Current global status of male reproductive health
- Creator: De Jonge, Christopher K. , Barratt, Christopher L. R. , Kimmins, Sarah , Krausz, Csilla , McLachlan, Robert I. , Niederberger, Craig , O'Bryan, Moira K. , Pacey, Allan , Priskorn, Lærke , Rautakallio-Hokkanen, Satu , Serour, Gamal , Veltman, Joris A. , Aitken, R. John , Vogel, DL , Vazquez-Levin, MH , Anderson, Richard A. , Baker, Peter , Chan, David Y. L. , Connolly, Mark P. , Eisenberg, Michael L. , Garrido, Nicolas , Jørgensen, Niels
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Conception and early pregnancy in the mare: lipidomics the unexplored frontier
- Creator: Lawson, Edwina F. , Grupen, Christopher G. , Baker, Mark A. , Aitken, R. John , Swegen, Aleona , Pollard, Charley Lea , Gibb, Zamira
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
It takes a community to conceive: an analysis of the scope, nature and accuracy of online sources of health information for couples trying to conceive
- Creator: Kedzior, Sophie G. E. , Bianco-Miotto, Tina , Fullston, Tod , Gardiner, Maria , Brown, Hannah M. , Rumbold, Alice R. , Breen, James , Diener, Kerrilyn R. , Donnelley, Martin , Dunning, Kylie R. , Penno, Megan A. S. , Schjenken, John E. , Sharkey, David J. , Hodyl, Nicolette A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
MicroRNA regulation of immune events at conception
- Creator: Robertson, Sarah A. , Zhang, Bihong , Chan, Honyueng , Sharkey, David J. , Barry, Simon C. , Fullston, Tod , Schjenken, John E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Parental smoking and risk of childhood brain tumors
- Creator: Milne, Elizabeth , Greenop, Kathryn R. , Scott, Rodney J. , Ashton, Lesley J. , Cohn, Richard J. , de Klerk, Nicholas H. , Armstrong, Bruce K.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013