Your selections:
- Khan, Habib Zaman, Bose, Sudipta, Mollik, Abu Taher, Harun, Harun
CEO power and corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure: does stakeholder influence matter?
- Rashid, Afzalur, Shams, Syed, Bose, Sudipta, Khan, Habib
Housing and resilience: case studies from the Cook Islands
Communicating product size using sound and shape symbolism
- Baxter, Stacey M., Ilicic, Jasmina, Kulczynski, Alicia, Lowrey, Tina
A history of Australian schooling
Carbon tax, corporate carbon profile and financial return
- Low, Sui Pheng, Gao, Shang, Tay, Wen Lin
- Konanahalli, Ashwini, Oyedele, Lukumon O., Spillane, John, Coates, Ron, von Meding, Jason, Ebohon, John
Determinants and market implications of differentiated dividends in Korea
- Choi, Bo Bae, Kang, Jangkoo, Lee, Doowon
Environmental sustainability and competitive advantage in a wine tourism micro-cluster
- Grimstad, Sidsel, Burgess, John
Exploring AEC education through collaborative learning
- Chan, Caroline T. W., Sher, William
Exploring positively- versus negatively-valenced brand engagement: a conceptual model
- Hollebeek, Linda D., Chen, Tom
Industry clusters: an antidote for knowledge sharing and collaborative innovation?
- Connell, Julia, Kriz, Anton, Thorpe, Michael
More-than-human theorising: Inclusive communities of practice in student practice-based learning
- Hodge, Paul, Wright, Sarah, Mozeley, Fee
Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): an emerging tool in business research
- Hair Jr, Joe F., Sarstedt, Marko, Hopkins, Lucas, Kuppelwieser, Volker G.
Researchers as dirty workers: cautionary tales on insider-outsider dynamics
- Southgate, Erica, Shying, Kerri
The role of convenience in a recreational shopping trip
- Reimers, Vaughan, Chao, Fred
Turning the ship around: Rethinking strategy development and implementation in universities
- Shah, Mahsood, Nair, Chenicheri
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