On ENSO impacts on European wintertime rainfalls and their modulation by the NAO and the Pacific multi-decadal variability described through the PDO index
Number of Objects: 1
On equality in an upper bound for the equivalence domination number
Number of Objects: 2
On estimating the linear-by-linear parameter for ordinal log-linear models: a computational study
Number of Objects: 1
On Eulerian log-gamma integrals and Tornheim-Witten zeta functions
Number of Objects: 2
On Eulerian log-gamma integrals and Tornheim–Witten zeta functions
Number of Objects: 2
On evaluation of robust autonomy of uninhabited vehicles and systems
Number of Objects: 2
On Exclusive Sum Labellings of Hypergraphs
Number of Objects: 1
On experiment design for single carrier and multicarrier systems
Number of Objects: 2
On experimentation
Number of Objects: 1
On extending the range of Michell-like optimal topology structures
Number of Objects: 1
On extremal graphs with bounded girth
Number of Objects: 1
On fables and truths
Number of Objects: 2
On factor-invariant graphs
Number of Objects: 1
On factor-invariant graphs with two cycles
Number of Objects: 1
On factorisations of complete graphs into circulant graphs and the Oberwolfach problem
Number of Objects: 2
On Fan's minimax theorem
Number of Objects: 1
On feedback stabilisation of switched discrete-time systems via Lie-algebraic techniques
Number of Objects: 1
On finding short resolution refutations and small unsatisfiable subsets
Number of Objects: 1
On finitely determined minimal robust positively invariant sets
Number of Objects: 1
On first looking into Keats' 'To Autumn'
Number of Objects: 2
On formulas for π experimentally conjectured by Jauregui–Tsallis
Number of Objects: 2
On free products of graphs
Number of Objects: 1
On fundamental implications of systems and synthetic biology
Number of Objects: 2
On Fusing Artificial and Convolutional Neural Network Features for Automatic Bug Assignments
Number of Objects: 1
On generic second-order Gateaux differentiability
Number of Objects: 1
On genocide and settler-colonial violence: Australia in comparative perspective
Number of Objects: 2
On gradient-based search for multivariable system estimates
Number of Objects: 1
On graphs of defect at most 2
Number of Objects: 2
On grounding additional nodes in a grounded consensus network
Number of Objects: 1
On groups and counter automata
Number of Objects: 1
On groups that have normal forms computable in logspace
Number of Objects: 1
On groups whose geodesic growth is polynomial
Number of Objects: 1
On h-antimagicness of disconnected graphs
Number of Objects: 1
On H-supermagic labelings for certain shackles and amalgamations of a connected graph
Number of Objects: 1
On hastily declaring platonic dialogues spurious: the case of Critias
Number of Objects: 1
On historical thinking and the history educational challenge
Number of Objects: 1
On ICA of improper and noncircular sources
Number of Objects: 1
On identification of FIR systems having quantized output data
Number of Objects: 2
On identification of linear systems with quantized and intermittent information
Number of Objects: 1
On identification of networked systems with time-invariant topology
Number of Objects: 1
On idolatry
Number of Objects: 1
On inclusive and non-inclusive vertex irregular d-distance vertex labeling
Number of Objects: 1
On index coding in noisy broadcast channels with receiver message side information
Number of Objects: 2
On invariant sets and closed-loop boundedness of Lure-type nonlinear systems by LPV-embedding
Number of Objects: 3
On issues concerning the assessment of information contained in aggregate data using the F-statistics
Number of Objects: 1
On James's argument against epiphenomenalism
Number of Objects: 2
On Kalman filtering over fading wireless channels with controlled transmission powers
Number of Objects: 1
On Kalman filtering with fading wireless channels governed by power control
Number of Objects: 2
On knowing, problems, and inquiry: an exploration of the foundations of doctoral cognition
Number of Objects: 1
On large bipartite graphs of diameter 3
Number of Objects: 2
On lattice sums and Wigner limits
Number of Objects: 1
On leadership and management in a school of architecture: academic perceptions
