Can medical students identify recreational drugs by name
- Creator: Dargan, P. I. , Bishop, C. R. , Chahal, C. A. A. , Jones, A. L. , Wood, D. M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008
Doctors' knowledge of the appropriate use and route of administration of antidotes in the management of recreational drug toxicity
- Creator: Lidder, S. , Ovaska, H. , Archer, J. R. H. , Greene, S. L. , Jones, A. L. , Dargan, P. I. , Wood, D. M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008
Improvement in the management of acutely poisoned patients using an electronic database, prospective audit and targeted educational intervention
- Creator: Greene, S. L. , Wood, D. M. , Gawarammana, I. B. , Warren-Gash, C. , Drake, N. , Jones, A. L. , Dargan, P. I.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008