(Z)-2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-(1H-pyrrol-2-yl)acrylonitrile exhibits selective antitumor activity in breast cancer cell lines via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway
Number of Objects: 1
Z-line alterations and gastroesophageal reflux: an endoscopic population-based prospective cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
A Z-scanner design for high-speed scanning probe microscopy
Number of Objects: 2
Z-scheme g-C₃N₄/Bi₂O₂[BO₂(OH)] heterojunction for enhanced photocatalytic CO₂ reduction
Number of Objects: 1
Z-scheme g-C₃N₄/Bi₄NbO₈Cl heterojunction for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production
Number of Objects: 2
Zadoff-Chu sequence design for random access initial uplink synchronization in LTE-like systems
Number of Objects: 2
ZAP-70 genotype disrupts the relationship between microbiota and host, leading to spondyloarthritis and ileitis in SKG mice
Number of Objects: 2
Zarzuela and the rise of the labour movement in Spain
Number of Objects: 1
Zarządzanie wiedzą i technologiami informatycznymi
Number of Objects: 1
Zastosowanie Technologii Informatycznych w Zarzadzaniu Wiedza
Number of Objects: 2
Zeolite for nutrient stripping from farm effluents
Number of Objects: 2
Zeolite-supported iron catalysts for allyl alcohol synthesis from glycerol
Number of Objects: 1
Zeolitic imidazolate framework nanoleaves (ZIF-L) enhancement of strength and durability of portland cement composites
Number of Objects: 1
Zero displacement microelectromechanical force sensor using feedback control
Number of Objects: 1
Zero forcing and power domination in graphs
Number of Objects: 1
Zero forcing in iterated line digraphs
Number of Objects: 1
Zero order estimates for Mahler functions
Number of Objects: 2
Zeroing in on red blood cell unit expiry
Number of Objects: 1
Zeros of networked systems with time-invariant interconnections
Number of Objects: 1
Zeta potentials and yield stresses of silica suspensions in concentrated monovalent electrolytes: isoelectric point shift and additional attraction
Number of Objects: 1
Zeta stars
Number of Objects: 2
Zeta-potentials of self-assembled surface micelles of ionic surfactants adsorbed at hydrophobic graphite surfaces
Number of Objects: 1
Zhu Xi's neo-Confucian school: an organizational studies reading
Number of Objects: 1
Zika virus from a Pacific perspective: what are the risks to Australians?
Number of Objects: 2
Zinc and cadmium interactions on the growth, enzymatic antioxidants, metal partitioning and bioavailability of mung beans
Number of Objects: 1
Zinc and Its Antioxidant Properties: The Potential Use of Blood Zinc Levels as a Marker of Cancer Risk in BRCA1 Mutation Carriers
Number of Objects: 1
Zinc and vegetarian diets
Number of Objects: 2
Zinc Biofortification through Basal Zinc Supply Reduces Grain Cadmium in Mung Beans: Metal Partitioning and Health Risks Assessment
Number of Objects: 1
Zinc supplementation for improving glucose handling in pre-diabetes: a double blind randomized placebo controlled pilot study
Number of Objects: 1
Zinc supplementation in pre-diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Number of Objects: 1
Zinc-arsenic interactions in soil: solubility, toxicity and uptake
Number of Objects: 1
Zinc-nickel-cobalt ternary hydroxide nanoarrays for high-performance supercapacitors
Number of Objects: 1
Zn-Loaded SBA-1 and SBA-15 Molecular Sieves for Combined Antimicrobial and Osteogenic Activity
Number of Objects: 1
Zoledronic acid (zoledronate) for postmenopausal women with early breast cancer receiving adjuvant letrozole (ZO-FAST study): final 60-month results
Number of Objects: 1
Zone of Impeachment: A Post-Foucauldian Analysis of Controlled Operations Law and Policy
Number of Objects: 1
Zonotopic ultimate bounds for linear systems with bounded disturbances
Number of Objects: 1
Zooming in or zooming out: Energy strategy, developmental parity and regional entrepreneurial dynamism
Number of Objects: 1
Zuranolone therapy protects frontal cortex neurodevelopment and improves behavioral outcomes after preterm birth
Number of Objects: 1
Zygapophysial joint pain: procedures for diagnosis and treatment
Number of Objects: 1
The ³He(d,p)He⁴ nuclear fusion reaction as a source of mega-voltage protons for the production of fluorine-18 for PET applications
Number of Objects: 2
The Äiwoo verb phrase: syntactic ergativity without pivots
Number of Objects: 1
Écrire la région
Number of Objects: 1
The ˙43 Group and its Legacy in Sri Lanka
Number of Objects: 1
α-blockers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories have a role in the management of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Number of Objects: 2
The α-importome of mammalian germ cell maturation provides novel insights for importin biology
Number of Objects: 1
α-Tocopherol modulates the low density lipoprotein receptor of human HepG2 cells
Number of Objects: 1
αCaMKII is differentially regulated in brain regions that exhibit differing sensitivities to ischemia and excitotoxicity
Number of Objects: 3
The ανβ6 integrin regulates its own expression with cell crowding: implications for tumour progression
Number of Objects: 2
β-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation Maintains NCX-CaMKII Axis and Prevents Overactivation of IL6R-Signaling in Cardiomyocytes upon Increased Workload
Number of Objects: 1
A β-cyclodextrin modified graphitic carbon nitride with au co-catalyst for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide production
Number of Objects: 1
γδ Intraepithelial Lymphocytes Facilitate Pathological Epithelial Cell Shedding Via CD103-Mediated Granzyme Release
Number of Objects: 1
ε constrained differential evolution for economic dispatch with valve-point effect
