample
- Creator: Prowse, Emma , Bore, Miles , Dyer, Stella
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Emotional intelligence and personality as predictors of psychological well-being
- Creator: James, Colin , Bore, Miles , Zito, Susanna
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Graduate entry to medicine: widening psychological diversity
- Creator: James, David , Ferguson, Eamonn , Powis, David , Bore, Miles , Munro, Don , Symonds, Ian , Yates, Janet
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009
Implementing a web-based measurement of 3D understanding
- Creator: Sutton, Ken , Heathcote, A. , Bore, Miles
- Resource Type: conference paper
- Date: 2005
In-course and career outcomes predicted by medical school selection procedures based on personal qualities
- Creator: Powis, David , Munro, Don , Bore, Miles , Burstal, Ann
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Is it possible to assess the "ethics" of medical school applicants?
- Creator: Lowe, Michael , Kerridge, Ian , Bore, Miles , Munro, Don , Powis, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2001
Item response theory analysis of the big five questionnaire for children– short form (BFC-SF): A self-report measure of personality in children aged 11–12 years
- Creator: Bore, Miles , Laurens, Kristin R. , Hobbs, Megan J. , Green, Melissa J. , Tzoumakis, Stacy , Harris, Felicity , Carr, Vaughan J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Measuring 3-D understanding on the web and in the laboratory
- Creator: Sutton, Ken , Heathcote, A. , Bore, Miles
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2007
New South Wales child development study (NSW-CDS): an Australian multiagency, multigenerational, longitudinal record linkage study
- Creator: Carr, Vaughan J. , Harris, Felicity , Brinkman, Sally , Lenroot, Rhoshel , Dix, Katherine , Dean, Kimberlie , Laurens, Kristin R. , Green, Melissa J. , Raudino, Alessandro , Luo, Luming , Kariuki, Maina , Liu, Enwu , Tzoumakis, Stacy , Smith, Maxwell , Holbrook, Allyson , Bore, Miles
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016