Understanding the pathogenesis of steroid-resistant exacerbation of allergic airways disease
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the Presence of Mental Fatigue in Elite Female Football
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the presence of mental fatigue in English academy soccer players
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the production of poor-quality spermatozoa
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the psychological impact of unconventional gas developments in affected communities
Number of Objects: 2
Understanding the relation between the need and ability to achieve closure: A single paper meta-analysis assessing subscale correlations
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the relationship between bariatric surgery and mental health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the relationship between eye disease and driving in very old Australian women: a longitudinal thematic evaluation
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the relationship between organisational change, corporate social responsibility and firm performance
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the research capacity of alcohol and other drugs services in New South Wales, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the risks in China's PPP projects: ranking of their probability and consequence
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of allies in systemic consumer empowerment: a literature review
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of collaborative virtual environments in design communication
Number of Objects: 2
Understanding the role of context in health policy implementation: a qualitative study of factors influencing traditional medicine integration in the Indian public healthcare system
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of customer incivility and supervisor monitoring in the relationship between customer orientation and frontline employees' emotional exhaustion
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of educational interventions on medication adherence in hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of group 2 innate lymphoid cells and mucosal cytokines in urinary tract injury and infection
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of human and nonhuman actants in post-disaster contexts: a tentative deployment of actor network theory to evaluate its usefulness
Number of Objects: 2
Understanding the role of lived experience in the practice of case management
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of prehospital intubation and advanced brain imaging in severe traumatic brain injury
Number of Objects: 3
Understanding the role of profession in multidisciplinary team innovation: professional identity, minority dissent and team innovation
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of retail store service in light of self-image: store image congruence
Number of Objects: 2
Understanding the role of the mTOR signalling pathway in the ovary during folliculogenesis, PCOS and hyperandrogenism
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of titanium in the stability of supported palladium catalysts for the oxidation of ventilation air methane
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the role of virtual environments in collaborative design
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the social costs of psychosis: the experience of adults affected by psychosis identified within the second Australian national survey of psychosis
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the social dilemma of sustainability using agent-based modelling and evolutionary game theory
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the study-to-work transition of Australian university graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds: A scoping study
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the sustainment of population health programmes from a whole-of-system approach
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the teaching context of first-year ICT education in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Understanding the tourist experience of cities
Number of Objects: 3
Understanding the Unfolded Protein Response in the Pathogenesis of Asthma
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the value of brain donation for research to donors, next-of-kin and clinicians: A systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding the villain: DMBA-induced preantral ovotoxicity involves selective follicular destruction and primordial follicle activation through PI3K/Akt and mTOR signaling
Number of Objects: 2
Understanding tourism development policies in Malaysia
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding Training Load as Exposure and Dose
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding trauma as a system of psycho-social harm: contributions from the Australian Royal Commission into child sex abuse
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding video sequences through super-resolution
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding water retention behavior and mechanism in bio-char
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding wear mechanisms and their implication to service life of pneumatic conveying pipelines
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding what motivates luxury customers to engage with social media platforms of luxury brands
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding why business customers adopt cloud computing in Hong Kong
Number of Objects: 2
Understanding women who self-harm: predictors and long-term outcomes in a longitudinal community sample
Number of Objects: 1
Understanding xeroderma pigmentosum complementation groups using gene expression profiling after UV-light exposure
Number of Objects: 2
Understanding young lives through longitudinal research design
Number of Objects: 1
Undertaking sensitive research in the health and social sciences: managing boundaries, emotions and risks
Number of Objects: 1
Undervaluing a sector: the enigma of micro-enterprise self-contained accommodation in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Underwater swarm sensor networks: applications, deployment, and medium access communication protocols
Number of Objects: 1
Undiagnosed and uncontrolled hypertension among the adults in rural Bangladesh: findings from a community-based study
Number of Objects: 1
Undiagnosed pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and chronic pancreatitis in functional GI disorder patients with diarrhea or abdominal pain
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained bearing capacity of spatially random clays by finite elements and limit analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained bearing capacity of surface footings near slopes
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained failure mechanisms of slopes in random soil
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained limiting lateral soil pressure on a row of piles
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained stability of a circular tunnel
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained stability of a circular tunnel where the shear strength increases linearly with depth
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained stability of a single circular tunnel in spatially variable soil subjected to surcharge loading
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained stability of a square tunnel where the shear strength increases linearly with depth
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained stability of an unlined square tunnel in spatially random soil
Number of Objects: 2
Undrained stability of dual circular tunnels
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained stability of dual square tunnels
Number of Objects: 3
Undrained stability of footings on slopes
Number of Objects: 1
Undrained stability of rectangular tunnels where shear strength increases linearly with depth
Number of Objects: 2
Undrained stability of tall tunnels
Number of Objects: 2
Undrained stability of wide rectangular tunnels
Number of Objects: 2
Undrained uplift capacity of deeply embedded strip anchors in non-uniform soil
Number of Objects: 1
Une nouvelle identité chez les jeunes Javanais?
