What are the biopsychosocial risk factors associated with pain in postpartum runners? Development of a clinical decision tool
Number of Objects: 1
What are the clinical criteria justifying spinal manipulative therapy for neck pain? a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Number of Objects: 2
What are the determining factors in Maori sustainable entrepreneurship?
Number of Objects: 1
What Are the Effective Components of Group-Based Treatment Programs For Smoking Cessation? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Number of Objects: 1
What are the effects of participation in extracurricular activities (ECAs) on students’ welfare? Perceptions of Jamaican teachers
Number of Objects: 1
What are the health implications associated with the consumption of energy drinks? A systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
What are the primary concerns of nursing students as they prepare for and contemplate their first clinical placement experience?
Number of Objects: 1
What are the roles and responsibilities of the media in disseminating health information?
Number of Objects: 1
What are the sources of distress in a range of cancer caregivers?: a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
What are the temporal and physical characteristics of locally applied vibration that modulate balance in older adults? - A systematic review of the literature
Number of Objects: 1
What are the unmet needs of breast cancer survivors 5-6 years post-diagnosis?
Number of Objects: 1
What are they really eating? A review on new approaches to dietary intake assessment and validation
Number of Objects: 2
What are we missing? Exploring meso-level institutional intervention to address persistent inequities in Australian higher education
Number of Objects: 1
What Athens has to do with Jerusalem: the wisdom of reason, the publics of theology
Number of Objects: 2
What Australian jurors know and do not know about evidence of child sexual abuse
Number of Objects: 1
What became of New Zealand's golden opportunity for liquor law reform? (editorial)
Number of Objects: 1
What birthweight percentile is associated with optimal perinatal mortality and childhood education outcomes?
Number of Objects: 2
What buffers ethnic homophily? Explaining the development of outgroup contact in adolescence
Number of Objects: 1
What came between: short story cycle and critical exegesis
Number of Objects: 1
What can methods do? Using drama methods to explore the embodiment of gender on campus
Number of Objects: 1
What can money do? Feminist theory in austere times
Number of Objects: 1
What can pragmaticists learn from studying artificial languages?
Number of Objects: 1
What can social work do to reduce violent conflict in Nigeria?
Number of Objects: 1
What care do people with dementia receive at the end of life? Lessons from a retrospective clinical audit of deaths in hospital and other settings
Number of Objects: 1
What caused my cancer? Cancer patients' perceptions on what may have contributed to the development of their cancer: a cross-sectional, cross-country comparison study
Number of Objects: 1
What causes functional gastrointestinal disorders?: A proposed disease model
Number of Objects: 1
What causes intracerebral bleeding after thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke?: recent insights into mechanisms and potential biomarkers
Number of Objects: 2
What characteristics are associated with good versus poor parenting outcomes amongst parents living with psychotic disorders: a confirmatory factor analysis
Number of Objects: 1
What comes after fields, capitals, habitus? Suggestions for future cultural consumption research in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
What Complexity Science Predicts About the Potential of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning to Improve Primary Care
Number of Objects: 1
What components of smoking cessation care during pregnancy are implemented by health providers? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
What constitutes benefit from health care interventions for Indigenous Australians?
Number of Objects: 1
What constitutes best practice in safety learning following workplace safety events? A Literature Review based on Social Constructionism
Number of Objects: 2
What controls gain in gain control? Mismatch negativity (MMN), priors and system biases
Number of Objects: 1
What crisis of representation? Challenging the realism of post-structuralist policy research in education
Number of Objects: 2
What determines customers' loyalty towards telecommunication service? Mediating roles of satisfaction and trust
Number of Objects: 1
What determines end-of-life attitudes? Revisiting the Dutch experience
Number of Objects: 1
What did COVID-19 really teach us about science, evidence and society?
Number of Objects: 1
What did we Flip? Exploring technology for students to develop real world perspectives in the classroom
Number of Objects: 2
What difference a decade? The costs of psychosis in Australia in 2000 and 2010: comparative results from the first and second Australian national surveys of psychosis
Number of Objects: 1
What Disrupts Flow in Office Work? The Impact of Frequency and Relevance of IT-Mediated Interruptions
Number of Objects: 1
What do consumers want to know about antibiotics? Analysis of a medicines call centre database
Number of Objects: 1
What do cows drink? A systems factorial technology account of processing architecture in memory intersection problems
Number of Objects: 1
What do Employers expect from Business Analysts and is it captured by the "Business Analysis Body of Knowledge" (BABOK)?
Number of Objects: 1
What do general practitioners consider support?: findings from a local pilot initiative
Number of Objects: 2
What do haematological cancer survivors want help with? A cross-sectional investigation of unmet supportive care needs
Number of Objects: 1
What do I do with all this stuff? inheritance and the unprepared custodian: relating meaning through the mediated artistic collection
Number of Objects: 1
What do individuals with morbid obesity report as a usual dietary intake? A narrative review of available evidence
Number of Objects: 1
What do infectious diseases physicians do? A 2-week snapshot of inpatient consultative activities across Australia, New Zealand and Singapore
Number of Objects: 2
What do Master's students' structured reflections say about the learning processes involved in commencing a research project?
