B Chromosomes in Wheat: Evolution, Functions and Breeding Potential
Number of Objects: 1
B-cell Lymphoma 6 (BCL6): From Master Regulator of Humoral Immunity to Oncogenic Driver in Pediatric Cancers
Number of Objects: 1
B-type natriuretic peptide: A new diagnostic tool for congestive heart failure
Number of Objects: 1
B2B marketing scholarship and the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs): A systematic literature review
Number of Objects: 1
Ba termination of Ge(001) studied with STM
Number of Objects: 1
Babaring lelakon: the use of "-ing" in Javanese genitive constructions
Number of Objects: 1
Babes in the Wood (poster)
Number of Objects: 1
Babies born with ambiguous genitalia: Developing an educational resource for Australian midwives
Number of Objects: 1
Baby boomer women ageing in place- childlessness, social policy and housing in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Babysitter killers and daughters of death: women, true crime and the media in 1970s Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Bachelor dad on her doorstep
Number of Objects: 1
Back analysis of settlement of Teven Road trial embankment using Bayesian updating
Number of Objects: 1
A back analysis scheme for refined soil stratification based on integrating borehole and CPT data
Number of Objects: 1
Back pain amongst mid-age Australian women: a longitudinal analysis of provider use and self-prescribed treatments
Number of Objects: 1
Back pain, mental health and substance use are associated in adolescents
Number of Objects: 1
Back to (non-)basics: an update on neutral and charge-balanced glycosidase inhibitors
Number of Objects: 1
Back to basic slags as a phosphorus source and liming material
Number of Objects: 1
Back to basics : a critique of the strengths perspective in social work
Number of Objects: 1
Back to my old self and life restarting: biographies of ageing in Beck's risk society
Number of Objects: 2
Back to swear one: a review of English language literature on swearing and cursing in Western health settings
Number of Objects: 1
Back to the Basics of SARS-CoV-2 Biochemistry: Microvascular Occlusive Glycan Bindings Govern Its Morbidities and Inform Therapeutic Responses
Number of Objects: 1
Back to the city: strategies for informal urban interventions: collaboration between artists and architects
Number of Objects: 1
Back to the city?: the re-berth of coal
Number of Objects: 2
Back to the Eosinophil: Resolvin Spatiotemporal Regulation
Number of Objects: 1
Back to the future, for better or worse? Meanings of marriage for young women in the Lower Hunter Region, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Back to the future: On the typography of electronic flight deck documentation
Number of Objects: 1
Back to zero? Precarious employment in academia amongst ‘older’ early career researchers, a life-course approach
Number of Objects: 1
Back-Analysis of Slope GNSS Displacements Using Geographically Weighted Regression and Least Squares Algorithms
Number of Objects: 1
Backarc basin and ocean island basalts in the Narooma Accretionary Complex, Australia: setting, geochemistry and tectonics
Number of Objects: 1
Background and objectives: multinationals matter
Number of Objects: 1
The backroads of AI: the uneven geographies of artificial intelligence and development
Number of Objects: 1
Backward mapping and the big idea: employing social constructionist theory in curriculum planning
Number of Objects: 1
Backward recognition masking and auditory N1 ERP enhancements at brief stimulus intervals
Number of Objects: 1
Backwards square completion MPC solution for real-time economic dispatch in power networks
Number of Objects: 1
Backyards and borderlands: research postcards from the he(art) of drama learning
Number of Objects: 2
Bacterial and ciliate biofilm community structure at different spatial levels of a salt lake meta-community.
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial community profile of the crude oil-contaminated saline soil in the Yellow River Delta Natural Reserve, China
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial community structure and metabolic potential in microbialite-forming mats from South Australian saline lakes
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial Infection Increases the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease: An Evidence-Based Assessment
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial interactome disturbance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease clinical stability and exacerbations
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial mineralization of phenanthrene on thermally activated palygorskite: a C-14 radiotracer study
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial sliding clamp inhibitors that mimic the sequential binding mechanism of endogenous linear motifs.