Number of Objects: 1
ε, a new subunit of RNA polymerase found in gram-positive bacteria
Number of Objects: 1
Η mhxanh kai to Δiktyo: ΩΣ Δomika πpotγπa Σthn apxitektonikh
Number of Objects: 2
μ-CT-based finite element analysis on imperfections in open-celled metal foam: mechanical properties
Number of Objects: 1
τ-demicloseness principle and asymptotic behavior for semigroups of nonexpansive mappings in metric spaces
Number of Objects: 2
ω-conotoxin GVIA sensitive calcium channels on preganglionic nerve terminals in mouse pelvic and celiac ganglia
Number of Objects: 2
‘A theatrical meteor,’ Francis Nesbitt McCron (c.1807-1853) and his travels from the Old World to the Australian colonies and the San Francisco goldfields
Number of Objects: 1
‘An Act of Grace’: Reading Gender and Nationalism within Australian South African War Pension Provisions
Number of Objects: 1
An ‘Army of Superfluous Women’: Australian single women and the First World War
Number of Objects: 1
‘Battery hens’ or ‘nuggets of gold’: a qualitative study on the barriers and enablers for altruistic egg donation
Number of Objects: 1
‘Breathing Fire’: Impact of Prolonged Bushfire Smoke Exposure in People with Severe Asthma
Number of Objects: 1
‘Buildability’ in the Digital Age: A Phenomenological Discourse of Industry Practitioners’ Perceptions
Number of Objects: 1
‘Clinical Is the Pinnacle’: Nurse Academics' Perspectives and Opinions of Their Students Undertaking Mental Health Clinical Placements
Number of Objects: 1
‘Continuity of Care Experiences’ within pre-registration midwifery education programs: a scoping review
Number of Objects: 1
‘Democracy under threat’: The foundation of the opposition in Venezuela
Number of Objects: 1
‘Diagnosis, disclosure and stigma: The perspectives of Indonesian children with HIV and their families’
Number of Objects: 1
The ‘digital death knock’: Australian journalists’ use of social media in reporting everyday tragedy
Number of Objects: 1
‘Dimensions and tensions?’: embracing the complexity of ‘working in a rural area’ through qualitative research interpreting perspectives of dermatologists and dermatology trainees
Number of Objects: 1
‘Do you ride horses?’: discursive constructions of Chinese minority ‘Mongolian university students’ subjectivities
Number of Objects: 1
‘EMERALD’ online early intervention programme for psychological well-being: A detailed description using the TIDieR checklist
Number of Objects: 1
‘Every Log a Blow to the Enemy!’ Women in the Soviet Wartime Timber Industry, 1941–1945
Number of Objects: 1
‘Everybody is Taking Their Security in Their Own Hands’: Exploring Everyday Urban Safety Perceptions and Realities in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana
Number of Objects: 1
‘Excruciating’ and ‘exquisite’: The paradox of vulnerability for students and academics in enabling education
Number of Objects: 2
‘Feminine Threshold’: Theorizing Masculine Embodiment with Latinx Men
Number of Objects: 1
‘First in family’ experiences in a Canadian medical school: a critically reflexive study
Number of Objects: 1
The ‘Flow’ of compassion: A meta-analysis of the fears of compassion scales and psychological functioning
Number of Objects: 1
‘Having it All’: Wellness Culture, Instagram Bodies and ‘Perfect Lives’ in a Time of Global Ecological Crisis
Number of Objects: 1
The ‘Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids’ community randomized controlled trial: a community-based healthy lifestyle program for fathers and their children
Number of Objects: 1
‘How can we work together?’ Nurses using relational skills to address child maltreatment in Australia: A qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
‘I am big; he is little’: interrogating the effects of developmental discourses among children in inclusive early childhood classrooms
Number of Objects: 1
‘I can be powerful as an individual agent’: Experiences of recently homeless women in an enabling program, transformative pedagogies and spaces of empowerment in higher education
Number of Objects: 1
‘I can't go, I can't afford it’: Financial concern amongst health students undertaking rural and remote placements during COVID-19
Number of Objects: 1
‘I didn’t have a clue what they were talking about’: PhD candidates and theory
Number of Objects: 1
‘I no longer know that person’: Experiences of families living with someone using crystal methamphetamine
Number of Objects: 1
‘I wouldn’t get that feedback from anywhere else’: learning partnerships and the use of high school students as simulated patients to enhance medical students’ communication skills
Number of Objects: 2
‘Inside’ versus ‘Outside’ Trends in Consumer Research
Number of Objects: 1
‘Inspired by Business’: A case of mentoring among low socio-economic students
Number of Objects: 1
‘It sort of has the feel of being at home’: Mixed-methods evaluation of a pilot community-based palliative end-of-life service in a regional setting
Number of Objects: 1
‘It’s a lot of shame’: understanding the impact of gender-based violence on higher education access and participation
Number of Objects: 1
‘I’m gonna do this over and over and over forever!’: overlapping fields and climbing practice
Number of Objects: 1
‘I’m not really sure but I hope it’s better’: early thoughts of parents and carers in a regional trial site for the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme
Number of Objects: 2
‘Jack of All Trades and Master of None’? Exploring Social Work’s Epistemic Contribution to Team-Based Health Care
Number of Objects: 1
‘Jingo Dingo insanity’ and Mafeking Day: articulating madness in Federation-era Australia
Number of Objects: 1
‘Just choose the easy option’: students talk about alcohol use and social influence
Number of Objects: 1