Your selections:
- Skinner, Janelle A., Leary, Mark, Wood, Lisa G., Colyvas, Kim, Collins, Clare E., Burrows, Tracy L., Whatnall, Megan, Collins, Rebecca A., Pursey, Kirrilly M., Verdejo-Garcia, Antonio, Hay, Philipa J., Baker, Amanda L., Hides, Leanne, Paxton, Susan J.
- Collins, Rebecca A., Duncanson, Kerith, Skinner, Janelle A., Hay, Phillipa J., Paxton, Susan J., Burrows, Tracy L.
Food addiction support: website content analysis
- McKenna, Rebecca A., Rollo, Megan E., Skinner, Janelle A., Burrows, Tracy L.
Food Addiction: a Deep Dive into ‘Loss of Control’ and ‘Craving’
- Whatnall, Megan, Skinner, Janelle A., Leary, Mark, Burrows, Tracy L.
Is weight status associated with peripheral levels of oxytocin? A pilot study in healthy women
- Skinner, Janelle A., Garg, Manohar L., Dayas, Christopher V., Burrows, Tracy L.
Relationship between dietary intake and behaviors with oxytocin: a systematic review of studies in adults
- Skinner, Janelle A., Garg, Manohar L., Dayas, Christopher V., Fenton, Sasha, Burrows, Tracy L.
- Leary, Mark, Skinner, Janelle A., Pursey, Kirrilly M., Verdejo-Garcia, Antonio, Collins, Rebecca, Collins, Clare, Hay, Phillipa, Burrows, Tracy L.
The relationship between oxytocin, dietary intake and feeding: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies in mice and rats
- Skinner, Janelle A., Campbell, Erin J., Dayas, Christopher V., Garg, Manohar L., Burrows, Tracy L.
Using participant ratings to construct food image paradigms for use in the Australian population - A pilot study
- Skinner, Janelle A., Garg, Manohar L., Dayas, Christopher V., Burrows, Tracy L.
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