U-Pb age and Hf-O isotopes of detrital zircons from Hainan Island: implications for Mesozoic subduction models
Number of Objects: 1
U-Pb geochronology of speleothems by MC-ICPMS
Number of Objects: 2
U.S. drone campaign in Pakistan’s Pashtun ‘tribal’ region: beginning of the end under President Trump?
Number of Objects: 1
Ubiquitous karst hydrological control on speleothem oxygen isotope variability in a global study
Number of Objects: 1
UGALY: Universal Groups Acting LocallY
Number of Objects: 1
An Ugi-intramolecular Diels-Alder route to highly substituted tetrahydroepoxyisoindole carboxamides
Number of Objects: 2
Ugly feelings: gender, neoliberalism and the affective relations of body concerns
Number of Objects: 1
A UK and Australian perspective of the suitability of the SCL protocol's provision for dealing with float for adoption and use by the Australian construction industry
Number of Objects: 2
A UK, US and Australian perspective of the suitability of the SCL protocols' provisions for dealing with float for adoption and use by the Australian construction industry
Number of Objects: 1
ULF Doppler oscillations in the low latitude ionosphere
Number of Objects: 1
ULF Doppler oscillations of L=2.5 flux tubes
Number of Objects: 2
ULF modulation of EMIC in the inner magnetosphere
Number of Objects: 1
ULF wave effects on high frequency signal propagation through the ionosphere
Number of Objects: 1
ULF waves: exploring the earth's magnetosphere
Number of Objects: 2
Ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing on ground reinforced by a trench
Number of Objects: 1
Ultimate bound analysis and optimisation with application to energy systems stability
Number of Objects: 2
Ultimate bound minimisation by state feedback in discrete-time switched linear systems under arbitrary switching
Number of Objects: 1
Ultimate boundedness and regions of attraction of frequency droop controlled microgrids with secondary control loops
Number of Objects: 1
Ultimate boundedness of voltage droop control with distributed secondary control loops
Number of Objects: 2
Ultimate bounds and regions of attraction for two-inverter microgrids with primary and secondary frequency control loops
Number of Objects: 1
Ultimate concerns in late modernity: Archer, Bourdieu and reflexivity
Number of Objects: 1
Ultimate lateral pressure of two side-by-side piles in clay
Number of Objects: 1
Ultimate lateral resistance of tripod pile foundation in clay
Number of Objects: 1
The ultimate undrained resistance of partially embedded pipelines
Number of Objects: 1
The ultimate uplift capacity of multi-plate strip anchors in undrained clay
Number of Objects: 2
Ultimate uplift capacity of multiplate helical type anchors in clay
Number of Objects: 2
Ultra low frequency FM sensing of piezoelectric strain voltage
Number of Objects: 2
Ultra low-Power digital demodulators for short range applications
Number of Objects: 1
Ultra wideband for wireless body area networks
Number of Objects: 1
Ultra-fast dual-stage vertical positioning for high performance SPMs
Number of Objects: 1
Ultra-Long Transfers for Endovascular Thrombectomy - Mission Impossible?: The Australia-New Zealand Experience
Number of Objects: 1
Ultra-processed food intakes associated with ‘food addiction’ in young adults
Number of Objects: 1
Ultra-Short Duration Hypothermia Prevents Intracranial Pressure Elevation Following Ischaemic Stroke in Rats
Number of Objects: 1
An ultra-wideband wireless body area network: evaluation in static and dynamic channel conditions
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrafast agglomeration using a novel binder in a continuous plug flow system
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrafast plug flow agglomeration—exploiting hydrophobic interactions via a concentrated water-in-oil emulsion binder
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrafast recovery of hydrophobic particles using a novel hydrophobic binder medium
Number of Objects: 2
An ultrafilter approach to locally almost nonexpansive maps
Number of Objects: 2
Ultrafine copper oxide particles dispersed on nitrogen-doped hollow carbon nanospheres for oxidative esterification of biomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrafine desliming using a REFLUX™ classifier subjected to centrifugal G forces
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrafine particle recovery using thin permeable films
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasensitive detection of plasma amyloid-ß as a biomarker for cognitively normal elderly individuals at risk of Alzheimer's disease
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasonic degradation of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) and foam fractionate (FF)
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasonic energy transmission and conversion using a 2-D MEMS resonator
Number of Objects: 3
Ultrasonic-assisted freezing of micro-sized water droplets
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasonic-assisted preparation of highly reactive Fe-Zn sorbents supported on activated-char for desulfurization of COG
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasonication during the synthesis of manganese oxides for electrochemical capacitors
Number of Objects: 2
Ultrasonographic assessment of patients referred with chronic anal pain to a tertiary referral centre
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasound imaging of the renal parenchyma of premature neonates for the assessment of renal growth and glomerulomegaly
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasound increases the aqueous extraction of phenolic compounds with high antioxidant activity from olive pomace
Number of Objects: 2
Ultrasound-assisted aqueous extraction of oil and carotenoids from microwave-dried gac (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng) aril
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (Patricia White cultivar) stem for maximizing saponin yield and antioxidant capacity
Number of Objects: 2
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of GAC peel: An optimization of extraction conditions for recovering carotenoids and antioxidant capacity
