K-Ar dating of fault gouge in the northern Sydney Basin, NSW, Australia-implications for the breakup of Gondwana
Number of Objects: 1
A K-to-Ka Band Ultra Wideband Power Amplifier in 180-Nm SiGe Technology
Number of Objects: 1
K41 versus k62: recent developments
Number of Objects: 1
Kala-azar in Zambia: first report of two cases
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filter enabled high-speed control of a MEMS nanopositioner
Number of Objects: 2
A Kalman filter for amplitude estimation in high-speed dynamic mode atomic force microscopy
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering for positioning and heading control of ships and offshore rigs: estimating the effects of waves, wind, and current
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering over lossy networks under switching sensors
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering over unreliable communication networks with bounded Markovian packet dropouts
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering with intermittent observations using measurements coding
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering with intermittent observations: on the boundedness of the expected error covariance
Number of Objects: 1
Kamlet-Taft solvation parameters of solvate ionic liquids
Number of Objects: 1
Kanak women and the colonial process
Number of Objects: 2
Kangaroo translocation: program efficiency and welfare goals
Number of Objects: 2
Kant, providence, and the 'guarantee' of progress
Number of Objects: 2
Kapitalfetisch: 'the religion of everyday life'
Number of Objects: 2
Kaposi's sarcoma of the palate in a patient with AIDS: an unusual presentation
Number of Objects: 2
Karl Barth and Jürgen Habermas: transcendental aporias of global civil society
Number of Objects: 2
Karl Barth, Emil Brunner and the subjectivity of the object of Christian hope
Number of Objects: 1
Karl Kautsky's forerunners of modern Socialism
Number of Objects: 2
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Karst morphology and cave sediments as indicators of the uplift history in the Alpi Apuane (Tuscany, Italy)
Number of Objects: 1
Kaspar Holten's production of Szymanowski's King Roger: a test of 'fidelity'
Number of Objects: 1
A katana design experience
Number of Objects: 1
Kaupapa Maaori and the construction of Maaori Pasifika NRL players in The Daily Telegraph
Number of Objects: 1
The Kaytetye segmental inventory
Number of Objects: 1
KDM6A promotes imatinib resistance through YY1-mediated transcriptional upregulation of TRKA independently of its demethylase activity in chronic myelogenous leukemia
Number of Objects: 1
Keating, Howard and constitutive politics: splitting the difference
Number of Objects: 2
Keep It Simple: Fault Tolerance Evaluation of Federated Learning with Unreliable Clients
Number of Objects: 1
Keep the hope alive: young Indonesian musicians' views of the future
Number of Objects: 1
Keep them, counter them or tear them down? Statues, monuments and the smoothing over of historical injustices
Number of Objects: 1
Keepers of the flame: songspirals are a university for us
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping an eye on cost: What can eye tracking tell us about attention to cost information in discrete choice experiments?
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping his flag flying: censorship and Lawrence's poetry
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping it in the family: understanding the negotiation of intergenerational transfers for entry into homeownership
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping it literal: the economy of the Song of Songs
Number of Objects: 2
Keeping it private: financial reporting by large proprietary companies in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping it real, keeping them interested and keeping it in their minds
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping it real: examining the influence of co-branding authenticity in cause-related marketing
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping it simple: a case study of innovation creation in the Australian water technology industry
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping mum about dad: "contracts" to protect gamete donor anonymity
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping safe on Australian roads: overview of key determinants of risky driving, passenger injury, and fatalities for Indigenous populations
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping safe: teaching undergraduate social work students about interpersonal violence
Number of Objects: 2
Keeping the 'goose' on the menu: response to commentaries on financial incentives in health behaviour change (commentary)
Number of Objects: 2
Keeping the ball rolling: using the S-O-R framework to investigate the determinants of football fan loyalty
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping the faith: the ambivalent commitments of Friedrich Engels
Number of Objects: 2
Keeping the flame alive: the legacies of Heathcote's practice across the Tasman
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping the Party in Full Swing: Findings on Online Student Engagement With Teacher Education Students
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping the Wolfenden from the door?: homosexuality and the 'medical model' in New Zealand
Number of Objects: 1
Keeping them home: Aboriginal out-of-home care in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Keeping up appearances: aesthetic labour and discrimination law.
