Your selections:
- Abunyewah, Matthew, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Maund, Kim, Okyere, Seth Asare
Profiling informal settlements for disaster risks
- Abunyewah, Matthew, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Maund, Kim
- Abunyewah, Matthew, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Maund, Kim, Okyere, Seth Asare
Influence of risk communication on intention to prepare for flood hazards in informal settlements
- Abunyewah, Matthew, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Maund, Kim
Conceptual framework for motivating actions towards disaster preparedness through risk communication
- Abunyewah, Matthew, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Maund, Kim
- Abunyewah, Matthew, Okyere, Seth Asare, Diko, Stephen Kofi, Kita, Michihiro, Erdiaw-Kwasie, Michael Odei, Gajendran, Thayaparan
- Abunyewah, Matthew, Okyere, Seth Asare, Opoku Mensah, Seth Opoku, Erdiaw-Kwasie, Michael, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Byrne, Mitchell K.
Input-Process-Output of decision-making framework during bushfire
- Adedokun, Olufisayo, Egbelakin, Temitope, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Sher, Willy
Why do people relocate to bushfire-prone areas in Australia
- Adedokun, Olufisayo, Egbelakin, Temitope, Sher, Willy, Gajendran, Thayaparan
- Adedokun, Olufisayo, Egbelakin, Temitope, Sher, Willy, Gajendran, Thayaparan
Compliance to building codes for disaster resilience: Bangladesh and Nepal
- Ahmed, Iftekhar, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Brewer, Graham, Maund, Kim, von Meding, Jason, Mackee, Jamie
Opportunities and challenges of compliance to safe building codes: Bangladesh and Nepal
- Ahmed, Iftekhar, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Brewer, Graham, Maund, Kim, von Meding, Jason, Kabir, Humayun, Faruk, Mohammad, Shrestha, Hari Darshan, Sitoula, Nagendra
Disaster resilience in South Asia: tackling the odds in the sub-continental fringes
- Ahmed, Iftekhar, Maund, Kim, Gajendran, Thayaparan
Understanding the opportunities and challenges of compliance to safe building codes for disaster resilience in South Asia: the cases of Nepal and Bangladesh
- Ahmed, Iftekhar, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Brewer, Graham, Maund, Kim, von Meding, Jason, Kissa, Georgia, Kabir, Humayun, Faruk, Mohammed, Shrestha, Hari Darshan, Sitaula, Nagendra
The influence of cognitive and affective risk perceptions on flood preparedness intentions: a dual-process approach
- Altarawneh, Lara, Mackee, Jamie, Gajendran, Thayaparan
- Askland, Hedda Haugen, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Brewer, Graham
Project organisations as organisational fields: an exploration of construction projects through Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Practice
- Askland, Hedda Haugen, Gajendran, Thayaparan, Brewer, Graham
Preliminary benefits of big data in the construction industry: a case study
- Atuahene, Bernard Tuffour, Kanjanabootra, Sittimont, Gajendran, Thayaparan
- Atuahene, Bernard Tuffour, Kanjanabootra, Sittimont, Gajendran, Thayaparan
Towards an integrated framework of big data capabilities in the construction industry: A systematic literature review
- Atuahene, Bernard Tuffour, Kanjanabootra, Sittimont, Gajendran, Thayaparan
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