P-Blast (V1.0)
Number of Objects: 1
p-i-n Structured Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells with Solution-Processed Electron Transport Layer
Number of Objects: 1
The p-median problem and health facilities: cost saving and improvement in healthcare delivery through facility location
Number of Objects: 2
p-STAT3 in luminal breast cancer: Integrated RNA-protein pooled analysis and results from the BIG 2-98 phase III trial
Number of Objects: 3
P-T-t-deformation framework of an accretionary prism, southern New England Orogen, eastern Australia: implications for blueschist exhumation and metamorphic switching
Number of Objects: 1
P-T-X controls on phase stability and composition in LTMP metabasite rocks - a thermodynamic evaluation
Number of Objects: 1
P16, Cyclin D1, Ki-67, and AMACR as markers for dysplasia in Barrett esophagus
Number of Objects: 1
P2/N95 respirators & surgical masks to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection: effectiveness & adverse effects
Number of Objects: 1
P450 Oxidoreductase Deficiency: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Genotypes, Phenotypes, and Their Relationships
Number of Objects: 1
p53 Dysregulation in Breast Cancer: Insights on Mutations in the TP53 Network and p53 Isoform Expression
Number of Objects: 1
P53 in human melanoma fails to regulate target genes associated with apoptosis and the cell cycle and may contribute to proliferation
Number of Objects: 1
p53 isoform expression promotes a stemness phenotype and inhibits doxorubicin sensitivity in breast cancer.
Number of Objects: 1
A p53-responsive miRNA network promotes cancer cell quiescence
Number of Objects: 1
Pacemaker currents in mouse locus coeruleus neurons
Number of Objects: 1
Pacemaker role of pericytes in generating synchronized spontaneous Ca²⁺ transients in the myenteric microvasculature of the guinea-pig gastric antrum
Number of Objects: 1
Pacemaking in mouse locus coeruleus neurons: electrophysiological properties, role of mitochondria and development
Number of Objects: 1
Pacific and Indian Ocean climate variability: implications for water resource management in eastern Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Pacific Bodies and Personal Space Redefined, 1850-1950
Number of Objects: 1
Pacific decadal variability over the last 2000 years and implications for climatic risk
Number of Objects: 1
Pacific decadal variability: uncertainties and implications for water resources
Number of Objects: 2
The Pacific Highway and Australian modernity
Number of Objects: 2
Pacific Inclusive Education Model: Addressing dichotomies to ensure positive outcomes
Number of Objects: 1
Pacific-wide simplified syndromic surveillance for early warning of outbreaks
Number of Objects: 1
Pacing across the membrane: the novel PACE family of efflux pumps is widespread in Gram-negative pathogens
Number of Objects: 2
Packaging systems for probiotic foods
Number of Objects: 1
A packet age based LTE uplink packet scheduler for M2M traffic
Number of Objects: 1
Packetized MPC with dynamic scheduling constraints and bounded packet dropouts
Number of Objects: 2
Packetized predictive control for rate-limited networks via sparse representation
Number of Objects: 1
Packetized predictive control of stochastic systems over bit-rate limited channels with packet loss
Number of Objects: 2
Packets travelling in non-homogeneous networks
Number of Objects: 1
Packing of particles on the surface of bubbles
Number of Objects: 1
Paclitaxel and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring with Microsampling in Clinical Practice
Number of Objects: 1
The paediatric clinical experiences of general practice registrars
Number of Objects: 1
The paediatric electronic persistent pain outcomes collaboration (PaedePPOC): establishment of a binational system for benchmarking children's persistent pain services
Number of Objects: 1
Paediatric obesity, inflammation & asthma
Number of Objects: 2
Paediatric pain management: knowledge, attitudes, barriers and facilitators among nurses - integrative review
Number of Objects: 1
Paediatric pharmacokinetics and drug doses
Number of Objects: 1
Paediatric pituitary disorders
Number of Objects: 1
Paediatric poisoning presentations reported to a regional toxicology service in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Paediatric Rheumatology Fails to Meet Current Benchmarks, a Call for Health Equity for Children Living with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Using Digital Health Technologies
Number of Objects: 1
Paediatrics in New South Wales, 1945 TO 1965
Number of Objects: 1
Pagamento por serviços ambientais e agricultura sustentável: A necessidade de uma normativa que celebre a Indissolúvel relação entre natureza e cultura
Number of Objects: 2
PAI-1 augments mucosal damage in colitis
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
PAIN - Novel targets and new technologies (editorial)
Number of Objects: 2
Pain and alcohol consumption among older adults: findings from the World Health Organization study on global AGEing and adult health, wave 1
Number of Objects: 1
Pain and nutrition
Number of Objects: 2
Pain assessment and analgesic management in patients admitted to intensive care: an Australian and New Zealand point prevalence study
Number of Objects: 1
Pain Assessment and Management for Older Patients with Dementia in Hospitals: An Integrative Literature Review
Number of Objects: 1
Pain assessment and management in infants and children: A mixed methods study of the knowledge and attitudes of nurses working in Saudi Arabia