Number of Objects: 2
On limitations to the achievable path tracking performance for linear multivariable plants
Number of Objects: 3
On load adaptation for multirate multi-AP multimedia WLAN-based cognitive networks
Number of Objects: 1
On magicness and antimagicness of the union of 4-regular circulant graphs
Number of Objects: 1
On Matched Disturbance Suppression for Port-Hamiltonian Systems
Number of Objects: 1
On maximum likelihood estimation of channel impulse response and carrier frequency offset in OFDM systems
Number of Objects: 2
On maximum likelihood identification of errors-in-variables models
Number of Objects: 1
On minimal lattice factorizations of symmetric-antisymmetric multifilterbanks
Number of Objects: 1
On minors of maximal determinant matrices
Number of Objects: 1
On model selection criteria in reverse engineering gene networks using using RNN model
Number of Objects: 1
On moving and (inter) disciplinarity: thinking about Australian French studies in the active voice
Number of Objects: 1
On nature and the tactility of the senses in Blade Runner 2049
Number of Objects: 2
On networked control architectures for MIMO plants
Number of Objects: 1
On not being spirited away: pneumatology and critical presence
Number of Objects: 2
On not taking the self seriously: Resilience, relatability and humour in young women’s Tumblr blogs
Number of Objects: 1
On not wanting to die: translation as resurrection
Number of Objects: 1
On numerical range and its application to Banach algebra.
Number of Objects: 1
On numerical simulation of high-speed CCD/CMOS-based wavefront sensors in adaptive optics
Number of Objects: 2
On observability of nonlinear steady-state generators
Number of Objects: 1
On One- and Two-Dimensional α–Stancu–Schurer–Kantorovich Operators and Their Approximation Properties
Number of Objects: 1
On optimal network selection in a dynamic Multi-RAT environment
Number of Objects: 1
On optimal perfect reconstruction feedback quantizers
Number of Objects: 2
On optimality criteria for reverse charging of electric vehicles
Number of Objects: 1
On parameter estimation of the Schwartz-Smith short-term/long-term model
Number of Objects: 2
On parameter estimation using nonparametric noise models
Number of Objects: 1
On permeability of corrugated pore membranes
Number of Objects: 1
On peroxymonosulfate-based treatment of saline wastewater: when phosphate and chloride co-exist
Number of Objects: 1
On pole-zero model estimation methods minimizing a logarithmic criterion for speech analysis
Number of Objects: 1
On pragmemes in artificial languages
Number of Objects: 2
On predicting long-term corrosion behaviour from short-term tests
Number of Objects: 2
On problems without polynomial kernels
Number of Objects: 2
On projection algorithms for solving convex feasibility problems
Number of Objects: 1
On quotient digraphs and voltage digraphs
Number of Objects: 1
On range query usability of statistical databases
Number of Objects: 1
On ranking nodes using kNN graphs, shortest-paths and GPUs
Number of Objects: 2
On regenerating the ovary and generating controversy
Number of Objects: 2
On regenerating the ovary and generating controversy (letter)
Number of Objects: 1
On relief and supply chain similarities
Number of Objects: 2
On robust stability and set invariance of switched linear parameter varying systems
Number of Objects: 1
On robust stability of the belief propagation algorithm for LDPC decoding
Number of Objects: 2
On robustly positively invariant sets and coordinate transformations for discrete-time nonlinear systems: A tutorial
Number of Objects: 1
On sampled-data models for nonlinear systems
Number of Objects: 1
On self-preservation and log-similarity in a slightly heated axisymmetric mixing layer
Number of Objects: 1
On simultaneous diophantine approximations to ζ(2) and ζ(3)
Number of Objects: 2
On SINR-based random multiple access using codes on graph
Number of Objects: 1
On site, place and specificity
Number of Objects: 1
On Slater’s condition and finite convergence of the Douglas–Rachford algorithm for solving convex feasibility problems in Euclidean spaces
Number of Objects: 2
On slippery ground: Robert Altman, beyond Hollywood or modernism
Number of Objects: 1