Factors influencing adherence to home-based exercises among community-dwelling stroke survivors in India: a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing choice of skilled birth attendance at ANC: evidence from the Kenya demographic health survey
Number of Objects: 2
Factors influencing contraceptive use or non-use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing decision-making in postoperative pain management of older people: a critical ethnography
Number of Objects: 2
Factors influencing decision-making processes for intensive care therapy goals: A systematic integrative review
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing diabetes-related foot ulcer healing in Australian adults: A prospective cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing fish assemblages of intermittently closed and open lakes and lagoons (ICOLLs) of the Central and Near-South Coasts of New South Wales, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Factors Influencing Higher Education Academics’ Acceptance of Augmented Reality Applications in Post-pandemic Era: Pilot Study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing lower extremity amputation outcomes in people with active foot ulceration in regional Australia: a retrospective cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing medical radiation science graduates’ early career principal place of practice: a retrospective cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing nursing and allied health recent graduates' rural versus urban preferred principal place of practice: a cross-sectional data linkage study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing nursing students' academic and clinical performance and attrition: an integrative literature review
Number of Objects: 2
Factors influencing nursing students' acceptance of electronic health records for nursing education (EHRNE) software program
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing parents' decision-making to complete childhood immunisation in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia: a mixed methods design
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing persistence of a threatened amphibian in restored wetlands despite severe population decline during climate change driven weather extremes
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing phytoplankton production in four coastal lagoons in NSW, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing post-disaster reconstruction project management for housing provision in the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territories
Number of Objects: 2
Factors influencing power and dependence for collaboration among construction project participants
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing project delivery within construction clients' multi-project environments
Number of Objects: 2
Factors influencing provision of preventive oral health care to adolescents attending public oral health services in New South Wales, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing provision of training in two business process outsourcing SMEs
Number of Objects: 3
Factors influencing risk of child abuse to improve risk assessment in child protective services
Number of Objects: 3
Factors influencing rural versus metropolitan work choices for emergency physicians
Number of Objects: 2
Factors influencing sedentary behaviours after stroke: findings from qualitative observations and interviews with stroke survivors and their caregivers
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing sedentary time and physical activity early after stroke: a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing serum caffeine concentrations following caffeine ingestion
Number of Objects: 2
Factors influencing student choice to study at private higher education institutions
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the ignition of flames from air-fired swirl pf burners retrofitted to oxy-fuel
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the implementation of midwifery continuity of care models in regional areas
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the implementation of site waste management plans on UK projects of all sizes.
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the physiological and perceptual decision-making demands of Australian football field umpires
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the willingness of community service organisation staff to provide smoking cessation support: a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the young physicians’ intention to use Internet of Things (IoT) services in healthcare
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing transfer of the learning organization concept to small to medium size firms in China
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing Web-based survey response for a longitudinal cohort of young women born between 1989 and 1995
Number of Objects: 1
The factors influencing, and the nature of their impact, on the ability of child and family health nurses to work in the Family Partnership Model with parents: a focused ethnography
Number of Objects: 2
Factors involved in the long term corrosion of concrete sewers
Number of Objects: 1
Factors involved in the long-term corrosion of buried cast iron
Number of Objects: 2
Factors other than defocus that influence emmetropization and eye growth in chicks
Number of Objects: 1
Factors predicting the need for splenectomy in children with blunt splenic trauma
Number of Objects: 2
Factors Predisposing Public Tertiary Education Building Projects to Risks
Number of Objects: 1
Factors regulating coronary blood flow in the normal and diseased heart
Number of Objects: 1
Factors related to high-risk movement behaviour in people with stroke who are highly sedentary and inactive
Number of Objects: 1
Factors related to previous tuberculosis treatment of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Bangladesh
Number of Objects: 2
Factors related to thumb pain in physiotherapists
Number of Objects: 1
Factors related to vaccine uptake by young adult women in the catch-up phase of the National HPV Vaccination Program in Australia: results from an observational study
