The kinetic reactions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in aqueous amine solutions for post combustion capture processes
Number of Objects: 2
A kinetic study of a modified fine coal agglomeration process
Number of Objects: 2
A kinetic study of microwave and fluidized-bed drying of a Chinese lignite
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetic-potential energy shaping for mechanical systems with applications to tracking
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics and catalytic efficiency of soil fluorescein diacetate hydrolase under the pesticide parathion stress
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics and Design Parameter Determination for a Calciner Reactor in Unique Conditions of a Novel Greenhouse Calcium Looping Process
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics and mechanism of carbamate formation from CO₂(aq), carbonate species, and monoethanolamine in aqueous solution
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics and mechanism of catalytic oxidation of NO in coal combustion flue gas over co-doped Mn-Ti oxide catalyst
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of CO(aq), HCO with primary and secondary amines in aqueous solution
Number of Objects: 1
The kinetics of colloidal aggregation: influence of the van der Waals forces
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of Decomposition of PFOS Relevant to Thermal Desorption Remediation of Soils
Number of Objects: 1
The kinetics of fast flotation using the reflux flotation cell
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of flotation. Order of process, rate constant distribution and ultimate recovery
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of fluoride removal from spent pot liner leachate (SPLL) contaminated groundwater
Number of Objects: 1
The kinetics of fluoride sorption by zeolite: effects of cadmium, barium and manganese
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of Mn₂O₃ digestion in H₂SO₄ solutions
Number of Objects: 2
Kinetics of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids when co-administered with saturated or omega-6 fats
Number of Objects: 2
Kinetics of PAH degradation by a new acid-metal-tolerant Trabulsiella isolated from the MGP site soil and identification of its potential to fix nitrogen and solubilize phosphorous
Number of Objects: 2
Kinetics of particle settling during solvent evaporation
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of solid-gas reactions and their application to carbonate looping systems
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of the reversible reaction of CO2(aq) and HCO 3- with sarcosine salt in aqueous solution
Number of Objects: 2
Kinetics of the reversible reaction of CO2(aq) with taurate in aqueous solution
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of the reversible reaction of CO<sub>2</sub>(aq) with ammonia in aqueous solution
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetics of the thermally-induced structural rearrangement of γ-MnO₂
Number of Objects: 2
Kinetics, isotherms and adsorption–Desorption behavior of phosphorus from aqueous solution using zirconium–iron and iron modified biosolid biochars
Number of Objects: 1
Kinetostatic modeling of 3-RRR compliant micro-motion stages with flexure hinges
Number of Objects: 1
King, Peter, first Baron King (1669–1734)
Number of Objects: 2
Kinky profiles: effects of soil surface heating upon vertical dust concentration profiles in the Channel Country of western Queensland, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Kitchen advice
Number of Objects: 1
The kitchen garden movement on the Soviet home front, 1941-1945
Number of Objects: 1
Klepto-neoliberalism: authoritarianism and patronage in Cambodia
Number of Objects: 1
KMT2A and chronic inflammation as potential drivers of sporadic parathyroid adenoma
Number of Objects: 1
Knausgaard's My Struggle: the interplay of authority, structure, and style in autobiographical writing
Number of Objects: 2
Knee extensor strength differences in obese and healthy-weight 10-to 13-year-olds
Number of Objects: 2
A knife-edge measurement of the beam profile of STXM using a focussed ion beam milled metallic glass
Number of Objects: 2
kNN-Borůvka-GPU: a fast and scalable MST construction from <i>k</i>NN graphs on GPU
Number of Objects: 2
kNN-MST-Agglomerative: a fast and scalable graph-based data clustering approach on GPU
Number of Objects: 1
Knockdown of GRP78 enhances cell death by cisplatin and radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal cells
Number of Objects: 2
Knockout of glutathione peroxidase 5 down-regulates the piRNAs in the caput epididymidis of aged mice.
