A cascade theory of automaticity
- Heathcote, A., Sutton, Ken, Hayes, Brett, Mewhort, Doug
A rationale for developing spatial skills: in a design environment
- Sutton, Ken, Williams, Anthony
Approaches to learning in computer programming students and their effect on success
- de Raadt , Michael, Hamilton, Margaret, Fincher, Sally, Haden, Patricia, Robins, Anthony, Sutton, Ken, Tolhurst, Denise, Lister, Raymond, Tutty, Jodi, Baker, Bob, Cutts, Quintin, Hamer, John, Petre, Marian, Simon, Box, Ilona
Developing a discipline-based measure of visualisation
- Sutton, Ken, Williams, Anthony
Do map drawing styles of novice programmers predict success in programming? A multi-national, multi-institutional study
- Tolhurst, Denise, Baker, Bob, Simon, Haden, Patricia, Sutton, Ken, Hamilton, Margaret, Tutty, Jodi, Hamer, John, Box, Ilona, Lister, Raymond, Cutts, Quintin, Petre, Marian, de Raadt, Michael, Robins, Anthony, Fincher, Sally
Exploring spatial ability and mapping the performance of engineering students
- Sutton, Ken, Williams, Anthony, McBride, William
Gender differences in spatial ability and affective processing in avatar perception
- Bailey, Jacqueline, Blackmore , Karen, Sutton, Ken
Graphic communication: what is it and how can we teach it to engineering students
- Williams, Anthony, Sutton, Ken
Impact of spatial ability on students doing graphics based courses
- Sutton, Ken, Williams, Anthony
Implementing a web-based measurement of 3D understanding
- Sutton, Ken, Heathcote, A., Bore, Miles
Implications of spatial abilities on design thinking
- Sutton, Ken, Williams, Anthony
Improving player spatial abilities for 3D challenges
- Nesbitt, Keith V., Sutton, Ken, Wilson, Joshua, Hookham, Geoff
Measuring 3-D understanding on the web and in the laboratory
- Sutton, Ken, Heathcote, A., Bore, Miles
Predictors of success in a first programming course
- Simon, Fincher, Sally, Lister, Raymond, Petre, Marian, Sutton, Ken, Tolhurst, Denise, Tutty, Jodi, Robins, Anthony, Baker, Bob, Box, Illona, Cutts, Quintin, de Raadt, Michael, Haden, Patricia, Hamer, John, Hamilton, Margaret
Profiling spatial ability performance of novice designers
- Sutton, Ken, Williams, Anthony
Reading interior space: examining the relationship between actual enclosure and perceived enclosure
- Dosen, Annemarie S., Ostwald, Michael J., Sutton, Ken
Spatial abilities and its implication for novice designers
- Williams, Anthony, Sutton, Ken
Spatial ability and its implication for novice architecture students
- Sutton, Ken, Williams, Anthony
Spatial ability and its influence on the design process
- Williams, Anthony Philip, Sutton, Ken
Spatial ability performance of female engineering students
- Sutton, Ken, Williams, Anthony, McBride, William
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