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Web-based video-coaching to assist an automated computer-tailored physical activity intervention for inactive adults: a randomized controlled trial
- Alley, Stephanie, Jennings, Cally, Plotnikoff, Ronald C., Vandelanotte, Corneel
Web-based video-coaching to assist an automated computer-tailored physical activity intervention for inactive adults: a randomized controlled trial
- Alley, Stephanie, Jennings, Cally, Plotnikoff, Ronald C., Vandelanotte, Corneel
Acute behavioural disturbance associated with phenibut purchased via an internet supplier
- Downes, Michael A., Berling, Ingrid L., Mostafa, Ahmed, Grice, Jeffrey, Roberts, Michael S., Isbister, Geoffrey K.
Component-based runtime environment for cross-platform applications
Developing a roadmap for the translation of e-mental health services for depression
- Batterham, Philip J., Sunderland, Matthew, Butow, Phylllis N., Krouskos, Demos, Calear, Alison L., Davey, Christopher G., Christensen, Helen, Teesson, Maree, Kay-Lambkin, Frances, Andrews, Gavin, Mitchell, Philip B., Herrman, Helen
Effects of study design and allocation on self-reported alcohol consumption: randomized trial
- Kypri, Kypros, Wilson, Amanda, Attia, John, Sheeran, Paschal J., McCambridge, Jim
- Hutchesson, M. J., Rollo, M. E., Krukowski, R., Ells, L., Harvey, J., Morgan, P. J., Callister, R., Plotnikoff, R., Collins, C. E.
GP trainees' in-consultation information-seeking: associations with human, paper and electronic sources
- Magin, Parker, Morgan, Simon, van Driel, Mieke, Wearne, Susan, Tapley, Amanda, Henderson, Kim, Oldmeadow, Chris, Ball, Jean, Scott, John, Spike, Neil, McArthur, Lawrie
Protocol of a multi-centre randomised controlled trial of a web-based information intervention with nurse-delivered telephone support for haematological cancer patients and their support persons
- Bryant, Jamie, Sanson-Fisher, Rob, Stevenson, William, Smits, Rochelle, Henskens, Frans, Wei, Andrew, Tzelepis, Flora, D'Este, Catherine, Paul, Christine, Carey, Mariko
Search in big networks and big data
- Abdelrahman, Omer H., Gelenbe, E.
Seeking health information online: association with young Australian women's physical, mental, and reproductive health
- Rowlands, Ingrid Jean, Loxton, Deborah, Dobson, Annette, Mishra, Gita Devi
Six-month outcomes of a web-based intervention for users of amphetamine-type stimulants: randomized controlled trial
- Tait, Robert J., McKetin, Rebecca, Kay-Lambkin, Frances, Carron-Arthur, Bradley, Bennett, Anthony, Bennett, Kylie, Christensen, Helen, Griffiths, Kathleen
Terrorism, counterterrorism, and the internet: the American cases
- Mueller, John, Stewart, Mark G.
The role of ehealth in optimizing preventive care in the primary care setting
- Carey, Mariko, Noble, Natasha, Mansfield, Elise, Waller, Amy, Henskens, Frans, Sanson-Fisher, Rob
- Tait, Robert J., McKetin, Rebecca, Kay-Lambkin, Frances, Carron-Arthur, Bradley, Bennett, Anthony, Bennett, Kylie, Christensen, Helen, Griffiths, Kathleen M.
Changes to dietary intake during a 12-week commercial web-based weight loss program : a randomized controlled trial
- Hutchesson, M. J., Collins, C. E., Morgan, P. J., Watson, J. F., Guest, M., Callister, R.
Feasibility of internet-delivered mental health treatments for rural populations
- Handley, Tonelle E., Kay-Lambkin, Frances J., Inder, Kerry J., Attia, John R., Lewin, Terry J., Kelly, Brian J.
Hospital Outpatient Alcohol Project 2012-2014 Newcastle Australia
How accurate is web-based self-reported height, weight, and body mass index in young adults?
- Pursey, Kirrilly, Burrows, Tracy L., Stanwell, Peter, Collins, Clare E.
My activity coach - using video-coaching to assist a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention: a randomised controlled trial protocol
- Alley, Stephanie, Jennings, Cally, Plotnikoff, Ronald C., Vandelanotte, Corneel
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