Number of Objects: 1
Knockout of RNA binding protein MSI2 impairs follicle development in the mouse ovary: characterization of MSI1 and MSI2 during folliculogenesis
Number of Objects: 1
Knockout of the tetraspanin Cd9 in the TRAMP model of de novo prostate cancer increases spontaneous metastases in an organ-specific manner
Number of Objects: 2
Know the game: Insights to help early career researchers successfully navigate academia
Number of Objects: 1
Know your stuff, show enthusiasm, keep it on message: factors influencing video engagement in two mechanical engineering courses
Number of Objects: 1
Know your tools-concordance of different methods for measuring brain volume change after ischemic stroke
Number of Objects: 1
Knowing how to get things done. Nurse Consultants as Clinical Leaders
Number of Objects: 1
Knowing me, knowing you: biosignals and trust in the surveillance economy
Number of Objects: 1
Knowing otherwise: restorying intuitive knowing as feminist resistance
Number of Objects: 1
Knowing scale: intelle©tual property rights, knowledge spaces and the production of the global
Number of Objects: 1
Knowing self: the ultimate goal of interfaith religious education
Number of Objects: 2
Knowing what we know about knowledge in social work: the search for a comprehensive model of knowledge production
Number of Objects: 1
Knowing: in medicine
Number of Objects: 1
Knowingly unfinished: exploiting the temporality of landscapes
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge about pandemic influenza and compliance with containment measures among Australians
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge and attitudes regarding smoking during pregnancy among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge and community in mathematics
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge and confidence of junior medical doctors in discussing and documenting resuscitation plans: a cross-sectional survey
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge and perception about climate change and human health: findings from a baseline survey among vulnerable communities in Bangladesh
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge and perception about stroke among an Australian urban population
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge and use of craniovertebral instability testing by Australian physiotherapists
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge based modelling framework for flexible manufacturing system
Number of Objects: 1
The knowledge building school: from the outside in, from the inside out
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge creation definition and measurement
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge creation in groups: the value of cognitive diversity, transactive memory, and openmindedness norms
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge creation measurement methods
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge creation through mobile social networks and its impact on intentions to use innovative mobile services.
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge discovery through SysFor - a systematically developed forest of multiple decision trees
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge flows in MNCs and HRM practices
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge graph model development for knowledge discovery in dementia research using cognitive scripting and next-generation graph-based database: a design science research approach
Number of Objects: 1
The knowledge growth and clincial decision making of student and experienced midwives: a comparative study
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge hiding in organizational crisis: The moderating role of leadership
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge in action: towards a Deleuze-Habermasian critique in/for education
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge integration as a driver of growth: the case of Indian IT firms
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge integration in organizations: an empirical assessment
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge integration mechanisms in high-technology business-to-business services vendors
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge management effectiveness and transformational leadership: a study of direct subsidy scheme schools in Hong Kong
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge management embedded in software engineering processes
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge management for fostering biostatistical collaboration within a research network: The RTRN case study
Number of Objects: 3
Knowledge management in small and medium enterprises: a structured literature review
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge management meets international human resource management: the case of Hong Kong
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge management practice in a community and allied health setting
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge management practice in a community and allied health setting: "Forget the wah wah, just give me a yes or a no"
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge management resources, firm-specific capabilities and performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hong Kong: a resource-based view
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge maps in open learning environments: an evaluation from learners' perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge of colorectal cancer risk factors and screening recommendations: a crosssectional study of regional Australian general practice patients
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge of health workers on snakes and snakebite management and treatment seeking behavior of snakebite victims in Bhutan
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge of proprietary and generic drug names among hospital prescribers: time to mandate generic prescribing?
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge of risk management strategies, and information and risk management preferences of women at increased risk for ovarian cancer
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge of stroke risk factors, warning symptoms, and treatment among an Australian urban population
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge of treatment intent among patients with advanced cancer: a longitudinal study
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge of, and participation in, advance care planning: a cross-sectional study of acute and critical care nurses' perceptions
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge sharing and theory of planned behavior: a bibliometric analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge sharing in the Malaysian construction industry
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge sharing within organizational boundaries of Hong Kong construction firms
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge sharing, absorptive capacity, innovation capability and competitive advantage in Hong Kong higher education industry
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge sharing: influences of trust, commitment and cost
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge transfer and absorptive capacity in Chinese companies
Number of Objects: 2
Knowledge transfer effects of clustering in dual configuration MNEs
Number of Objects: 1
Knowledge transfer in a turbulent context: the case of cruise tourism development in Newcastle, Australia
Number of Objects: 2