Number of Objects: 1
Une seule ou plusieurs femmes-truies? Une lecture virtualisante de Truismes de Marie Darrieussecq
Number of Objects: 1
Unearthing-Discovering the knowledge implicit in designing remote Aboriginal living environments
Number of Objects: 1
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown: Firm network status and market response to negative rumors
Number of Objects: 1
Unemployment and stillbirth risk among foreign-born and Spanish pregnant women in Spain, 2007-2010: a multilevel analysis study
Number of Objects: 1
Unemployment in non-metropolitan Australia: integrating geography, social and individual contexts
Number of Objects: 1
Unemployment: policies, promises and progress
Number of Objects: 1
The UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Urban Development
Number of Objects: 1
UNESCO inclusion policy and the education of school students with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: where to now?
Number of Objects: 1
An unexpected recruit to feminism: Jessie Boucherett's 'feminist life' and the importance of being wealthy
Number of Objects: 1
The Unexpected Virtue of Problem Reductions or How to Solve Problems Being Lazy but Wise
Number of Objects: 1
Unexplained antepartum stillbirth: a consequence of placental aging?
Number of Objects: 1
Unexplained fetal death: are women with a history of fetal loss at higher risk?
Number of Objects: 1
Unfinished business: Clinical Pharmacology and World Health
Number of Objects: 1
Unfinished business: employment equality in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Unfinished decriminalization: the impact of section 19 of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 on migrant sex workers’ rights and lives in Aotearoa New Zealand
Number of Objects: 1
An unfinished symphony: 21st century teacher education using knowledge creating Heutagogies
Number of Objects: 1
The unfulfilled promise: a systematic review of interventions to reduce the unmet supportive care needs of cancer patients
Number of Objects: 1
Unhappy Soldier: Hino Ashihei & Japanese World War II literature (book review)
Number of Objects: 2
Unhealthy lifestyle impacts on biological systems involved in stress response: Hypothalamic-pituitary-Adrenal axis, inflammation and autonomous nervous system
Number of Objects: 1
Unhealthy lifestyle may increase later depression via inflammation in older women but not men
Number of Objects: 1
Uni-start: a peer-led orientation activity designed for the early and timely engagement of commencing university students
Number of Objects: 1
Uniaxial compression of metallurgical coke samples with progressive loading
Number of Objects: 1
Unicellular cyanobacteria are important components of phytoplankton communities in Australia's Northern oceanic ecoregions
Number of Objects: 1
Unificationism in Australian political thought
Number of Objects: 2
A unified account of simple and response-selective inhibition
Number of Objects: 1
A unified analytical approach to fixed and moving boundary problems for the heat equation
Number of Objects: 1
Unified approach to controller and MMSE estimator design with intermittent communications
Number of Objects: 1
A unified approach to linear design and predictive control of constrained systems
Number of Objects: 2
A unified call to action from Australian nursing and midwifery leaders: ensuring that Black lives matter
Number of Objects: 1
A unified dual-stage actuator control scheme for track seeking and following in hard disk drives
Number of Objects: 2
A unified framework for semantic shot classification in sports video
Number of Objects: 1
A unified framework for the analysis and design of networked control systems
Number of Objects: 2