Effect of coal on mine tailings' water permeability and water retention
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of coal type and pyrolysis temperature on the electrochemical activity of coal at a solid carbon anode in molten carbonate media
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of coastal seawater temperature on corrosion of steel with different carbon contents
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of colloidal substrate curvature on pH-responsive polyelectrolyte brush growth
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of combinations of iron-bearing minerals and quartz on coke reactivity
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of communication skills training on radiation therapy student's confidence and interactions during their first clinical placement
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of community interventions on alcohol-related assault in Geelong, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of compost and microbial inoculum on spoil carbon, water stable aggregation of spoil and the growth of native plants at Mount Owen Mine
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of Compost and Vermicompost Amendments on Biochemical and Physiological Responses of Lady’s Finger (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Grown under Different Salinity Gradients
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of compressed ice-shelf on acoustic-gravity wave propagation in a compressible ocean having elastic bottom
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of computerised prescribing on use of antibiotics
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of concurrent training on physical performance and quality of life in children with malignancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of constitutive behaviour of strata on the prediction of subsidence above single-seam and multi-seam supercritical longwall panels
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of construal level on time perceptions, confidence in judgements and future preferences
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of context in rural mental health care: understanding integrated services in a small town
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of context on performance of an acute medical unit: experience from an Australian tertiary hospital
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of continuous exposure to low levels of ethylene on mycelial growth of postharvest fruit fungal pathogens
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of convective heating on evaporative heat loss in anesthetized children
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of copper and iron fortifications on rheological properties of water-in-oil spreads containing κ-carrageenan
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of core temperature and embolic load during cardiac surgery on motion perception
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of corporate downsizing on the commitment, retention and trust of middle management
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of corporate governance on the extent and quality of corporate internet disclosures: evidence from Australia
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of corporate image in the formation of customer loyalty: an Australian replication
Number of Objects: 1
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Religiosity, Individual Social Responsibility, and Corporate Financial Performance in South Korea
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of corrosion on the structural reliability of steel offshore structures
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of course integrated mindfulness and resilience training on students’ level of psychological well-being
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of CPAP in normalizing daytime sleepiness, quality of life, and neurocognitive function in patients with moderate to severe OSA
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of cryogenic temperature equal channel angular pressing on microstructure, bulk texture and tensile properties of AA1050
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of curing hepatitis C with direct-acting antiviral treatment on endothelial function
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of customised preformed foot orthoses on gait parameters in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A multicentre randomised clinical trial
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of Cytisine vs Varenicline on Smoking Cessation A Randomized Clinical Trial
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of daily aerobic cycling exercise on sleep quality during inpatient cannabis withdrawal: A randomised controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of dairy probiotic combinations on in vitro gastrointestinal tolerance, intestinal epithelial cell adhesion and cytokine secretion
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of decontamination procedures on the pharmacodynamics of venlafaxine in overdose
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of decontamination procedures on the pharmacokinetics of venlafaxine in overdose
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of defect disorder on the electronic structure of rutile TiO2-x
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of Desilication On the Catalytic Activity of Fe-FER For Direct, Selective, Partial Oxidation of Methane
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of diabetes during pregnancy on fetal renal parenchymal growth
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of diabetic neuropathy on foot bones: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of dialectical behaviour therapy skills training on suicidality in borderline personality disorder
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of dietary patterns on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in North Shewa, Ethiopia: A propensity score matched case-control study
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of dietary patterns on maternal morbidity (anaemia and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy) in Ethiopia
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of dietary supplementation of green tea catechins on cardiovascular disease risk markers in humans: a systematic review of cinical trials
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of Dietary Weight Loss and Macronutrient Intake on Body Composition and Physical Function in Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of diets rich in either saturated fat or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and supplemented with long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on plasma lipoprotein profiles
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of different co-foaming agents on PFAS removal from the environment by foam fractionation
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of different intensities of physical activity on cardiometabolic markers and vascular and cardiac function in adult rats fed with a high-fat high-carbohydrate diet
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of different X-wire calibration schemes on some turbulence statistics
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of disgust on oral immune function