Number of Objects: 1
Pain management in adult intensive care unit in Saudi Arabia
Number of Objects: 1
Pain management in Australian emergency departments: current practice, enablers, barriers and future directions
Number of Objects: 2
Pain relief effect of breast feeding and music therapy during heel lance for healthy-term neonates in China: a randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Pain relief for premature infants during ophthalmology assessment
Number of Objects: 2
Pain, sympathy and the medical encounter between the mid eighteenth and the mid twentieth centuries
Number of Objects: 1
Pain: Metaphor, body, and culture in Anglo-American societies between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries
Number of Objects: 2
Paint has the potential to release microplastics, nanoplastics, inorganic nanoparticles, and hybrid materials
Number of Objects: 1
Painter versus poet: shut up, nobody wants to hear your poems
Number of Objects: 1
Painting pictures and playing musical instruments: change in participation and relationship to health in older women
Number of Objects: 2
Painting the Anthropocene’s agitated physicality
Number of Objects: 1
Pairwise common variant meta-analyses of schizophrenia with other psychiatric disorders reveals shared and distinct gene and gene-set associations
Number of Objects: 1
Pairwise genetic meta-analyses between schizophrenia and substance dependence phenotypes reveals novel association signals with pharmacological significance
Number of Objects: 1
Pakistan's colonial legacy: FCR and postcolonial governance in the Pashtun tribal frontier
Number of Objects: 1
Pakistan’s “Tribal” Pashtuns, Their “Violent” Representation, and the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement
Number of Objects: 1
Palaeoclimate reconstructions from geologic archives from the Cook Islands (South Pacific)
Number of Objects: 1
Palaeoclimate research in Wollondilly and Kooringa Caves
Number of Objects: 2
Palaeoclimatic implications of the growth history and stable isotope (δ ¹⁸O and δ ¹³C) geochemistry of a Middle to Late Pleistocene stalagmite from Central-Western Italy
Number of Objects: 2
A palaeoenvironmental history of the Paroo and Warrego Regions, Australia: a multi-proxy, multi-site approach
Number of Objects: 1
Palaeomagnetism of the Dundas-Fossey Trough, Tasmania: Oroclinal rotation and Late Cretaceous overprinting
Number of Objects: 1
Palaeomagnetism of the Dundas–Fossey Trough data
Number of Objects: 1
PALB2, CHEK2 and ATM rare variants and cancer risk: data from COGS
Number of Objects: 2
A paleoclimate rainfall reconstruction in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), Australia: 1. Evaluation of different paleoclimate archives, rainfall networks, and reconstruction techniques
Number of Objects: 2
A paleoclimate rainfall reconstruction in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), Australia: 2. Assessing hydroclimatic risk using paleoclimate records of wet and dry epochs
Number of Objects: 1
Paleoclimate reconstruction from petrography and biomarker geochemistry from Permian humic coals in Sydney Coal Basin (Australia)
Number of Objects: 1
Paleoclimate studies and natural-resource management in the Murray-Darling Basin I: past, present and future climates
Number of Objects: 2
Paleoclimate studies and natural-resource management in the Murray-Darling Basin II: unravelling human impacts and climate variability
Number of Objects: 2
A paleoclimate-informed examination of flood and drought epochs in the Murray-Darling Basin
Number of Objects: 2
Paleoclimatic significance of magnetic properties on the Red Clay underlying the loess and paleosols in China
Number of Objects: 1
Paleosecular variation during the Kiaman Superchron: A 1150 year record from glacial varves of the Seaham Formation, New South Wales
Number of Objects: 2
Palestine, self-determination and international justice: looking back to the ICJ and looking forward to the ICC
Number of Objects: 1
Paley graphs have Hamilton decompositions
Number of Objects: 1
Palladium(II) as a versatile template for the formation of tetraaza macrocycles via Mannich-type reactions
Number of Objects: 1
Palliative care case conferencing involving general practice: an argument for a facilitated standard process
Number of Objects: 1
Palliative care curriculum for speech-language pathology students
Number of Objects: 2
Palliative care environments for patient, family and staff well-being: an ethnographic study of non-standard design
Number of Objects: 1
Palliative care for people with schizophrenia: a qualitative study of an under-serviced group in need
Number of Objects: 1
Palliative care for the person with a serious mental illness: the need for a partnership approach to care in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Palliative care needs assessment tool
Number of Objects: 1
Palliative care of people with oesophageal cancer
Number of Objects: 1
Palliative care professionals' perceptions of nutrition and hydration at the end of life
Number of Objects: 1
Palliative care referral practices and perceptions: the divide between metropolitan and non-metropolitan general practitioners
Number of Objects: 1
Palliative care teams and individual behaviours
Number of Objects: 2
Palliative care teams and management levers
Number of Objects: 2
Palliative care teams and organisational capability
Number of Objects: 2
Palliative care teams and the contingencies that impact them: a background
Number of Objects: 2
Palliative care teams and the contingencies that impact them: from the teams
Number of Objects: 2