Immunohistochemical BAG1 expression improves the estimation of residual risk by IHC4 in postmenopausal patients treated with anastrazole or tamoxifen: a TransATAC study
Number of Objects: 1
Immunohistochemical investigation of nerve fiber presence and morphology in elderly cervical spine meniscoids
Number of Objects: 1
Immunohistochemistry for SDHB divides gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) into 2 distinct types
Number of Objects: 1
Immunological axis of berberine in managing inflammation underlying chronic respiratory inflammatory diseases
Number of Objects: 1
Immunological axis of curcumin-loaded vesicular drug delivery systems
Number of Objects: 1
Immunological decision-making: how does the immune system decide to mount a helper T-cell response?
Number of Objects: 1
Immunometabolism in obese asthma
Number of Objects: 1
Immunometabolism in obese asthmatics: are we there yet?
Number of Objects: 1
Immunomodulatory activities of pixatimod: Emerging nonclinical and clinical data, and its potential utility in combination with PD-1 inhibitors
Number of Objects: 1
Immunoregulatory therapies for inflammatory diseases
Number of Objects: 1
Immunosuppression for in vivo research: State-of-The-Art protocols and experimental approaches
Number of Objects: 2
Immunotherapy of distant metastatic disease
Number of Objects: 1
Immunotherapy-induced sarcoidosis in patients with melanoma treated with PD-1 checkpoint inhibitors: Case series and immunophenotypic analysis
Number of Objects: 2
Immutable laws of debt dynamics
Number of Objects: 1
Impact analysis of false data injection attacks on power system static security assessment
Number of Objects: 1
Impact and adaptation assessment of cyclone damage risks due to climate change
Number of Objects: 1
Impact and cost of the peer-led students as lifestyle activists programme in high schools
Number of Objects: 1
Impact and evaluation of an online culinary nutrition course for health, education and industry professionals to promote vegetable knowledge and consumption
Number of Objects: 1
Impact and mitigation of the emerging infectious disease chytridiomycosis on the endangered green and golden bell frog
Number of Objects: 2
Impact assessment of malaria vector control using routine surveillance data in Zambia: implications for monitoring and evaluation
Number of Objects: 1
Impact assessment of the Centre for Research Excellence in Stroke Rehabilitation and Brain Recovery
Number of Objects: 1
Impact assessment of the medical practice assisting (MPA) program in general practice in the hunter New England and central coast regions of Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Impact evaluation of an after-school cooking skills program in a disadvantaged community: back to basics
Number of Objects: 2
Impact factors and Contact Dermatitis (editorial)
Number of Objects: 2
Impact factors and the Journal of Travel Medicine (editorial)
Number of Objects: 1
Impact factors and the Journal of Travel Medicine (letter)
Number of Objects: 1
Impact factors, scientometrics and the history of citation-based research
Number of Objects: 2
Impact loading of functionally graded metal syntactic foams
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of 'Generation Y' occupational therapy students on practice education
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a 3-year multi-centre community-based intervention on risk factors for chronic disease and obesity among free-living adults: the Healthy Alberta Communities study.
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a child obesity intervention on dietary intake and behaviors
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a child obesity treatment intervention on parent child-feeding practices
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a childcare food service intervention on child dietary intake in care: an exploratory cluster randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 2
Impact of A Co-taught Handwriting Intervention for Kindergarten Children in A School Setting: A Pilot, Single Cohort Study
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a dissemination strategy on family day care educators' intentions to adopt outdoor free play guidelines introduced in response to COVID-19: a randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a father-daughter physical activity intervention: an exploration of fathers' experiences
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a father-daughter physical activity program on girls' social-emotional well-being: a randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a Father–Child, Community-Based Healthy Lifestyle Program: Qualitative Perspectives from the Family Unit
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a firm's dominant logic on dynamic capability deployment
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a fragmented regulatory environment on sustainable urban development design management
Number of Objects: 2
The impact of a history of poor mental health on health care costs in the perinatal period
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a hypothetical designated driver program on intended alcohol-related behavior: an RCT
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a male-only weight loss maintenance programme on social-cognitive determinants of physical activity and healthy eating: a randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a minimum unit price on wholesale alcohol supply trends in the Northern Territory, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a new post-operative care model in a rural hospital after total hip replacement and total knee replacement
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a Novel Anticoccidial Analogue on Systemic Staphylococcus aureus Infection in a Bioluminescent Mouse Model
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a parent psychoeducation group on treatment outcomes of suicidal young people
Number of Objects: 2
The impact of a physical activity intervention program on academic achievement in a Swedish elementary school setting
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a population based intervention to increase the adoption of multiple physical activity practices in centre based childcare services: a quasi experimental, effectiveness study
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a postdischarge smoking cessation intervention for smokers admitted to an inpatient psychiatric facility: A randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a power mobility device on occupational participation and quality of life for people with chronic diseases: A scoping review
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a promised financial incentive on response to a postal survey sent to Australian general practitioners: Dataset
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a radio access network capacity on the HSDPA link performance
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a regionally based translational cancer research collaborative in Australia using the FAIT methodology
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a school garden and cooking program on boys' and girls' fruit and vegetable preferences, taste rating, and intake.