Number of Objects: 2
Kelly's personal construct psychology and Dewey's pragmatism: some direct and some 'intellectual context' aspects
Number of Objects: 3
Kelp-Associated Microbes Facilitate Spatial Subsidy in a Detrital-Based Food Web in a Shoreline Ecosystem
Number of Objects: 1
Kennewick Man: perspectives on the Ancient One
Number of Objects: 1
Kenosis, katharsis, kairosis: a theory of literary affects
Number of Objects: 1
Kernel methods in finance
Number of Objects: 2
Kernel-Based Biodiesel Production from Non-Edible Oil Seeds: Techniques, Optimization, and Environmental Implications
Number of Objects: 1
A kernelisation approach for multiple d-hitting set and its application in optimal multi-drug therapeutic combinations
Number of Objects: 1
Kernelized sparse Bayesian matrix factorization
Number of Objects: 1
Ketamine anesthesia helps preserve neuronal viability
Number of Objects: 1
Ketamine as a rescue treatment for severe acute behavioural disturbance: A prospective prehospital study
Number of Objects: 1
Ketamine as rescue treatment for difficult-to-sedate severe acute behavioral disturbance in the emergency department
Number of Objects: 1
Kevin Rudd's Monthly essay and the essaying of an Australian tradition of political thought
Number of Objects: 1
Key attributes of patient-safe communication
Number of Objects: 1
Key attributes of therapeutic communication
Number of Objects: 1
Key beliefs influencing young drivers’ engagement with social interactive technology on their smartphones: a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
Key components in the development of senior executives in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Key Considerations When Addressing Physical Inactivity and Sedentary Behaviour in People with Asthma
Number of Objects: 1
Key Determinants of Knowledge Sharing (KS) and the Building of Competitiveness in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Sabah, Malaysia: A case study.
Number of Objects: 1
Key drivers for implementing international construction joint ventures (ICJVs): global insights for sustainable growth
Number of Objects: 1
The Key Factors for the Fate and Transport of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil With Related in/ex Situ Measurement Methods: An Overview
Number of Objects: 1
Key factors in determining the magnitude of vorticity in turbulent plane wakes
Number of Objects: 1
Key factors in the sustainability of languages and music: a comparative study
Number of Objects: 1
Key factors influencing the decision to adopt industrialised building systems technology in the Malaysian construction industry: an inter-project perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Key features of a trauma-informed public health emergency approach: A rapid review
Number of Objects: 1
Key features of the Hunter Valley wine cluster
Number of Objects: 1
Key influences identified by first year undergraduate nursing students as impacting on the quality of clinical placement: a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 2
Key influences on aspirations for higher education of Australian school students in regional and remote locations: a scoping review of empirical research, 1991-2016
Number of Objects: 1
Key issues for implementation of environmental planning policy: construction management practice
Number of Objects: 1
Key issues, challenges, and preferred supports for those bereaved by suicide: Insights from postvention experts
Number of Objects: 1
Key Lessons From the COVID-19 Public Health Response in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Key mechanisms underlying damage and repair processes in sites of secondary neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke
Number of Objects: 1
Key opinion leaders: independent experts or drug representatives in disguise?
Number of Objects: 1
Key performance aspects of an LTE FDD based Smart Grid communications network
Number of Objects: 2
Key pillar theory in the chain failure of residual coal pillars and its application prospect
Number of Objects: 1
Key relational contracting practices affecting performance of public construction projects in China
Number of Objects: 1
The key role of terminators on the expression and post-transcriptional gene silencing of transgenes
Number of Objects: 1
Key solutions for construction and demolition (C&D) waste management in NSW, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
A Keynesian critique of recent applications of risk-sensitive control theory in macroeconomics
Number of Objects: 1
A Keynesian critique of the new enfant terribles of quantitative finance
Number of Objects: 1
The keys of keyboard-based writing: Student and classroom-level predictors of keyboard-based writing in early primary
Number of Objects: 1
The keystone flap: not an advance, just a stretch
Number of Objects: 2
Khmer mixed dish recipes
Number of Objects: 1
Kick-Smart Education: promoting academic achievement, fitness and wellbeing in primary school-aged children through martial arts
Number of Objects: 1
Kick.it: The development of an evidence-based smoking cessation smartphone app
Number of Objects: 1
The kidnapping of Aboriginal people in colonial Queensland 1859-1897: labour, violence and government inaction
Number of Objects: 1