Peer telephone counseling for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus:a case-study approach to inform the design, development, and evaluation of programs targeting physical activity
- Creator: Plotnikoff, Ronald C. , Johnson, Steven T. , Luchak, Mila , Pollock, Cathy , Holt, Nicholas L. , Leahy, Annabel , Liebreich, Tanis , Sigal, Ronald J. , Boulé, Normand G.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2010
Community-based participatory research to address childhood obesity: experiences from Alexander First Nation in Canada
- Creator: Pigford, Ashlee-Ann E. , Fehderau, David Dyck , Ball, Geoff D. C. , Holt, Nicholas L. , Plotnikoff, Ronald C. , Veugelers, Paul J. , Arcand, Ella , Willows, Noreen D.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013