Number of Objects: 1
Factors relating to sustainability and scalability of the 'Food, Move, Sleep (FOMOS) for Postnatal Mental Health' program: Qualitative perspectives from key stakeholders across Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Factors relating to the decision-making performance of Australian football officials
Number of Objects: 2
Factors shaping e-feedback utilization following electronic objective structured clinical examinations
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that affect corporate governance practices in Saudi Arabian listed banks
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that differentiate acceleration ability in field sport athletes
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that impact on sleep in intensive care patients
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that influence Hong Kong consumers' purchases of function-oriented personal products
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that influence the implementation of dietary guidelines regarding food provision in centre based childcare services: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that influence the preventive care offered to adolescents accessing public oral health services, NSW, Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Factors that influence the professional resilience of occupational therapists in mental health practice
Number of Objects: 2
Factors that Influence Women's Decision on the Mode of Birth After a Previous Caesarean Section: A Meta-ethnography
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that influence workplace location choices in the different allied health professions: A systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that may influence midwives work-related stress and burnout
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that positively influence breastfeeding duration to 6 months: a literature review
Number of Objects: 2
Factors that predict evidence use by Australian perioperative nurses
Number of Objects: 1
Factors to consider during the implementation of nutrition and physical activity trials for people with psychotic illness into an Australian community setting
Number of Objects: 1
Factors Underlying Patient and Surgeon Willingness to Participate in a Placebo Surgery Controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Factors underlying the concept of risk acceptance in the context of flood-prone land use
Number of Objects: 1
Faculty development for organizational change
Number of Objects: 2
Faecal microbial transfer and complex carbohydrates mediate protection against COPD
Number of Objects: 1
The failed full employability paradigm
Number of Objects: 2
Failure analysis and structural reliability of unreinforced masonry veneer walls: Influence of wall tie corrosion
Number of Objects: 1
Failure analysis of an infinite unsaturated soil slope
Number of Objects: 1
Failure behaviors of granitic rocks induced by point/local loads under biaxial compression stress state
Number of Objects: 1
Failure behaviour of sandwich composites made of perlite/sodium silicate foam core and paper as skin under flexural loading
Number of Objects: 1
Failure characteristics and the damage evolution of a composite bearing structure in pillar-side cemented paste backfilling
Number of Objects: 1
Failure in accretionary wedges with the maximum strength theorem: numerical algorithm and 2D validation
Number of Objects: 1
Failure of collateral blood flow is associated with infarct growth in ischemic stroke
Number of Objects: 1
Failure Prediction of Mild-Steel Welds due to Climate Change Influenced Marine Corrosion
Number of Objects: 1
Failure response characteristics and mechanism of coal-backfilling structures in single pillar-side backfilling
Number of Objects: 1
A failure surface for circular footings on cohesive soils
Number of Objects: 1
Failure to thrive in an Australian context: a clinical profile
Number of Objects: 1
Failures and successes: Soviet and Chinese State-Socialist reforms in the face of global capitalism
Number of Objects: 1
Failures of cognitive control or attention?: The case of stop-signal deficits in schizophrenia
Number of Objects: 2
Fair go for fair reporting
Number of Objects: 1
Fairness and convergence results for additive-increase multiplicative-decrease multiple-bottleneck networks
Number of Objects: 2
Fairness and inclusion: Online learning as an enabler of Australian higher education policies aimed at student equity and social justice
Number of Objects: 1
The Fairy Shrimp genus Branchinella Sayce, 1903 (Crustacea: Anostraca: Thamnocephalidae) in South Australia and the Northern Territory, including descriptions of three new species
Number of Objects: 1
A Fairy Tale Gone Wrong: Social media, Recursive Hate and the Politicisation of Drag Queen Storytime
Number of Objects: 1
Fairytales and make-believe, or spinning stories about Poros and Penia in Plato's Symposium: a literary and computational analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Faith in freedom: Muslim immigrant women experiences of domestic violence
Number of Objects: 1
Faith, hope and charity
Number of Objects: 2
Faithful codex: a theological account of early Christian books
Number of Objects: 1
Fake news detection in low-resource languages: A novel hybrid summarization approach
Number of Objects: 1
Falka (poster)
Number of Objects: 1
Fall-related health service use in Stepping On programme participants and matched controls: a non-randomised observational trial within the 45 and Up Study
Number of Objects: 1
The fallacy of school grades: exploring the myth that public shaming leads to school improvement
Number of Objects: 1
Falling in love outwards: eco-social work and the sensuous event
Number of Objects: 1
Falls, injuries from falls, health related quality of life and mortality in older adults with vision and hearing impairment: is there a gender difference?
Number of Objects: 2
False data injection attacks against modern power systems: modelling and countermeasures
Number of Objects: 2
False data injection attacks targeting DC model-based state estimation
Number of Objects: 2