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial source tracking and shellfish contamination in a coastal catchment
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial subcellular architecture: recent advances and future prospects
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial toxins and sudden unexpected death in infancy (letter)
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial transcription as a target for antibacterial drug development
Number of Objects: 1
Bacterial transcription inhibitor of RNA polymerase holoenzyme formation by structure-based drug design: from in silico screening to validation
Number of Objects: 1
Bacteriological influence in the development of iron sulphide species in marine immersion environments
Number of Objects: 2
Bad is stronger than good for stigmatized, but not admired outgroups: meta-analytical tests of intergroup valence asymmetry in individual-to-group generalization experiments
Number of Objects: 1
Bad soap (letter)
Number of Objects: 2
Badiou and the philosophy of social work: a reply to Stephen Webb
Number of Objects: 1
Bag of features using sparse coding for gender classification
Number of Objects: 1
BAG3-dependent expression of Mcl-1 confers resistance of mutant KRAS colon cancer cells to the HSP90 inhibitor AUY922
Number of Objects: 1
Baker-type estimates for linear forms in the values of q-series
Number of Objects: 2
Bala ga’ lili: communicating, relating and co-creating balance through relationships of reciprocity
Number of Objects: 1
The balance between human maternal plasma angiotensin II and angiotensin 1-7 levels in early gestation pregnancy is influenced by fetal sex
Number of Objects: 2
Balance control of a simulated inverted pendulum on a circular base
Number of Objects: 1
Balance control of planar biped robots using virtual holonomic constraints
Number of Objects: 1
Balance outcomes from two small rural hospitals
Number of Objects: 1
Balance seeking opinion dynamics model based on social judgment theory
Number of Objects: 1
A balance-evolution artificial bee colony algorithm for protein structure optimization based on a three-dimensional AB off-lattice model
Number of Objects: 1
A balance-training exercise programme for community-dwelling rural older people: evaluation by a mixed methods design
Number of Objects: 1
The balancing act: experts' opinions about the relative resourcing of tobacco control efforts for the general population versus disadvantaged populations
Number of Objects: 2
Balancing biography and institutional history: Eric Worrell's Australian Reptile Park
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing business imperatives and leveraging capability: a model for research data management
Number of Objects: 2
Balancing changes to construction education in the 21st century: exploring the challenges construction educators face in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Balancing cognitive diversity and mutual understanding in multidisciplinary teams
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing competing objectives in coastal entrance management
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing costs and benefits in Vietnam's hydropower industry: a strategic proposal
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing defence service experience and technical skills to deliver simulation workforce capability: a case study
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing distributor and customer benefits of battery storage co-located with solar PV
Number of Objects: 2
Balancing economic and other discourses in the internationalization of higher education in South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
Balancing external adaptation and internal effectiveness: achieving better brand performance
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing fleet size and repositioning costs in LTL trucking
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing health care education and patient care in the UK workplace: a realist synthesis
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing personal autonomy and social connectedness: the role of new religious movements or 'cult' membership from the perspective of former members
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing privacy and utility in cross-company defect prediction
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing risk and reward to develop an optimal hot-hand game
Number of Objects: 2
Balancing sustainable development: Assessing global environmental risks in the mineral industry operations
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing the effectiveness and cost of online education: A preliminary realist economic evaluation
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing the needs of the many and the few: where next for adult asthma guidelines?
Number of Objects: 1
Balancing the risks, benefits, and costs of Homeland Security
Number of Objects: 1
The Bali Nine, capital punishment and Australia's obligation to seek abolition
Number of Objects: 1
Ballet in a Box: Iso-Ballet, Lockdown, and the Reconstruction of the Domestic Space
Number of Objects: 1
The Ballina soft soil field testing facility
Number of Objects: 1
A ballistic model of choice response time
Number of Objects: 2
Ballistic pendulum experiments and escalator bullet traps
Number of Objects: 1
The balloon and the book: on Calvin and the Bible
Number of Objects: 1
Balloon catheters versus vaginal prostaglandins for labour induction (CPI Collaborative): an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Number of Objects: 1
Balwalwanga bhulungs: we are strong women
Number of Objects: 3
Bamboo- and pig-derived biochars reduce leaching losses of dibutyl phthalate, cadmium, and lead from co-contaminated soils
Number of Objects: 1
Ban on commercial fishing in the estuarine waters of New South Wales, Australia: community consultation and social impacts
Number of Objects: 1
Banach spaces that admit support sets
Number of Objects: 1
A band without walls at the end of the world: The Green Mist, Next Stop Antarctica and the Tasmanian geographic imaginary
Number of Objects: 3
Banding of fertilizer improves phosphorus acquisition and yield of zero tillage maize by concentrating phosphorus in surface soil
Number of Objects: 1
Bandpass pseudo prolate shift frames and Riesz bases
Number of Objects: 2
Bandwidth adaptation by squeezing idle traffic in browsers: An active window detection based approach for next generation networks
Number of Objects: 1
Bandwidth usage—based detection of signaling attacks
Number of Objects: 1
Bangawarra naa
Number of Objects: 1