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a self-guided, eHealth program targeting weight loss and depression in men: a randomized trial
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a smoke-free psychiatric hospitalization on patient smoking outcomes: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a social media campaign on reach, uptake, and engagement with a free web- and app-based physical activity intervention: the 10,000 Steps Australia Program
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a standardised intramuscular sedation protocol for acute behavioural disturbance in the emergency department
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a suicide prevention strategy on reducing the economic cost of suicide in the New South Wales construction industry
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a telephone-based health coaching intervention on anthropometric and health risk behaviour outcomes for people who have received treatment for a mental health disorder
Number of Objects: 2
Impact of a training intervention on use of antimicrobials in teaching hospitals
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of a web-based personally tailored physical activity intervention on depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life: Secondary outcomes from a randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of a weight loss intervention on diet quality and eating behaviours in people with obesity and COPD
Number of Objects: 3
The impact of a workplace-based weight loss program on work-related outcomes in overweight male shift workers
Number of Objects: 2
Impact of ACE2 on the susceptibility and vulnerability to COVID-19 a narrative review
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of adverse childhood experiences on the health and health behaviors of young Australian women
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of age on consumer attachment to celebrities and endorsed brand attachment
Number of Objects: 1
The Impact of Aging on Macroautophagy in the Pre-ovulatory Mouse Oocyte
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of alcohol and energy drink consumption on intoxication and risk-taking behavior
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of alcohol management practices on sports club membership and revenue
Number of Objects: 2
Impact of Alzheimer's disease in nine Asian countries
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of amino acids on postharvest senescence of leafy green vegetables
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of AMO (ability, motivation and opportunity) model on knowledge sharing in family controlled businesses in Hong Kong clothing industry
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of an alcohol consumption intervention in community sports clubs on safety and participation: an RCT
Number of Objects: 2
Impact of an emergency short stay unit on emergency department performance of poisoned patients
Number of Objects: 2
Impact of an extra-curricular school sport programme on determinants of objectively measured physical activity among adolescents
Number of Objects: 2
The impact of an implementation intervention that increased school's delivery of a mandatory physical activity policy on student outcomes: A cluster-randomised controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of an m-Health financial incentives program on the physical activity and diet of Australian truck drivers
Number of Objects: 2
The impact of an online cultural simulation activity on the development of speech pathology students' cultural empathy: A pilot study
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of an outpatient telestroke clinic on management of rural stroke patients
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of an undergraduate students' culture on their learning about mental health: A scoping review
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of antenatal care on neonatal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of antenatal care, iron-folic acid supplementation and tetanus toxoid vaccination during pregnancy on child mortality in Bangladesh
Number of Objects: 3
The impact of arm position and pulse pressure on the validation of a wrist-cuff blood pressure measurement device in a high risk population
Number of Objects: 1
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Branding: A Bibliometric Analysis (1982-2019)
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of asthma on mortality in older women: an Australian cohort study of 10,413 women
Number of Objects: 2
The impact of attrition in an 11-Year prospective longitudinal study of younger women
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of auditory variables on consonant production in babbling and early speech in children with moderate hearing loss – a longitudinal study
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of Australian language policies on Chinese language teaching
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of avoiding post-operative urinary catheters on outcomes following colorectal resection in an ERAS programme: no IDUC and ERAS programmes
Number of Objects: 2
Impact of backscattered radiation from the bunker structure on EPID dosimetry
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of bare and CMC-coated Fe oxide nanoparticles on microbial activity and immobilising zinc, lead, and cadmium in a contaminated soil
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of barium and cadmium on defluoridation by calcite: batch reactor and column tests
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of behavioural parent training on fathers' parenting: a meta-analysis of the Triple-P Positive Parenting Program
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of behavioural risk factors on death within 10 years for women and men in their 70s: absolute risk charts
Number of Objects: 2