Number of Objects: 1
What do midwives need to understand/know about smoking in pregnancy?
Number of Objects: 1
What do postdocs need to succeed? A survey of current standing and future directions for Australian researchers
Number of Objects: 1
What do publics want from the planning system?
Number of Objects: 1
What do shareholders really expect? A survey of shareholder attitude to stakeholder management in Australian banks and other companies
Number of Objects: 3
What do stroke survivors' value about participating in research and what are the most important research problems related to stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)? A survey
Number of Objects: 1
What Do They Capture? - A Structural Analysis of Pre-Trained Language Models for Source Code
Number of Objects: 1
What do they think of me? Professional diversity, meta-stereotype negativity, suspicion, and counterproductive work behaviour
Number of Objects: 1
What Do We Care About?: Why Learning About Design is Learning About Ourselves
Number of Objects: 1
What do we know about community engagement in indigenous education contexts and how might this impact on pathways into higher education?
Number of Objects: 1
What do we know about enabling education as an alternative pathway into Australian higher education, and what more do we need to know? A meta-scoping study
Number of Objects: 1
What do we know about evaluation in Indigenous higher education contexts in Australia?
Number of Objects: 1
What do we know about how women with forced migration experiences access tertiary education in resettlement contexts? A scoping study
Number of Objects: 1
What do we know about recruitment and retention in diabetes prevention programs? An Australian perspective
Number of Objects: 1
What do we know about the diets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia? A systematic literature review
Number of Objects: 2
What do we know about the experience of seclusion in a forensic setting? An integrative literature review
Number of Objects: 1
What do you mean by “niche”? Modern ecological theories are not coherent on rhetoric about the niche concept
Number of Objects: 1
What do young Australian women want (when talking to doctors about contraception)?
Number of Objects: 1
What does a 'sociocultural perspective' mean in health and physical education
Number of Objects: 1
What does Gandhi have to say about youth work?
Number of Objects: 2
What does it mean?: contemplating Rita and desiring dead bodies in two short stories by Raymond Carver
Number of Objects: 1
What does surgical conscience mean to perioperative nurses: An interpretive description
Number of Objects: 1
What Does the Circular Household of the Future Look Like? An Expert-Based Exploration
Number of Objects: 1
What does tourism mean to residents? an investigation of Madura Island, Indonesia
Number of Objects: 1
What drives customer loyalty? Nonlinear effects of customer delight and satisfaction on loyalty and the moderating role of service experience
Number of Objects: 2
What drives green banking disclosure? An institutional and corporate governance perspective
Number of Objects: 2
What drives health-care spending priorities? An international survey of health-care professionals
Number of Objects: 2
What drives higher active customer engagement in luxury brands’ social media? Measurement and contingencies
Number of Objects: 1
What drives international equity market efficiency?
Number of Objects: 1
What drives international labour migration in the Philippines?
Number of Objects: 1
What drives retail entrepreneurs’ intentions to engage in CSR? The effects of societal concern, social pressure and state anxiety
Number of Objects: 1
What drives the choice of a third-party logistics provider?
Number of Objects: 1
What drives training in India’s IT-enabled and business process outsourcing services industry?
Number of Objects: 2
What ductility value should be used when assessing unreinforced masonry buildings?
Number of Objects: 1
What eats a cauliflower coral? An assessment of predation on the endangered temperate soft coral, Dendronepthya australis
Number of Objects: 1
What empirical research can do for bioethics
Number of Objects: 1
What essential medicines for children are on the shelf?
Number of Objects: 1
What evidence is there to support skill mix changes between GPs, pharmacists and practice nurses in the care of elderly people living in the community?
Number of Objects: 1
What factors are associated with abstinence amongst socioeconomically disadvantaged smokers? A cross-sectional survey of use of cessation aids and quitting approach
Number of Objects: 2
What factors in rural and remote extended clinical placements may contribute to preparedness for practice from the perspective of students and clinicians?
Number of Objects: 1
What factors predict exposure to caste, political and religious violence in India? a cross-sectional survey of 1000 Indian men
Number of Objects: 1
What form(s) of pedagogy are necessary for increasing the engagement of Aboriginal school students?
Number of Objects: 2
What future? The long term implications of sole motherhood for economic wellbeing
Number of Objects: 3
What great divide?: co-locating VTE, community and higher education on the Central Coast Region of NSW
Number of Objects: 1
What happens once a program has been implemented? A call for research investigating strategies to enhance public health program sustainability (Editorial)
Number of Objects: 3
What happens when things go wrong?: Retail sales explanations and their effects
Number of Objects: 1