Your selections:
Social identity theory's self-esteem hypothesis: a review and some suggestions for clarification
- Rubin, Mark, Hewstone, Miles
Between the image and the act: interactive sex entertainment on the internet
- Kibby, Marjorie, Costello, Brigid
Does multiple categorization reduce intergroup bias?
- Crisp, Richard J., Hewstone, Miles, Rubin, Mark
Evidence-based practice and decision analysis in social work
Science communication: a contemporary definition
- Burns, T. W., O'Connor, D. J., Stocklmayer, S. M.
The harm chain A public policy development and stakeholder perspective
- Polonsky, Michael Jay, Carlson, Les, Fry, Marie-Louise
Master Foods Australia: lessons in successful organisational learning practice
- Hobson, Raelee, Meacheam, David
Social work professional associations in South Africa
The most influential books in Australian sociology (MIBAS), 1963-2003
- Skrbis, Zlatko, Germov, John
The new economy, property and personhood
Women first?: on the legacy of primitive communism
A political mythology of world order: Carl Schmitt's nomos
Pursuing good practice?: the limits of evidence-based practice
- Gray, Mel, McDonald, Catherine
- Everingham, Christine, Stevenson, Deborah, Warner-Smith, Penny
- Burgess, Jacquelin, Stirling, Andrew, Clark, Judy, Davies, Gail, Earnes, Malcolm, Staley, Kristina, Williamson, Suzanne
Doing sensitive research: what challenges do qualitative researchers face?
- Dickson-Swift, Virginia, James, Erica, Kippen, Sandra, Liamputtong, Pranee
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