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of dissolved LiCl on the ionic liquid-Au(111) interface: an <i>in situ</i> STM study
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of dissolved LiCl on the ionic liquid–Au(111) electrical double layer structure
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of disturbance regime on Darwinia glaucophylla (Myrtaceae) and its habitat
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of disturbance regimes on populations of Darwinia glaucophylla on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of divalent and monovalent salts on interfacial dilational rheology of Sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate solutions
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of drying conditions on physicochemical and antioxidant properties of vitex agnus-castus leaves
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of drying techniques and operating conditions on the retention of color, phenolics, and antioxidant properties in dried lemon scented tea tree (Leptospermum petersonii) leaves
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of economic uncertainty on narrow money demand and its stability in New Zealand: An empirical investigation
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of edible coatings on some quality characteristics of sweet cherries
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of egg yolk substitution by sweet whey protein concentrate (WPC) on physical properties of gelato ice cream
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of egg yolk substitution by sweet whey protein concentrate on some Gelato ice cream physical properties during storage
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of egg yolk substitution by sweet whey protein isolate (WPI), on physical properties of Gelato vanilla ice cream
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of egg yolk substitution by sweet whey protein isolate on texture, stability and colour of Gelato-style vanilla ice cream
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of electrolyte cation on the charge storage mechanism of manganese dioxide for electrochemical capacitors
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of electrolyte species on the adsorption of a cationic surfactant to silica: the common intersection point
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of electronic brief intervention on uptake of specialty treatment in hospital outpatients with likely alcohol dependence: pilot randomized trial and qualitative interviews
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of electronic brief intervention on uptake of specialty treatment in hospital outpatients with likely alcohol dependence: Pilot randomized trial and qualitative interviews.
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of electronic screening and brief intervention on hazardous or harmful drinking among adults in the hospital outpatient setting: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of electronic Word-Of-Mouth (eWOM) language on purchase persuasion
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of emerging nutraceutical interventions for clinical and biological outcomes in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of employee’s perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on leader–member exchange, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and job behaviour in China
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of end-range cervical rotation on vertebral and internal carotid arterial blood flow and cerebral inflow: a sub analysis of an MRI study
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of energy and traffic light labelling on parent and child fast food selection: a randomised controlled trial
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of environmental conditions and soil physicochemistry on phosphate stabilisation of Pb in shooting range soils
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of environmental humidity on static foam stability
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of erythropoietin on the severity of retinopathy of prematurity
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of esterically bonded agents on the monolayer structure and foamability of nano-silica
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of ethanol on the crystallization and phase transformation of MgCO3·3H2O in a MgCl2-CO2-NH3·H2O system
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of executive pay incentives on firm outcomes
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of exercise on vascular function and stiffness in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of exercise training on cutaneous microvascular reactivity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of extending dinoprostone pessary placement from 12 to 24h on the need for further mechanical cervical ripening
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of external loads and biological sex on coupling variability during load carriage
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of extraction conditions on total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of Carica papaya leaf aqueous extracts
Number of Objects: 3
Effect of extraction solvents and drying methods on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Helicteres hirsuta Lour. Leaves
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of extraction solvents and thermal drying methods on bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (Patricia White cultivar)
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of extraction solvents on recovery of bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties from macadamia (Macadamia tetraphylla) skin waste
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of family ownership, organizational leadership and incentive systems on knowledge sharing: an empirical study in moulding industry in southern China
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of fear of movement on the lives of people with chronic low back pain
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of feed solids concentration on flotation performance using the Reflux Flotation Cell
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of fentanyl on baroreflex control of circumflex coronary conductance
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of fish oil supplementation on hepatic and visceral fat in overweight men: a randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of flexure on rusting of ship's steel plating
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of floor reaction ankle foot orthosis on postural control in children with spastic cerebral palsy
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of flotation variables on the recovery of different particle size fractions in the froth and the pulp
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of flow unsteadiness on sorting and self-maintenance of pool-riffle sequences
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of flue gas impurities on the performance of a chemical looping based air separation process for oxy-fuel combustion
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of flux optimization on energy efficiency of induction motors in fan and pump applications
Number of Objects: 1