Your selections:
'Do something, change something': feminist leadership in social work
'Indigenization' and knowledge development: extending the debate
- Meng, Qian, Gray, Mel, Bradt, Lieve, Roets, Griet
A pragmatic approach to social development: Part 1
A pragmatic approach to social development: Part 2
Ageing in Australia and the increased need for care
An 'ecospiritual' perspective: finally, a place for indigenous approaches
- Coates, John, Gray, Mel, Hetherington, Tiani
- Ashby, Samantha, Gray, Mel, Ryan, Susan, James, Carole
An integrated and experience-based approach to social work education: the Newcastle model
Athena's legacy: preparing women for a mentoring program
- Boddy, Jennifer, Agllias, Kylie, Gray, Mel, Gibbons, Jill
Australia: contemporary issues and debates on the social welfare system
Australia: the world in one place
Australian workers' narratives about emergency relief and employment service clients: complex issues, simple solutions
- Agllias, Kylie, Howard, Amanda, Schubert, Leanne, Gray, Mel
Back to basics : a critique of the strengths perspective in social work
Back to my old self and life restarting: biographies of ageing in Beck's risk society
- Curryer, Cassie, Gray, Mel, Byles, Julie E.
Caught in the vortex: can local government community development workers succeed in South Africa?
Changing gears: shifting to an environmental perspective in social work education
Changing modes: a study of the knowledge economy of human service research in Australia
- Gray, Mel, Schubert, Leanne, Heinsch, Milena
Changing values and valuing change: toward an ecospiritual perspective in social work
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