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of Dy2Mo3O12-Dy2O3 nanostructures for enhanced electrochemical hydrogen storage
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrasound-based advanced oxidation processes for landfill leachate treatment: Energy consumption, influences, mechanisms and perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
Ultrathin High-Entropy Fe-Based Spinel Oxide Nanosheets with Metalloid Band Structures for Efficient Nitrate Reduction toward Ammonia
Number of Objects: 1
An ultrathin monolithic XY nanopositioning stage constructed from a single sheet of piezoelectric material
Number of Objects: 2
Ultrathin-strut biodegradable polymer versus durable polymer drug-eluting stents: a meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
The umbilical arterial catheter: a formula for improved positioning in the very low birth weight infant
Number of Objects: 1
Umbrella review of systematic reviews to inform the development and translation of community-based childhood obesity prevention interventions
Number of Objects: 1
An umbrella review: corticosteroid therapy for adults with acute asthma
Number of Objects: 1
Umm and the Matchbox 'The Object of Desire and the Desired Object'
Number of Objects: 1
The UN declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples and self-determination in Australia: using a human rights approach to promote accountability
Number of Objects: 2
Una joventut global?: identitats hibrides, mons plurals
Number of Objects: 1
Una universidad Australiana que trabaja de manera excepcional promoviendo cambios de políticas y prácticas a fin de fortalecer a las familias y a las comunidades
Number of Objects: 2
The unaccountable, ungovernable corporation: companies' use-by dates close in
Number of Objects: 2
Unacknowledged rights and unmet obligations: an analysis of the 2009 Indian right to education act
Number of Objects: 2
Unanswered questions in unsaturated soil mechanics
Number of Objects: 1
Unassisted detection of depression by GPs: who is most likely to be misclassified?
Number of Objects: 2
"Unbearable knowledge": managing cultural trauma at the royal commission
Number of Objects: 1
Unbuilt utopian cities 1460 to 1900: reconstructing their architecture and political philosophy
Number of Objects: 1
Unburdening expectation and operating between: architecture in support of palliative care
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertain etiologies of proteinuric-chronic kidney disease in rural Sri Lanka
Number of Objects: 2
Uncertain outcomes: traversing the breach between innovation and violation in aviation maintenance
Number of Objects: 1
An uncertain space: (dis-)locating the Frenchness of French and Australian detective fiction
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties in human health risk assessment of environmental contaminants: a review and perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties in landslide susceptibility prediction modeling: A review on the incompleteness of landslide inventory and its influence rules
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties of landslide susceptibility prediction considering different landslide types
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties of landslide susceptibility prediction due to different spatial resolutions and different proportions of training and testing datasets
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties of Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Modeling: Influence of Different Selection Methods of “Non-landslide Samples”
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties of Landslide Susceptibility Prediction: Different Attribute Interval Divisions of Environmental Factors and Different Data-Based Models
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties of landslide susceptibility prediction: Influences of different spatial resolutions, machine learning models and proportions of training and testing dataset
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties of landslide susceptibility prediction: Influences of different study area scales and mapping unit scales
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainties of landslide susceptibility prediction: Influences of random errors in landslide conditioning factors and errors reduction by low pass filter method
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty analysis for peer assessment: oral presentation skills for final year project
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty analysis of non-landslide sample selection in landslide susceptibility prediction using slope unit-based machine learning models
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty assessment of multi-parameter, multi-GCM, and multi-RCP simulations for streamflow and non-floodplain wetland (NFW) water storage
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty Estimation in the Neural Model for Aeromagnetic Compensation
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty in clinical prediction rules: the value of credible intervals
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty Induced Risks Influencing Safety Performance in Building Refurbishment Projects: A Systematic Literature Review
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty issues in deterministic and stochastic nonlinear systems
Number of Objects: 2
Uncertainty modelling and regional scale estimation of evapotranspiration: improving predictions using remotely sensed surface temperatures
Number of Objects: 1
The uncertainty of landslide susceptibility prediction modeling: suitability of linear conditioning factors
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty pattern in landslide susceptibility prediction modelling: Effects of different landslide boundaries and spatial shape expressions
Number of Objects: 1
Uncertainty study of landslide susceptibility prediction considering the different attribute interval numbers of environmental factors and different data-based models
Number of Objects: 1